14/01/2018, 15:34

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Lý Chính Thắng, Hà Tĩnh

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Lý Chính Thắng, Hà Tĩnh Đề thi thử Đại học môn Tiếng Anh năm 2016 có đáp án Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án Trong ...

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Lý Chính Thắng, Hà Tĩnh

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Trong bài viết này, VnDoc xin giới thiệu  có kèm đáp án cụ thể giúp các em học sinh ôn thi Đại học năm 2016 đạt kết quả tốt. Sau đây mời các em cùng làm bài nhé!

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia 2015 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Đại học Vinh (lần 1)

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2016 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội (lần 2)

20 đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia 2015 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Trần Phú, Hà Tĩnh

Mã đề 223

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. lean              B. teammate             C. beacon              D. overhead

Question 2: A. booked         B. missed                 C. described          D. pronounced

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following question.

Question 3: A. capture         B. ensure                  C. pleasure             D. picture

Question 4: A. particular       B. circumstances      C. advertisement     D. environment

Question 5: A. psychiatry     B. inexpensive          C. patriotic               D. scientific

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 6: Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night.

                                                    A                           B                C                       D

Question 7: We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on

                                             A                            B                          C              D

it on our test tomorrow.

Question 8: Professor Jones said that a good way to improve your language are learning to practise

                                             A                                 B                              C                      D


Question 9: Helen likes to listen to music, to go to the cinema, to chat on the phone and going shopping.

                                            A                             B                             C                              D

Question 10: Many people have found the monotonous buzzing of the vuvuzela in the 2010-World-Cup

                       A                                              B                                                             C

matches so annoyed.


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 11: People _________can speak English can be understood in many countries.

A. whose               B. who                              C. whom                          D. which

Question 12: If she ________ sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.

A. wasn't               B. hadn't been                    C. hasn't been                  D. weren't

Question 13: ________you do better work than this, you won't pass the exam

A. If                      B. Although                        C. When                          D. Unless

Question 14: Nam's score on the test is the highest in the class; he _________ hard last night.

A. should have studied                     B. may have to study

C. must have studied                       D. could have studied

Question 15: The government travel health advisory body recommends that pregnant women should "consider _________ travel" to areas where Zika outbreaks are currently reported.

A. to avoid             B. avoiding                        C. being avoided               D. avoid

Question 16: I'd prefer to do it _________ myself, because other people make me nervous.

A. on                     B. in                                 C. by                                D. at

Question 17: After John _________ a rough outline of the model, he will begin painting.

A. had drawn          B. has drawn                     C. has been drawn            D. is drawing.

Question 18: To our surprise, the so-called cheap shop was ________ was expected.

A. as twice as expensive                B. expensive as twice as

C. twice as expensive as                D. as expensive as twice

Question 19: The picture is _________; the thief will be most disappointed when he tries to sell it

A. invalid                B. priceless                      C. worthless                      D. unprofitable

Question 20: We regret to tell you that the materials you have ordered are ________

A. out of work         B. out of stock                  C. out of order.                   D. out of reach

Question 21: Sir Bobby Charton scored so many goals for Manchester United that no players of the club have ________ him so far.

A. come up with      B. caught up with              C. put up with                     D. look up to

Question 22: We bought some __________

A. old lovely German glasses               B. German old lovely glasses

C. German lovely old glasses               D. lovely old German glasses

Question 23: Toxic chemicals in the air and land, contaminated water and increased water temperatures have also driven many spices to the verge _________ extinction.

A. for                     B. in                                  C. to                                  D. of

Question 24: If you run _________Nam, give him my best wishes.

A. over                   B. up                                 C. into                               D. to

Question 25: The primary causes of species extinction result _________habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and pollution.

A. in                       B. of                                  C. for                                 D. from

Question 26: ________successful 'hydrogen bomb' test when many countries reacted with condemnation and suspicion

A. Hardly North Korea had claimed               B. Hardly had North Korea claimed

C. No sooner North Korea had claimed         D. No sooner had North Korea claimed

Question 27: People who suffer from lung _________ should not smoke.

A. disease              B. sickness                         C. illness                          D. ill health

Question 28: Nga: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?" Nam: " _________"

A. Yes, it's an absurd idea.                          B. Well, that's very surprising.

C. Of course not. You bet !                          D. There's no doubt about it

Question 29: " Happy New Year! " "_________"

A. Thank you, I am very happy to hear that.

B. Thank you, I am too.

C. Thank you, the same to you.

D. Thank you. I wish you a happy birthday.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 30: Lack of water and nutrients has impeded the growth of these cherry tomato plants.

A. promoted              B. assisted                   C. realized                D. prevented

Question 31: I take my hat off to all those people who worked hard to get the contract.

A. respect                 B. discourage               C. detest                   D. dislike

Question 32: The sale of drugs is controlled by law in most countries.

A. permitted              B. restricted                 C. illegal                     D. binding

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 33 to 42.


