14/01/2018, 15:34

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Dân Hòa, Hà Nội năm học 2014 - 2015 (Vòng 2)

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Dân Hòa, Hà Nội năm học 2014 - 2015 (Vòng 2) Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 có ...

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Dân Hòa, Hà Nội năm học 2014 - 2015 (Vòng 2)

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án

là tài liệu ôn thi học sinh giỏi có kèm đáp án giúp các em học sinh hệ thống hóa kiến thức. Sau đây mời các em cùng làm bài nhé!

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Thanh Thùy, Thanh Oai năm 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Hạ Hòa, Phú Thọ năm học 2014 - 2015

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Hạ Hòa, Phú Thọ năm học 2015 - 2016

PART ONE: LISTENING (0.3 x 10 = 3.0 pts): Listen and fill in the missing words:

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't cause (1) ......... or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our (2) ......... . At present, most of our electricity comes form the use of coal, gas, (3) ........., or nuclear power. This power could be (4) ......... by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is (5) ......... to provide for the total population.

Many (6) ......... are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the (7) ......... of a house and the sun's energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a (8) ......... of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy too.

Sweden has an advanced solar energy (9) ......... . There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year (10) .........

PART TWO: PHONETICS (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. A. horses               B. houses                    C. faces                D. places

2. A. food                  B. look                        C. took                 D. good

3. A. cough                B. laugh                      C. though             D. rough

4. A. headache           B. character                 C. stomach          D. challenging

5. A. sound                B. southern                  C. drought           D. mountain

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. A. iron                    B. metal                      C. forest               D. dessert

2. A. opportunity         B. decoration               C. temperament     D. expectation

3. A. activity              B. electricity                 C. simplicity          D. pollution

4. A. explanation        B. experiment               C. achievement      D. discovery

5. A. interview            B. industry                   C. essential            D. difficult


I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (0.1 x 15 = 1,5 pts)

1. Lots of people ........yoga to relax.

A. give up                B. take up                    C. practise                     D. make

2. We.......a lot of sightseeing when we were in Athens.

A. did                      B. made                       C. saw                           D. had

3. All the boys are good at cooking, but ............... is as good as the girls.

A. either                  B. neither                      C. every                        D. none

4. The Smiths bought a very beautiful house ............. a fairly good price.

A. by                       B. of                             C. with                          D. at

5. If you don't mind, I ...........finish my coffee before leaving.

A. would                  B. would have                C. would like                 D. would rather

6. Nobody has eaten dinner, .................?

A. has he?               B. haven't they?             C. have they?               D. hasn't he?

7. Your house has ............ nice furniture.

A. such                   B. such a                       C. so                            D. so a

8. My dog as well as my cats ............twice a day.

A. eats                    B. eat                            C. has eaten                 D. have eaten

9. What a .............. car!

A. new small nice     B. new nice small           C. nice new small         D. nice small new

10. Our children are looking forward to .............. to the circus this weekend.

A. be taken              B. taking                       C. being taken               D. take

11. The Boing 747 is twice ............the Boing 707.

A. bigger than           B. as big as                  C. as bigger as              D. much big as

12. I am very grateful ............ your help.

A. to                        B. at                             C. with                          D. for

13. Tuyen Quang Province is well-known ............its historical and revolutionary sites.

A. for                       B. as                            C. after                          D. about

14. They didn't ............ to the station in time to catch the last train to Hue.

A. make                   B. get                           C. reach                         D. arrive

15. The bus won't stop ............ you ring the bell.

A. when                   B. if                               C. if not                         D. unless

II. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.1 x 10 = 1.0 pt)

a/ What do you think is the best solution ......(1) the problem?

b/ There has been a big increase .........(2) the price ...........(3) land recently.

c/ Paula is a wonderful photographer. She likes taking pictures ........(4) people.

d/ Mr Pike is away ...........(5) vacation this week

e/ My friend and I disagreed ............(6) that subject.

f/ I'm sure you will succeed ............(7) this entrance test.

g/ Parents are naturally anxious ...........(8) their children.

h/ We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes ...........(9) the sun.

i/ Children's play teaches them .........(10) their environment while they are having fun.

III. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

1. The child should be punished because of his bad ........... ( behave)

2. The ...........in this town are very friendly (reside)

3. Every week, there are two ...........from Ha Noi to Nha Trang. (fly)

4. We're very impressed by the ..........of your town's people. (friend)

5. All the newspapers praised the ..........of the firemen (brave)

6. It was ............not to write down the address. ( fool)

7. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ............. (wise)

8. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting .............over a long distance. (speak)

9. I like this website because it is .........for me. (use)

10. Flowers are often ............by bees as they gather nectar. (FERTILE)

IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs given in the box. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

