14/01/2018, 15:34

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Không chuyên lớp 11 trường THPT Liễn Sơn, Vĩnh Phúc năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Không chuyên lớp 11 trường THPT Liễn Sơn, Vĩnh Phúc năm học 2015 - 2016 Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 11 có file nghe và đáp án Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi ...

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Không chuyên lớp 11 trường THPT Liễn Sơn, Vĩnh Phúc năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 có file nghe và đáp án

Mời các em học sinh cùng quý thầy cô tham khảo  có kèm file nghe, đáp án và tapescript cụ thể. Sau đây mời các em cùng thử sức nhé!

Đề thi học sinh giỏi trại hè Hùng Vương lần thứ XI năm 2015 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 trường THPT Lương Ngọc Quyến, Thái Nguyên năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn đội tuyển chính thức HSG tỉnh lớp 11 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Quỳnh Lưu 3, Nghệ An năm 2014 - 2015 (Bảng A)

PART I. LISTENING (2 points)

Section 1. Listen and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. Question 1-5:



Full name                      Kirsty Allen

Address                        (1) ___________________ Windham Road, Richmond

Postcode                       (2)___________________ Home Tel: 020 8927 7651

Mobile. Tel                     (3)___________________

Flight number                 (4)___________________

Seat number                   (5)___________________

Question 6-8: Choose THREE letters from A to F. What items did Kirsty's bag contain?

A. 17 pounds           B. Pens                   C. Her passport

D. A book                E. 200 dollars           F. Her house keys

Question 9-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C, or D) that correctly answer questions 9 and 10.

9. What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card?

A. informed the police but not the credit card company.

B. informed the credit card company but not the police.

C. informed both the police and the credit card company.

D. informed neither the police nor the credit card company.

10. What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag?

A. Call back after one hour and a half.

B. Just wait for a call back

C. Call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing.

D. Call back the next day if she has heard nothing.

Section 2. Choose the correct answer.

11. The Counseling Service may contact tutors if _______________.

A. they are too slow in making assignments

B. they give students a lot of work

C. they don't inform students about their progress

D. they take students out too much

12. Stress may be caused by _____________.

A. new teachers                        B. time pressure

C. unfamiliar matter                   D. new teaching methods

13. International students may find stress difficult to handle because ______________.

A. they lack support from family and friends

B. they don't have time to make friends

C. they find it difficult to socialize

D. they are too shy

14. A personal crisis may be caused by ______________.

A. studying for too long overseas

B. problems in the student's country

C. disruptions to personal relationships

D. homesickness

15. Students may lose self- esteem if ______________.

A. they have to change courses

B. they don't complete a course

C. their family puts too much pressure on them

D. they have to work part-time

16. Students consult Glenda Roberts if ______________.

A. their general health is poor

B. their diet is too strict

C. they can't eat the local food

D. they become obese

17. Students in financial difficulties can receive ______________.

A. assistance to buy books

B. a loan to pay their course fees

C. a no-interest loan to cover study expenses

D. financial help from their friends

18. Loans are also available to students who______________.

A. can't pay their rent

B. need to buy furniture

C. can't cover their living expenses

D. need to buy reference books

19. The number counseled by the service last year was ______________.

A. 214                        B. 240

C. 2,600                     D. 340

20. The speaker thinks the Counseling Service ______________.

A. has been effective in spite of the staff shortages

B. is under-used by students

C. has suffered badly because of staff cuts

D. is not very effective


I. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

1. Millie's father accused her of _________.

A. trying not hard enough                 B. trying not hard enough

C. not trying hard enough                 D. trying not enough hard

2. The public library _________ to all readers who are interested in reading and doing research.

A. is opening                B. is open          C. is opened               D. is being opened

3. I bought some new shoes. They felt a bit strange_________ because I wasn't used to them.

A. first                         B. at first            C. firstly                     D. first of all

4. I quickly packed my new belongings and spent_________ money I had on a one-way ticket home.

A. little                        B. a little              C. the little                 D. a little of

5. She believes that all countries should_________ the death penalty as it is inhumane.

A. put down to             B. catch up on      C. get down to            D. do away with

6. Keep your ticket_________ you have to show it to an inspector.

A. if                            B. in case             C. unless                   D. supposing

7. He always_________ aside some time every day to read to his children.

A. sets                       B. leaves               C. spares                  D. lets

8. For the past few months she's been as a street_________ selling fruit and vegetable.

A. dealer                     B. trader                C. pusher                  D. vendor

9. I use weed-killer to _________ the weeds in the garden.

A. get rid of                 B. get out of           C. get away with        D. get in the way with

10. If there is new evidence that proves his innocence, it is likely that the authorities will _________ him from jail.

A. release                    B. relieve               C. remove                 D. rehabilitate

11. The defendant's lawyer wasn't very good and he was found _________ by the jury.

A. faulty                       B. mistaken           C. guilty                    D. sinful

12. The dish was so tasty that I asked for second _________.

A. helping                     B. portion               C. ration                   D. share

13. I'm amazed that this game ever _________- it is so silly!

A. took in                      B. caught on          C. took up                 D. caught by

14. "I'm sure the Whitleys were involved." - "They _________ have since they know nothing about the business."

A. can't                         B. wouldn't              C. shouldn't              D. mustn't

15. "Candy's an excellent pianist, isn't she?" – "She_________ to win the prize if she plays this well during the competition."

A. is due                       B. is bound              C. is about               D. is set

16. His friends offered to______ the next time he was in town so that he wouldn't have to pay for a hotel.

A. place him in              B. put him up           C. back him up         D. turn him out

17. Susan became so tired of city life that she decided to buy a piece of land _________.

A. out of the ordinary                         B. as the crow flies

C. far and away                                 D. in the middle of nowhere

18. My mind went _________ when the official asked me my phone number- I couldn't remember it at all.

A. empty                        B. clear                   C. blank                  D. vacant

19. During their first date, Jane had nervously peppered the conversation with___________ talk.

A. unimportant                B. tiny                     C. small                  D. trivial

20. We do go _________ in the office, but the odd rule gets broken from time to time.

A. by the book                 B. for a song           C. astray                 D. in phrases

II. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Before going to an interview, it is advisable to go through a mock interview. This will give you the opportunity to try out your technique and answers live. It is also a chance to receive feedback that is (21. BENEFIT)__________ in guiding you towards improving your interview style and general (22. PRESENT)_________. Just one mock interview will result in a (23. NOTICE)_________ improvement in your interview skill. Why? For the same reason that a (24. SPEAK)_________ doesn't exist while it is still on paper or floating in your head. It only exists when you give it (25. ORAL_________. The first time you give it in front of an audience, it will come out nothing like the one you prepared.

It is the same with being interviewed. It is not enough to look at a question and say, 'Yeah, I know the answer to that one.' You need to practise your answer live; this is not the time to talk to yourself in front of a mirror. Seek out a (26. PROFESSION)_________ and have the session videotaped. Then you will have two opinions – the interview's and your own. You will find you get a completely different (27. IMPRESS)________ when listening to yourself than when you are watching yourself saying something. Just as your voice always sounds different on tape, so do your (28. RESPOND)_________. You will be glad the image is captured on tape and not in a potential employer's mind. For maximum effect, you should (29. VISIT)________ your answers and go through a second mock interview. This should help with any (30. EASE)________ and give you more confidence for the real interview.