The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed (33) ___ the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It (34)_____ like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. (35) ____, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident discouraged further development until cars became common.

(36) ____ traffic lights are an American invention. Red – green systems were installed in Cleveland in 1914. Three - color signals, operated (37) _____ hand from a tower in the (38) _____ of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type to (39) ____ in Britain were in London, on the junction between St. James's Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed (40) ____ year later.

In the past, traffic lights were special. In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not just change silently, but would ring bells to (41) _____ the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been (42) ____ by standard models which are universally adopted.

Question 33: A. outside              B. out                      C.out of                  D. outdoors

Question 34: A. resembled          B. looked                 C. showed              D. seemed

Question 35: A. However            B. Therefore             C. Although             D. Despite

Question 36: A. New                  B. Recent                 C. Modern               D. Late

Question 37: A. by                     B. with                     C. through               D. in

Question 38: A. middle               B. heart                    C. focus                  D. halfway

Question 39: A. show                 B. appear                  C. happen               D. become

Question 40: A. a                       B. in the                   C. in a                     D. the

Question 41: A. rise                    B. raise                    C. wake                   D. get up

Question 42: A. reproduced         B. replaced               C. removed              D. remained

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 52.

Human Nutrition is the study of how food affects the health and survival of the human body. Human beings require food to grow, reproduce, and maintain good health. Without food, our bodies could not stay warm, build or repair tissue, or maintain the heartbeat. Eating the right foods can help us avoid certain diseases or recover faster when illness occurs. These and other important functions are fueled by chemical substances in our food called nutrients. Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

When we eat a meal, nutrients are released from food through digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth by the action of chewing and the chemical activity of saliva, a watery fluid that contains enzymes, certain proteins that help break down food. Further digestion occurs as food travels through the stomach and the small intestine, where digestive enzymes and acids liquefy food and muscle contractions push it along the digestive tract. Nutrients are absorbed from the inside of the small intestine into the bloodstream and carried to the sites in the body where they are needed. At these sites, several chemical reactions occur, which ensures the growth and function of body tissues. The parts of foods that are not absorbed continue to move down the intestinal tract and are eliminated from the body as feces.

Once digested, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide the body with the energy it needs to maintain its many functions. Scientists measure this energy in kilocalories, the amount of energy needed to raise one kilogram of water one degree Celsius. In nutrition discussions, scientists use the term calorie instead of kilocalorie as the standard unit of measure in nutrition.
Nutrients are classified as essential or nonessential. Nonessential nutrients are manufactured in the body and do not need to be obtained from food. Examples include cholesterol, a fatlike substance present in all animal cells. Essential nutrients must be obtained from food sources, because the body either does not produce them or produces them in amounts too small to maintain growth and health. Essential nutrients include water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

An individual needs varying amounts of each essential nutrient, depending upon such factors as gender and age. Specific health conditions, such as pregnancy, breast-feeding, illness, or drug use, make unusual demands on the body and increase its need for nutrients. Dietary guidelines, which take many of these factors into account, provide general guidance in meeting daily nutritional needs.

From "Human Nutrition" by Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie, Microsoft ® Student 2009.

Question 43: The first paragraph mainly discusses ______.

A. chemical substances in our food

B. a variety of essential nutrients to human beings

C. the importance of food to human beings

D. the study of human nutrition

Question 44: The word "released" in the second paragraph mostly means " "

A. refused               B. produced               C. expressed               D. renewed

Question 45: Which of the following is NOT true about the process of digestion

A. The small intestine covers the whole digestive system.

B. The small intestine helps the body absorb nutrients.

C. Nutrients are carried to different sites in the body

D. Saliva plays an important role in the first stage of digestion

Question 46: The word "maintain" in the paragraph is closest meaning to " "

A. obtain                     B. provide                     C. keep performing                   D. carry on making

Question 47: According to the passage, nutrients are absorbed ______.

A. over the whole body                         B. in the mouth

C. in the stomach                                 D. in the small intestine

Question 48: According to the passage, which of the following provides energy for the body?

A. Proteins, fats, and minerals

B. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

C. Carbohydrates, minerals, and water

D. Proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates

Question 49: In nutrition discussions, the standard unit used to measure nutrients is ________.

A. kilocalorie                   B. kilogram                              C. calorie                       D. gram

Question 50: The word "which" in the last paragraph refers to______.

A. general guidance         B. unusual demands                C. dietary guidelines        D. nutritional needs

Question 51: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Classification of nutrients

B. The body's need of nutrients

C. The effects of food on the body

D. Food sources from animals

Question 52: Through the passage, the author provides the readers with _______.

A. instructions                 B. some information               C. some proposal              D. orders

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 53: She is a very generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization.

A. mean                          B. kind                                  C. hospitable                    D. amicable

Question 54: After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.

A. guilty                           B. naive                                C. benevolent                   D. innovative