Mã nguồn của ActiveX Control
Khai báo các biến chung Option Explicit Private Type entry 'khai bao entry la muc kieu ban ghi name As String * 10 number As String * 10 location As Integer End Type ...
Khai báo các biến chung
Option Explicit
Private Type entry 'khai bao entry la muc kieu ban ghi
name As String * 10
number As String * 10
location As Integer
End Type
Private Type access 'khai bao access la mot kieu ban ghi
feature As String * 16 'luu giu ten tinh nang trong menu quick access
thutu As Integer
End Type
Private Type messages
tin As String * 25
sothutu As Integer
End Type
Private Type netselect
mang As String * 10
End Type
Dim found As Boolean 'la true khi tim thay entry can tim
Const filename3 = "c:menuquickaccess.lst"
Const filename = "c:entryphone.lst"
Const filename1 = "c:entrysim.lst"
Const filename2 = "c:entryprevent.lst"
Const filename4 = "c:messages.lst"
Const filetam = "c:filetam.lst"
Const filename5 = "c:filenetwork.list"
Const filename6 = "c:preferrednetwork.list"
Const filefixed = "c:fixeddialling.lst"
Dim i As Integer
Dim st1 As String
Dim lo As Integer 'bien luu location
Dim nu As String 'bien luu number
Dim st As String 'bien luu name
Dim vitri As Integer 'giu vi tri khi tim thay hoac di chuyen giua cac entry
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim prevent As Integer 'giu trang thai trong muc Prevent Access
Dim formattime As Boolean
Dim unlocked As String 'luu chuoi giai ma khi phone o trang thai lock
Dim line2 As Boolean 'co bang true khi line2 o trang thai ON
Dim securitycode As String
Dim pin2code As String 'luu chuoi ma PIN2
Dim advolume As Boolean 'bien co khi vao muc Adjust Ring Volume
Dim vol As Integer 'luu gia tri hien tai cua volume o muc thu bao nhieu
Dim menucon As Boolean 'bien giu vao menu con cua Find
Dim aftermouseup As Date
Dim aftermousedown As Date
Dim danhso As Boolean 'ghi trang thai ban phim la so
Dim cancle As Boolean
Dim longpress As Boolean 'khi nguoi su dung nhan va giu phim
Dim quickaccess As Boolean 'khi vao trong menu quickaccess
Dim orderinquick As Integer
Dim thu As Boolean 'bien co khi nhan va giu mot phim de vao menu quick access
Dim changecase As Boolean 'doi chu hoa thanh thuong va nguoc lai
Dim onetouchphone As Boolean 'goi so bang 1 phim trong bo nho may
Dim onetouchof As Byte 'nhan biet One Touch Dial cua muc nao
Dim messagelist As Boolean 'bien co khi vao trong danh sach message
Dim taomoi As Boolean 'bien co cho biet la tao tin nhan moi hay la thay doi tin nhan
Dim voicemailnumber As String 'luu so voicemail
Dim servicecentre As String 'luu so service centre
Dim expiryperiod As String 'bien luu gia tri max hour cua 1 tin nhan khi chua gui di trong message setting
Dim messagenumber As Integer 'so thu tu cua message
Dim editor As Boolean 'bien co khi hieu chinh tin nhan
Dim availablenetwork As Boolean 'bien khi lam viec trong muc available networks
Dim tam1 As Integer
Dim cancall As Boolean 'de biet mot so co the goi duoc hay khong
Dim setupfixed As Boolean 'trong muc setup fixed dialling
Dim listdial As Boolean 'bien co dung de di chuyen giua nhung muc trong danh sach Fixed Dial
Dim editentrylist As Boolean 'bien dung trong muc edit entry cua Fixed dial
Dim eraseentrylist As Boolean 'bien dung trong muc edit entry cua Fixed dial
Dim addentrylist As Boolean 'bien dung trong Add Entry cua Fixed Dialling
Dim callbarring As Boolean 'bien dung trong muc Call Barring
Dim barpassword As String 'luu ma chan cuoc goi
Dim showtime As Boolean
Dim luumuc As Integer 'luu muc trong menu quick access
Thủ tục khi nhấn phím chuột
Private Sub so_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
aftermousedown = Time
End Sub
Thủ tục khi thả chuột
Private Sub so_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim k As Integer
Dim st As String
Dim st1 As String
Static switch As Boolean
Dim starttime As Date
Dim menuaccess As access
Dim news As entry
Dim banghi As Byte
Dim j As Byte
Dim co As Boolean
aftermouseup = Time
starttime = aftermouseup - aftermousedown
If Second(starttime) > 2 Then
'xu ly khi user nhan va giu phim OK de vao bang chuc nang trong Quick Access
If Index = 13 And thu = True Then
If volume.Visible = True Then volume.Visible = False
tbnhap.Visible = True
Frame1.Height = 500
Frame1.Width = 1800
End If
showtime = False
tbnhap.Text = "Find by Name"
Image2.Visible = False
st = tbnhap.Text
longpress = True
cancle = True
danhso = False
Exit Sub
End If
'xu ly cua muc chuyen chu hoa thanh chu thuong trong khi nhap chu
If changecase = True Then
If switch = False Then
k = InStr(tbnhap.Text, vbLf)
st = LCase(Mid(tbnhap.Text, k + 1))
st1 = tbnhap.Text
Mid(st1, k + 1) = st
tbnhap.Text = Left(st1, Len(st1) - 1)
switch = True
Exit Sub
k = InStr(tbnhap.Text, vbLf)
st = UCase(Mid(tbnhap.Text, k + 1))
