Writing a memo
Tina opened the memo form in her word processing software. She typed up a memo and printed it out. She proofread it and showed it to her boss. Then she made copies and distributed them. (Tina mở mẫu thư báo trong phần mềm soạn thảo văn bản. Cô ấy đánh thư báo vào máy và in ra. Cô ấy ...
Tina opened the memo form in her word processing software. She typed up a memo and printed it out. She proofread it and showed it to her boss. Then she made copies and distributed them.
(Tina mở mẫu thư báo trong phần mềm soạn thảo văn bản. Cô ấy đánh thư báo vào máy và in ra. Cô ấy dò lỗi và trình sếp. Sau đó cô ấy sao ra nhiều bản và phân phát chúng).
1. Vocabulary:
Distribute: phân phát
Make copies: sao, phô tô
Print out: in ra
Proofread: đọc (kiểm tra lỗi)
Show: biểu lộ
Type up: đánh máy
Write: viết
Boss: sếp
Memo: thông báo (nội bộ)
Memo form: mẫu thông báo
Recipient: người nhận
Sender: người gửi
Subject: chủ đề
Typist: người đánh máy
Word-processing software: phần mềm soạn thảo văn bản
2. For special attention:
- A memo, or memorandum, is a note someone sends to other people in the same company. It is less formal than a letter.
- A recipient is someone who receives something.
- When you proofread something, you check it for mistakes.
3. A memo form:
March 14, 2015
To: All Sales Staff
From: Tina Perez
Subject: Introducing a new Sales Manager
Last week we had an interview and after a period time of taking that into consideration, we have just appointed David as the new Sales Manager for our subsidiary in WP.
There will be a meeting on Monday in the subsidiary meeting room. On be half of the HR department, I hope that all of you could come. Thanks for your promt attention to this. Anyway if you can't present that time, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Tina Perez
HP Manager.
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