Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 13: Festivals

Nội dung bài viết1 Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 13: Festivals 2 Getting Started (Trang 121 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 3 Listen and Read (Trang 121-122 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 4 Speak (Trang 123 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 5 Listen (Trang 124 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 6 Write (Trang 126-127 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 7 Language Focus (Trang ...

Nội dung bài viết1 Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 13: Festivals 2 Getting Started (Trang 121 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 3 Listen and Read (Trang 121-122 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 4 Speak (Trang 123 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 5 Listen (Trang 124 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 6 Write (Trang 126-127 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 7 Language Focus (Trang 128-130 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 13: Festivals Getting Started (Trang 121 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) Work with a partner. Where should these people go on their visits to Viet Nam? Why? (Hãy làm việc cùng bạn bên cạnh và nói những người này nên đi đâu khi họ thăm Việt Nam? Tại sao?) 1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing. => Tom should go to beaches. 2. David is interested in ancient cities. => David should go to Hoi An. 3. Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing. => Huckleberry should go to Sapa. 4. Oliver is keen on pottery. => Oliver should go to Bat Trang. 5. Robinson is fond of crowded places => Robinson should go to Ho Chi Minh City. Listen and Read (Trang 121-122 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) Hướng dẫn dịch: Liz: Ba, cám ơn bạn đã mời mình đến dự lễ hội nấu cơm. Bạn có thể giải thích cho mình điều gì sẽ diễn ra không? Ba: Được chứ. Có 3 cuộc thi: thi lấy nước, thi đốt lửa, và thi nấu cơm. Liz: Thế nước ở đâu? Ba: Cách đây khoảng một cây số có một con sông. Mỗi người của mỗi đội phải chạy ra sông. Có bốn chai nước để ở bờ sông và mỗi người phải lấy một chai đem về vị trí xuất phát. Liz: Người kia trông có vẻ bồn chồn. Anh ta hét la điều gì thế? Ba: Anh ấy yêu cầu người của đội mình chạy nhanh lên. Liz: Có gì đặc biệt trong cuộc thi đốt lửa? Ba: Người ta đốt lửa theo cách truyền thống. Các thành viên của hai đội cố gắng đốt lửa bằng cách cọ xát các thanh tre với nhau. Người thắng cuộc là người đầu tiên nhóm được lửa. Liz: Mình còn muốn biết về cuộc thi nấu cơm nữa. Ba: Mỗi đội có 6 người tham gia cuộc thi này. Họ phải đãi gạo tách vỏ trấu ra sau đó nấu cơm. Liz: Làm thế nào để quyết định ai là người thắng cuộc? Ba: Ba giám khảo sẽ thử xem cơm ai chín và ngon nhất thì đó là người thắng cuộc. Khi cộng lại số điểm của các phần thi ban giám khảo sẽ trao giải nhất. Liz: Đấy là những gì đang diễn ra phải không? Ba: Lãnh đạo hội đồng vừa nói rằng ông ấy rất hài lòng khi trao giải cho đội Thôn Triều. 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner. (Luyện tập hội thoại với bạn bên cạnh.) 2. True or false? Check (√) the boxes. Then correct the false sentences and write them in your exercise book. (Đúng hay sai? Em hãy đánh dấu (√) vào cột đúng, sau đó sửa lại những câu sai vàviết vào vở bài tập.) Speak (Trang 123 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 1. Work with a partner. Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for Tet. Put their sentences in the correct order. Start like this: (Hãy làm việc với bạn bên cạnh. Bà Quyên đang nói chuyện với Lan về việc chuẩn bị cho Tết. Hãy xếp những câu nói của họ theo đúng thứ tự. Hãy bắt đầu như thế này:) Thứ tự đúng: A. Have you tidied the bedrooms? F. Yes, I have. Where are you going Mom? C. To the market. I have to buy some oranges and some pomegranates. H. Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the conner? D. Sure, I will. J. Thanks, Mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you're out? B. Not really. But I want our house to look nice at the festival. G. Mom, I know what to do now. I'll clean all the glass windows. E. That's very good. Bye-bye, Sweetie. I. Bye, Mom. 2. Now make up your own dialogue. Talk about preparations for another festival. The list below will help you. (Bây giờ hãy xây dựng đoạn hội thoại của riêng em nói việc chuẩn bị cho một lễ hội khác. Danh mục dưới đây sẽ giúp em.) Đoạn hội thoại gợi ý: Hoa: Is your school festival tomorrow, Lan? Lan: Yes, that's right! There will be a lot of contests for school boys and girls, such as a flower arrangement contest, mini football matches, fashion shows and some others … . And there is a lot of work to do right now. Hoa: Really? It's interesting! Lan: Would you like to take part in the festival with us? Hoa: Yes, I'd love to. But is there anything I can do for you? Lan: Could you help me to send some letters of invitation to our old friends? Hoa: Yes, of course. Anything else? Lan: Not really. Thanhks, Hoa. And now I have to go to the market and buy some cakes, candies and fruit for our class party. Bye, Hoa. See you tomorrow. Hoa: Bye. Listen (Trang 124 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps. (Hãy nghe cuộc nói chuyện rồi điền vào chỗ trống.) The Robinson family are making preparations for Tet. (Gia đình Robinson đang chuẩn bị Tết.) a) Mrs. Robinson wants Mr. Robinson to go to the flower market. b) Mrs. Robinson wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet. c) Mrs. Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet of dried watermelon seeds. d) Mrs. Robinson is asking Mrs. Nga how to make spring rolls. Nội dung bài nghe: Mrs. Robinson: John, I want you to go to the flower market for me, please. Mr. Robinson: What do I have to buy? Mrs. Robinson: Some peach blossoms and a bunch of flowers. Mr. Robinson: What sort of flowers? Mrs. Robinson: Marigolds, because they are traditional at Tet. Mr. Robinson: Anything else? Mrs. Robinson: No, but I need Liz to do a few things. Liz: What was that, Mom. Mrs. Robinson: Are you busy? Liz: No. Do you need something? Mrs. Robinson: Yes. Go to the market and pick up some candy and one packet of dried watermelon seeds, please. Liz: Okay. What are you going to do? Mrs. Robinson: I'm going to Mrs. Nga's. She's going to show me how to make sticky rice balls. 2. Complete the notes. (Hoàn thành thông tin sau.) Read (Trang 124-126 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) Christmas is an important festival in many countries around the world. (Giáng sinh là một ngày lễ quan trọng ở nhiều nước trên thế giới.) Hướng dẫn dịch: 1. Complete the table. (Hoàn thành bảng.) 2. Answer the questions. (Trả lời các câu hỏi.) a) How long ago did the Christmas tree come to the USA? => The Christmas tree came to the USA in the 1800s. b) Why did the Englishman have someone design a card? => Because he wanted to send Christmas greeting to his friends. c) When were Christmas songs first performed? => Christmas songs were first performed 800 years ago. d) Who wrote the poem A Visit from Saint Nicholas? => An American professor named Clement Clarke Moore wrote A visit from Saint Nicholas. e) What is Santa Claus based on? => Santas Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in the poem. Write (Trang 126-127 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 1. Use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in this report. (Sử dụng thông tin ở hội thoại trang 121 để điền vào chỗ trống trong bản báo cáo này.) Gợi ý: The Rice-cooking Festival by Festival Councilor Pham Phuong Linh This report shows how the (1) rice-cooking festival was held. The festival was held in the communal house yard about (2) one kilometer away from a river. There were three competitions: (3) water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking. The festival took one day. In the water-fetching contest one person from each team had to (4) run to the river to get the (5) water. In the fire-making contest two team members had to make a fire in the (6) traditional way. They tried to rub pieces of (7) bamboo together to make the fire. (8) Six people from each team took part in the rice – cooking contest. They had to (9) separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice. After the three contests, all points were (10) added and the Thon Trieu group won the grand prize. The festival was wonderful. 2. Write a similar report on a festival you joined recently. The answers to the questions below can help you. (Hãy viết một bản báo cáo tương tự về một lễ hội em mới tham gia. Những câu trả lời của những câu hỏi dưới đây sẽ giúp em.) Bản báo cáo tham khảo: The Huong Pagoda festival This report shows how the Huong Pagoda festival is held. The Huong Pagoda and the Huong Tich cave are the famous scenic spots of Viet Nam. The Huong Pagoda festival lasts from the 6th day of the 1st month to the end of the 3rd month of the lunar calendar. People conduct dragon dance in the yard of Trinh pagoda and sail the royal barge. The festival is held in 3 places: Huong Tich, Tuyet Son, Long Van. The festival is most crowded from the 15th – 20th day of the 2nd month of the lunar calendar as this period marks the main festival. The mountainous path leading from Ngoai pagoda to Trong pagoda is full of visitors coming up and down. A pilgrimage to the Huong Pagoda is not only for religious reasons but also to see the numerous natural shapes that are typical of the landscape and the buildings that are valuable artifacts of the nation. Từ vựng: Barge (n): xuồng, xà lan, thuyền rồng Pilgrimage (n): cuộc hành hương Language Focus (Trang 128-130 SGK Tiếng Anh 8) 1. Complete the sentences. Use the passive forms of the verbs in the box. Decide whether the time is past, present or future. (Hoàn thành những câu sau dùng dạng bị động của động từ trong khung, lưu ý thời gian ở quá khứ, hiện tại hay tương lai.) put make perform write hold award decorate a) Christmas songs were performed for people in towns and villages eight hundred years ago. b) On Christmas Eve in the early 1500s, a tree was decorated and put in the market place in the Latvian city of Riga. c) In the rice-cooking festival, a fire was made in the traditional way. d) An English-speaking contest will be held at Nguyen Hue School next month. e) The first prize was awarded to the Mekhong Team just after the final match yesterday. f) The Christmas carol "Silent Night, Holy Night" was written in Austria by Franz Gruber in the 19th century. 2. Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in the box. (Hoàn thành hội thoại sau, dùng động từ trong khung.) break(2) jumble scatter pull Hanh and her mother have just got home from the market. Hạnh và mẹ cô ấy vừa đi chợ về. Hanh: Mom! Something has happened to our kitchen. Mrs. Thanh: What's wrong? Hanh: Mom! Look. The cupboard is open and everything has been (1) jumbled. Mrs. Thanh: Oh, no. The jar I like has been (2) broken. Hanh: Many bowls and dishes have been (3) broken, too. And look at this, Mom. The dried mushrooms have been (4) scattered all over the floor. Mrs. Thanh: And where is the pan of fish I left on the stove? Hanh: Here it is. It has been (5) pulled under the sink. The fish has gone. Mrs. Thanh: Who has done all this? Hanh: Mom, it must have been the cat! 3. Rewrite the sentences in your exercise book. Use a compound word in your sentences. (Viết những câu này vào vở bài tập, dùng từ ghép trong câu của em.) Example: It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice. => It's a rice-cooking contest. Gợi ý: a) It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire. => It's a fire-making contest. b) It is a festival in which people have their bulls fight against each other. => It's a bull-fighting contest. c) The United States has a big industry that makes cars. => The United States has a car-making industry. d) Last week tran Hung Dao School held a contest in which students arranged flowers as attractively as they could. => Last week Tran Hung Dao School held a flower-arranging contest. e) Viet Nam is a country which exports a lot of rice. => Viet Nam is a rice-exporting country. f) This is a machine which is used to wash clothes. => This is a washing machine. 4. Yesterday Lan's grandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a plumber. A man came to her door. Report what the man told Thu. (Hôm qua bà Thu, bà của Lan, cần một thợ sửa ống nước. Có một người đến nhà bà. Hãy thuật lại lời người ấy nói với bà Thu.) Example: a) "I'm a plumber." => He said he was a plumber. b) "I can fix the faucets." => He said he could fix the faucets. c) "The pipes are broken." => He said the pipes were broken. d) "New pipes are very expensive." => He said new pipes were very expensive. e) "You must pay me now." => He said we had to pay him then. 1. Change the sentences below into passive voice. (Trang 109 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. The rice was separated from the husk. b. A fire was made by the camp by the boys. c. This house was built more than one hundred years ago. d. Millions of tons of rice are exported by Vietnamese people around January or February. f. Trees are usually planted in their neighborhood after Tet holiday by Vietnamese people. g. How many motorbikes are exported by Vietnam a year? i. His book was published by the publisher in 1996. j. Our desk was repaired during the weekend. 2. When Huong came home she found that someone broke in her room. Look at Huong's room in the picture and describe it. Use the passive voice in your sentences. The word lists may help you. (Trang 110 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. The vase was broken. b. The sun-glasses were crushed up. c. The books were jumbled on the floor. d. The postcards were shuffled on the desk. e. The doll was put down on the pillow. f. The shell collection was scattered on the floor. g. The dictionaries were thrown on the bed. h. The bookshelf was shuffled. i. The CD rack was knocked down. j. The mirror was moved off the wall. 3. Find in the gap in each of the following sentences with one suitable compound noun from the box. (Trang 111 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. air-conditioning f. fire-making b. zebra crossing g. cock-fighting c. data-processing h. bird-watching d. family-planning i. bungee jumping e. water-skiing j. language learning 4. Use the passive and an infinitive to write the sentences below. (Trang 112 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. He was told to stay home for three days. b. Mrs. Robinson was asked to do the shopping. c. He was asked/ told not to talk in class. d. We were allowed to use Mr. Thompson's computer. e. I was taught (how) to do the magic when I was a boy. f. We were advised to take a bus downtown. g. He was asked to take an English test. h. She is said to be the best student in the class. i. We were told/ asked to go home and wait. j. We were told/ asked to work harder on English pronunciation. 5. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with one suitable verb from the dialogue in LISTEN AND READ. You can make necessary changes to the verbs. (Trang 113 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. explain e. yelled (out) b. rub f. awarded c. invited g. urged d. added h. participate 6. Many English words have more than one meaning. Read the following sentences from the dialogue in LISTEN AND READ and their meanings. Then study the listed words from the same dialogue which also have more than one meaning. Write one sentence with each of their meanings. (Trang 113-114 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. run = more fast on foot He can't run because he has a weak heart. b. run = to be in operation The lease on my house has only a year to run. c. bank = a slope of land adjoining a body of water, especially a river or a lake. My house is on the south bank of the river. d. bank = a business in which money is kept for saving or other purposes My father is a bank manager. e. fire = burning fuel or other material. Who set fire to the house? f. fire = to shoot a weapon. The officer ordered his men to fire at the enemy. g. point = a unit that adds to a game or sports competition. We need one more point to win the game. h. point = to show with a finger. He point to a tower on the distant horizon. 7. Read the passage and fill in each gap with one word from the box. (Trang 115 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) 1. traditional 2. singing 3. branches 4. which 5. made 6. water 7. rain 8. until 9. festival 10. similar 8. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box. (Trang 115 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) 1. festival 2. have 3. fairs 4. brightly 5. crowded 6. cooked 7. family 8. first 9. lucky 10. love 11. well 12. wishes 9. Write from the following sets of words and phrases, complete sentences. You can make all the necessary changes and additions. (Trang 116 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. She said (that) she enjoyed all the food at the festival. b. Banh Chung and other kinds of special food are made at Tet. c. Traditional songs are often performed during the festival. d. Thanks giving Day is usually celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. e. Halloween pumpkins are made into jack-o'-lanterns. f. You can play small tricks on your friends or strangers on April Fool's Day. Now write similar sentences about a festival you know. THE MOON CAKE FESTIVAL One festival that Chinese people celebrate each year is the Moon cake festival. It is also called the Mid – Autumn Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the eight lunar month, which is a full night. To the Chinese people, the full round moon means a time for families to get together and celebrate. Even family members who have moved to other countries will try to get back home during this time. Food is an important part of most Chinese festival and for the Moon Cake Festival people make moon cakes, a kind of sweet cake with sugar, nuts, eggs and some other delicious things inside. If you don't know how to make moon cakes yourself, you can buy them at supermarkets. There are hundreds of different moon cakes on sale a month before the start of the Moon Cake Festival each year. Soon moon cakes have very pretty designs and a wonderful taste. Tourists from other countries should not miss this festival if they are with Chinese people during the celebration. 10. Read the tips for the Philadelphia Folk Festival and fill in each gap with a word from the box. (Trang 117 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. tickets b. someone c. sunscreen d. kids e. flashlight f. keys g. blanket h. souvenir i. places f. anything k. weather j. feet 11. Read the following passage and answer the multiple – choice questions. (Trang 118-119 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8) a. B b. B c. D d. B e. B f. B Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 13: FestivalsĐánh giá bài viết Có thể bạn quan tâm?Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 16: Historical PlacesGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 11: Traveling Around Viet NamGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 2: Personal InformationGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 8: CelebrationsGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 6: The Young Pioneers ClubGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 15: Going outGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 16: The Association of Southeast Asian NationsGiải bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 15: Women in Society