st1 = tbnhap.Text
Mid(st1, k + 1) = st
tbnhap.Text = Left(st1, Len(st1) - 1)
switch = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'xu ly khi nhan va giu phim cancle de xoa va bat dau tin nhan moi
If Index = 10 And editor = True Then 'messagelist = True Then tbnhap.Text = ""
danhso = False
cancle = False
taomoi = True
messagelist = False
Exit Sub
End If
'xu ly cua phan One-touch Dial Setting
If onetouchphone = True Then
danhso = False
Select Case Index
Case 1
Call onetouch(1)
Case 2
Call onetouch(2)
Case 3
Call onetouch(3)
Case 4
Call onetouch(4)
Case 5
Call onetouch(5)
Case 6
Call onetouch(6)
Case 7
Call onetouch(7)
Case 8
Call onetouch(8)
Case 9
Call onetouch(9)
End Select
danhso = True
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Thủ tục khi nhấn một phím số
Private Sub so_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim n As Byte 'bien luu len(tbnhap)cho su kien index
Dim j As Byte 'giu gia tri cho vong lap
Static swit As Boolean 'xet luu o dt hay SIM
Dim k As Integer
Dim ch As String
Dim news As entry
Static tam As Integer 'luu gia tri tam khi o trong tinh nang Prevent Access
Dim menuaccess As access
Dim message As messages
Static onoff As Boolean
Dim banghi As Byte
Static setup As Boolean 'bien co khi lam viec voi muc Phone setup
Static extend As Boolean 'bien co devao nhung muc cua menu mo rong
Static newdate As Date
Static newtime As Date
Static locked As Boolean 'bien co khi lam viec voi muc Phone lock
Static autolocked As Boolean
Static phonebook As Boolean 'bien co khi lam viec voi muc Phone Book
Static accessory As Boolean 'bien co trong menu Accessory
Static network As Boolean 'bien co trong menu Network
Static features As Boolean 'bien co trong menu CAll related features
Static message1 As Boolean
Static callnumberfixed As Boolean
Static sending As Boolean 'bien co de biet co gui tin nhan di khong
Static voice As Boolean 'co khi vao trong muc voice mail number
Static service As Boolean 'co khi vao trong muc service centre
Static expiry As Boolean 'co khi vao trong muc expiry period
Static setting As Boolean 'co khi vao trong message setting va nhan cancle
Static send As Boolean 'de nhan biet trong muc send message
Static callnumber As Boolean
Dim networks As netselect
Static showlist As Boolean 'danh sach preferred network
Static manualsearch As Boolean 'bien co trong muc Manual Search Mode
Static addnetwork As Boolean 'bien co trong muc Add Network to List
Dim cd As Integer
Static timthay As Boolean 'tim duoc muc trong Fixed dial
Dim chuoitam As String
If tbnhap.Text = "Locked" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Unlock Code" & vbCrLf
danhso = True
cancle = True
Exit Sub
End If
If showtime = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
showtime = False
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Menu" Then
If Index >= 0 And Index < 10 Then
tbnhap.Text = ""
danhso = True
cancle = True
End If
End If
'khi nguoi su dung nhan so de lam cuoc goi
If (danhso = True) Or Left(tbnhap.Text, 11) = "Unlock Code" Then
Select Case Index
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "0"
Case 1
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "1"
Case 2
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "2"
Case 3
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "3"
Case 4
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "4"
Case 5
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "5"
Case 6
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "6"
Case 7
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "7"
Case 8
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "8"
Case 9
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "9"
End Select
End If
'truong hop cho phep user dung ban phim de nhap ky tu
If cancle = False Then
Select Case Index
'********** phim so 0 *****************
Case 0
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If quickaccess = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
If messagelist = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Invalid Msg Number"
messagelist = False
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "+"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "-"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "0"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "="
i = i + 1
Case 4
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "*"
i = i + 1
Case 5
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "/"
'i = 0
End Select
'**************phim so 1*****************
Case 1
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(1)
orderinquick = 1
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(1)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & " "
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "."