1. I wish you (not eat) ..................all the food! I'm hungry.

2. I'd rather you (sit) ..................here.

3. I'm very interested (go) ..................to Japan on my holiday.

4. I don't know Hung's sister. I (never/meet) .................. her.

5. If more and more trees die, the climate (change) ...................

6. The glasses look very clean. You (wash) .................. them ?

7. She often (take) ......................... to the theater by The Greens.

8. My car (repair) .................. yesterday.

9. Your house ( rebuild) ................... next year ?

10. My car (not fix) . .................. yet.


I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.1 x 10 = 1.0 pt)

"My home is in the air – I do an enormous amount of traveling. It is a fast life and (1) ______ of work, but I like it and that is the only way (2) ______ me. Everything is tiring – music, traveling – but what can I do? I am not (3) ______ to complaining. It is hard to imagine now (4) ______ I will ever be very long in one place. My home town is on the Caspian Sea. There is sea, wind, sun and (5) ______ (many tourists and hotels. I have my own flat with four or five rooms, but I am seldom there. If I am there for a day or two I prefer to (6) ______ with my mother and grandmother. They live in a small house, (7) ______ it is very comfortable and my mother cooks for me. I like good, simple food.

I have no wife, no brothers or sisters and my father (8)______ when I was seven. He was an engineer and I don't (9)______ him very well. He liked music very much and wanted me to (10) ______ a musician."

1. A. most                B. full                          C. complete             D. more

2. A. for                    B. to                           C. in                        D. by

3. A. wanted              B. taken                     C. used                    D. known

4. A. and                   B. so                          C. while                   D. that

5. A. far                    B. too                          C. much                  D. more

6. A. stay                 B. go                            C. do                      D. spend

7. A. but                   B. since                        C. even                  D. which

8. A. killed                B. gone                         C. passed              D. died

9. A. know                B. remember                 C. remind               D. see

10. A. become          B. turn                          C. develop              D. grow

II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (0,2 x10 = 2.0pts)

In a village on the east coast of Scotland, people were waiting anxiously for news. Two of their fishing-boats (1)............... been caught in the storm (2)................ had blown up during the night. In the cottages round the harbour, people stood by their door, (3)................. worried to talk.

The rest of the fishing fleet had (4).............. the harbour before dark, and the men from these ships waited and watched with the wives and families of (5)............. missing men. Some had brought thick blankets and some flasks of hot drinks, knowing that the men (6)................. be cold and tired. As dawn began to break over in the east, a small point of light was spotted in the darkness of the water and a (7)............. minutes later, (8)............... was a shout. Before long, the two boats were turning in, past the lighthouse, to the inside of the harbour. The men (9)............ helped out of their boats, and although they were stiff (10)........ cold and tiredness, they were all safe.

III. Circle best option A, B, C or D to answer following questions (1.0pt)

The thing I like most about living on a farm when I was small was the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter - I could see them all come and go and each one was completely different. If I hadn't been born and raised in the country, I would have never been able to tell the difference - now in the city, you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegetables all the year round! Whereas, in the country, I could only eat things at certain times of the year - for example strawberries in June and turnipsin winter. I lived my childhood with the seasons.

Also we made most of our food and would never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything was fresh - so it must be better than the type of food I am taking now in the city. City people may think people in the country miss a lot of good things about modern life, but in my opinion they miss a lot more than them - they miss real life.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Comparison between life on a farm and that in the city.

B. Food in the country in comparison to that in the city.

C. Seasons in the country.

D. The author's childhood.

2. According to the author, the seasons on the farm were _______________ .

A. similar

B. very different from one another

C. beautiful

D. different from those in the city

3. What can be inferred from the passage about the experience of seasons in a year for the city people?

A. Seasons are similar

B. It may be difficult for them to tell seasonal difference

C. They see different seasons come and go

D. Food is similar in all four season

4. The word "them" in line 9 refers to _______________.

A. city people

B. four seasons

C. good things about modern life

D. people in the country

5. According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT that _______________.

A. there are four seasons in the country where the author used to live

B. the author was born and raised on a farm

C. people in the country eat the same type of food all the year round.

D. the author takes frozen and tinned food now


I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one. (0.2 x 5 =1.0 pt)

1. "Would you like to go out for a drink with me tonight?" he told me.

He invited __________________________________

2. I'm really sorry I didn't invite her to the party.

I really wish I_______________________________

3. Linda gave me that present on my 20th birthday.

That present ________________________________________

4. They couldn't move any further because of the thick fog.

The thick fog ______________________________________________________

5. We do not have enough money so we can't buy that house.

If ______________________________________________________________

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given in brackets. Do not change the words in any way. (0.2 x 5 =1.0 pt)

1. It's a long time since our last conversation. (spoken)


2. During dinner, the phone rang. (I)

When ..................................................................................

3. Please don't open the window. (you)

I'd .......................................................................................

4. Has she reported that problem to the boss? (hasn't)


5.Tuan's school is making him take his exams again. (made)


III. In about 200 words write about the effect of the Internet on our life. (2.5pts)