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "1"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "?"
i = i + 1
Case 4
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "!"
i = i + 1
Case 5
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & ":"
'i = 0
End Select
'**************phim so 2******************
Case 2
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(2)
orderinquick = 2
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(2)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "A"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "B"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "C"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "2"
'i = 0
End Select
'****************phim so 3***************
Case 3
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(3)
orderinquick = 3
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(3)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "D"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "E"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "F"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "3"
'i = 0
End Select
'***************phim so 4****************
Case 4
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(4)
orderinquick = 4
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(4)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "G"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "H"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "I"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "4"
'i = 0
End Select
'************** phim so 5 ***************
Case 5
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(5) 'menuaccess.thutu
orderinquick = 5
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(5)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "J"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "K"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "L"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "5"
'i = 0
End Select
'*************** phim so 6 ***************
Case 6
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(6) 'menuaccess.thutu
orderinquick = 6
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(6)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "M"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "N"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "O"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "6"
'i = 0
End Select
'**************** phim so 7 **************
Case 7
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(7)
orderinquick = 7
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(7)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "P"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "Q"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "R"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "S"
i = i + 1
Case 4
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "7"
'i = 0
End Select
'*********** phim so 8 *******************
Case 8
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(8)
orderinquick = 8
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(8)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "T"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "U"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "V"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "8"
'i = 0
End Select
'************* phim so 9 *****************
Case 9
'user dung phim so trong menu quick access
If quickaccess = True Then
luumuc = clickquickaccess(9)
orderinquick = 9
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so trong menu message
If messagelist = True Then
Call clickmessage(9)
Exit Sub
End If
'user dung phim so de nhap ky tu
Select Case i
Case 0
tbnhap.Text = tbnhap.Text & "W"
i = i + 1
Case 1
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "X"
i = i + 1
Case 2
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "Y"
i = i + 1
Case 3
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "Z"
i = i + 1
Case 4
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1) & "9"
'i = 0
End Select
End Select
End If
'********** phim cancle ******************
Select Case Index
Case 10
If volume.Visible = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
If locked = True Or autolocked = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
If callnumberfixed = True Then
callnumberfixed = False
End If
If listdial = True Then
listdial = False
'Exit Sub
End If
If callnumber = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
callnumber = False
'Exit Sub
End If
If found = True Then 'And setup = False Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book"
found = False
flag = False
menucon = False
Exit Sub
End If
If phonebook = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book"
phonebook = False
send = False
Exit Sub
End If
'se thoat ra muc Phone Setup khi dang lam viec voi menu con cua no
If setup = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Setup"
setup = False
Exit Sub
End If
'neu dang nam trong menu quick access then
If quickaccess = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
quickaccess = False
danhso = True
Exit Sub
End If
If longpress = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
longpress = False
danhso = True
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Overwritten?" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Enter Location!" & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
If accessory = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Accessory Setup"
accessory = False
Exit Sub
End If
If network = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection"
network = False
showlist = False
Exit Sub
End If
If features = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Related Features"
features = False
Exit Sub
End If
If message1 = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Messages"
message1 = False
messagelist = False
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book" Or tbnhap.Text = "Messages" Or tbnhap.Text = "Phone Setup" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Related Features" Or tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection" Or tbnhap.Text = "Accessory Setup" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Are you sure?" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection"
network = False
showlist = False
Exit Sub
End If
If availablenetwork = True Or addnetwork = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection"
availablenetwork = False
addnetwork = False
Exit Sub
End If
If editentrylist = True Or eraseentrylist = True Or addentrylist = True Then
editentrylist = False
addentrylist = False
eraseentrylist = False
Exit Sub
End If
If danhso = False And cancle = True Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
danhso = True
Exit Sub
End If
If danhso = True Or cancle = False Then
If editor = True Then
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
If n = 0 Then
tbnhap.Text = "Messages"
editor = False
danhso = False
cancle = True
Exit Sub
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If setting = True Then
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
If n = 0 Then
tbnhap.Text = "Messages"
danhso = False
cancle = True
setting = False
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
k = InStr(tbnhap.Text, vbCr)
n = Len(tbnhap.Text)
If n = 0 Then
tbnhap.Text = "Menu"
Exit Sub
End If
If n = k + 1 Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book" '"Personal Number"
cancle = True
danhso = False
changecase = False
'Exit Sub
If tbnhap.Text = "Menu" Then
tbnhap.Text = Left(tbnhap.Text, n - 1)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
'************ Phim menu-up ***************
Case 11
If tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Setup"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Phone Setup" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Messages"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Messages" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Related Features"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Related Features" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Phone Book" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Accessory Setup"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Accessory Setup" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Network Selection"
Exit Sub
End If
'menu con cua muc Phone Book
If tbnhap.Text = "One-Touch Dial Setting" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Fixed Dialling"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(tbnhap.Text) = "Fixed Dialling" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Personal Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Personal Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "One-Touch Dial Setting"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Personal Number
If tbnhap.Text = "Prevent Access" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Check Capacity"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Check Capacity" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Add Entry"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Add Entry" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Find Entry by Location"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Find Entry by Location" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Find Entry by Name"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Find Entry by Name" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Prevent Access"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Check Capacity
If tbnhap.Text = "Check SIM Capacity" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Check Phone Capacity"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Check Phone Capacity" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Check SIM Capacity"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Find Entry
If tbnhap.Text = "Erase Name and Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Modify Name or Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Modify Name or Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Erase Name and Number"
Exit Sub
End If
'menu con cua muc Prevent Access
If tbnhap.Text = "To Phone & SIM Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = "To Phone Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "To Phone Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = "To SIM Card Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "To SIM Card Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = "No Memory Restrictions"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "No Memory Restrictions" Then
tbnhap.Text = "To Phone & SIM Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
'menu con cua muc Add Entry
If tbnhap.Text = "Add To SIM Card Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Add To Phone Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Add To Phone Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Add To SIM Card Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
'xu ly cua muc Fixed Dialling
If tbnhap.Text = "Setup Fixed Dialling" Then
tbnhap.Text = "View Fixed Dial List"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "View Fixed Dial List" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Setup Fixed Dialling"
Exit Sub
End If
'xu ly cua muc Setup Fixed Dialling
If tbnhap.Text = "Off." Then
tbnhap.Text = "On."
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Erase Entry" Then
tbnhap.Text = " Add Entry"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " Add Entry" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Edit Entry"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Edit Entry" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Off."
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "On." Then
tbnhap.Text = "Erase Entry"
Exit Sub
End If
'phan xu ly khi vao menu con cua muc One-Touch Dial Setting
If tbnhap.Text = " To SIM Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = " To Phone Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " To Phone Memory" Then
tbnhap.Text = " To Fixed Dial List"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " To Fixed Dial List" Then
tbnhap.Text = " To SIM Memory"
Exit Sub
End If
'phan xu ly cua menu Call Related Features
If tbnhap.Text = "Key Answer Only" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Barring"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Barring" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Waiting"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Waiting" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Talk and Fax"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Talk and Fax" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Diverting"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Diverting" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Restrict My Phone Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Restrict My Phone Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Show Battery Meter"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Show Battery Meter" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Key Answer Only"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Restrict My Phone Number
If tbnhap.Text = "Show ID On Next Call" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Restrict ID On Next Call"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Restrict ID On Next Call" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Show ID On Next Call"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Call Diverting
If tbnhap.Text = "Divert Voice Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Cancel All Diverting"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Cancel All Diverting" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Divert Data Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Divert Data Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Divert Fax Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Divert Fax Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Divert Voice Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Divert Voice Calls
If tbnhap.Text = "Divert When Unavailable" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Detailed Diverting"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Detailed Diverting" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Divert All Voice Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Divert All Voice Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Divert When Unavailable"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Detailed Diverting
If tbnhap.Text = "If No Answer" Then
tbnhap.Text = "If Not Reachable"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "If Not Reachable" Then
tbnhap.Text = "If Busy"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "If Busy" Then
tbnhap.Text = "If No Answer"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Call Barring
If tbnhap.Text = "Change Bar Password" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Cancel All Barring"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Cancel All Barring" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Bar Incoming Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Bar Incoming Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Bar Outgoing Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Bar Outgoing Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Change Bar Password"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Bar Outgoing Calls
If tbnhap.Text = "Off?" Then
tbnhap.Text = "All Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "All Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Int'l Calls Expect Home"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Int'l Calls Expect Home" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Int'l Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Int'l Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Off?"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Bar Incoming Call
If tbnhap.Text = "Off? " Then
tbnhap.Text = " All Calls"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " All Calls" Then
tbnhap.Text = "When Roaming"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "When Roaming" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Off? "
Exit Sub
End If
'phan xu ly cua menu Message
If tbnhap.Text = "Outgoing Messages" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Call Voicemail"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Message Editor" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Outgoing Messages"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Cell Broadcast" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Message Editor"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Message Settings" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Cell Broadcast"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Call Voicemail" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Message Settings"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Outgoing Message
If tbnhap.Text = "Edit Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Send Message"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Delete Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Edit Message"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Go to Next Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Delete Message"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Send Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Go to Next Message"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Edit Message
If tbnhap.Text = " Send Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Store Message"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Store Message" Then
tbnhap.Text = " Send Message"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Send Message
If tbnhap.Text = " Find Entry by Location" Then
tbnhap.Text = " Find Entry by Name"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " Find Entry by Name" Then
tbnhap.Text = " Enter Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = " Enter Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = " Find Entry by Location"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Message Setting
If tbnhap.Text = "Service Centre" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Voicemail Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Expiry Period" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Service Centre"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Outgoing Message Type" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Expiry Period"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Voicemail Number" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Outgoing Message Type"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Outgoing Message Type
If tbnhap.Text = "Fax" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Text"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "X400" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Fax"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Paging" Then
tbnhap.Text = "X400"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Email" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Paging"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "ERMES" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Email"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Voice" Then
tbnhap.Text = "ERMES"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Text" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Voice"
Exit Sub
End If
'phan xu ly khi dung phim menu de di chuyen giua nhung tin nhan
If messagelist = True Then
Open filename4 For Random As #1 Len = Len(message)
banghi = LOF(1) Len(message)
If messagenumber = 1 Then
Get #1, banghi, message
tbnhap.Text = Trim(message.tin)
messagenumber = banghi
messagenumber = messagenumber - 1
Get #1, messagenumber, message
tbnhap.Text = Trim(message.tin)
End If
Close #1
Exit Sub
End If
'nhung muc con cua Phone Setup
If tbnhap.Text = "Adjust Ring Volume" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Select Phone Line"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Ring or Vibrate" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Adjust Ring Volume"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Set Ringer Tone" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Ring or Vibrate"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Set Ringer Tone 2" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Set Ringer Tone"
Exit Sub
End If
If line2 = True Then
If tbnhap.Text = "Phone Lock" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Set Ringer Tone 2"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Phone Lock" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Set Ringer Tone"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Change SIM PIN2 Code" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Phone Lock"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "New Security Code" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Change SIM PIN2 Code"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Extended Menus" Then
tbnhap.Text = "New Security Code"
Exit Sub
End If
If extend = False Then
If tbnhap.Text = "Select Phone Line" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Extended Menus"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'nhung menu mo rong khi extended menus o trang thai on
If extend = True Then
If tbnhap.Text = "Show Time and Date" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Extended Menus"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Set Time and Date" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Show Time and Date"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Set Time Format" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Set Time and Date"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Battery Saving Mode" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Set Time Format"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Select Keypad Tones" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Battery Saving Mode"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Select Phone Line" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Select Keypad Tones"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Select phone line
If tbnhap.Text = "Line 2" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Line 1"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Line 1" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Line 2"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Ring or vibrate
If tbnhap.Text = "Vibrate Only" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Ring Only"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Vibrate Then Ring" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Vibrate Only"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "No Ring or Vibrate" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Vibrate Then Ring"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Ring Only" Then
tbnhap.Text = "No Ring or Vibrate"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Set Ringer Tone
If tbnhap.Text = "Music Tone" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Standard Tone"
Exit Sub
End If
If tbnhap.Text = "Standard Tone" Then
tbnhap.Text = "Music Tone"
Exit Sub
End If
'vao menu con cua muc Phone Lock
If tbnhap.Te
- 1 Một số khía cạnh xã hội cần quan tâm nghiên cứu trong quá trình thực hiện cải cách hành chính
- 2 Những phát hiện về vạn vật /P 14 - Chương 74
- 3 Khái niệm tiền công, tiền lương và một số khái niệm khác có liên quan tới tiền công, tiền lương
- 4 Các khái niệm về thị trường chứng khoán
- 5 Ngô Bảo Châu
- 6 Một số vấn đề của tiếng Việt trong khoa học
- 7 Phương trình liên tục
- 8 Lý luận chung về ngành công nghiệp chế biến nông sản xuất khẩu
- 9 Thực trạng của tham nhũng ở nước ta
- 10 Tìm hiểu ngôn ngữ lập trình Visual Basic