Getting Started (Trang 121 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

Work with a partner. Where should these people go on their visits to Viet Nam? Why?

(Hãy làm việc cùng bạn bên cạnh và nói những người này nên đi đâu khi họ thăm Việt Nam? Tại sao?)

1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing.

=> Tom should go to beaches.

2. David is interested in ancient cities.

=> David should go to Hoi An.

3. Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing.

=> Huckleberry should go to Sapa.

4. Oliver is keen on pottery.

=> Oliver should go to Bat Trang.

5. Robinson is fond of crowded places

=> Robinson should go to Ho Chi Minh City.

Listen and Read (Trang 121-122 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)


Hướng dẫn dịch:

Liz: Ba, cám ơn bạn đã mời mình đến dự lễ hội nấu cơm. Bạn có thể giải thích cho mình điều gì sẽ diễn ra không?

Ba: Được chứ. Có 3 cuộc thi: thi lấy nước, thi đốt lửa, và thi nấu cơm.

Liz: Thế nước ở đâu?

Ba: Cách đây khoảng một cây số có một con sông. Mỗi người của mỗi đội phải chạy ra sông. Có bốn chai nước để ở bờ sông và mỗi người phải lấy một chai đem về vị trí xuất phát.

Liz: Người kia trông có vẻ bồn chồn. Anh ta hét la điều gì thế?

Ba: Anh ấy yêu cầu người của đội mình chạy nhanh lên.

Liz: Có gì đặc biệt trong cuộc thi đốt lửa?

Ba: Người ta đốt lửa theo cách truyền thống. Các thành viên của hai đội cố gắng đốt lửa bằng cách cọ xát các thanh tre với nhau. Người thắng cuộc là người đầu tiên nhóm được lửa.

Liz: Mình còn muốn biết về cuộc thi nấu cơm nữa.

Ba: Mỗi đội có 6 người tham gia cuộc thi này. Họ phải đãi gạo tách vỏ trấu ra sau đó nấu cơm.

Liz: Làm thế nào để quyết định ai là người thắng cuộc?

Ba: Ba giám khảo sẽ thử xem cơm ai chín và ngon nhất thì đó là người thắng cuộc. Khi cộng lại số điểm của các phần thi ban giám khảo sẽ trao giải nhất.

Liz: Đấy là những gì đang diễn ra phải không?

Ba: Lãnh đạo hội đồng vừa nói rằng ông ấy rất hài lòng khi trao giải cho đội Thôn Triều.

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

(Luyện tập hội thoại với bạn bên cạnh.)

2. True or false? Check (√) the boxes. Then correct the false sentences and write them in your exercise book.

(Đúng hay sai? Em hãy đánh dấu (√) vào cột đúng, sau đó sửa lại những câu sai vàviết vào vở bài tập.)

Speak (Trang 123 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

1. Work with a partner. Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for Tet. Put their sentences in the correct order. Start like this:

(Hãy làm việc với bạn bên cạnh. Bà Quyên đang nói chuyện với Lan về việc chuẩn bị cho Tết. Hãy xếp những câu nói của họ theo đúng thứ tự. Hãy bắt đầu như thế này:)

Thứ tự đúng:

A. Have you tidied the bedrooms?

F. Yes, I have. Where are you going Mom?

C. To the market. I have to buy some oranges and some pomegranates.

H. Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the conner?

D. Sure, I will.

J. Thanks, Mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you're out?

B. Not really. But I want our house to look nice at the festival.

G. Mom, I know what to do now. I'll clean all the glass windows.

E. That's very good. Bye-bye, Sweetie.

I. Bye, Mom.

2. Now make up your own dialogue. Talk about preparations for another festival. The list below will help you.

(Bây giờ hãy xây dựng đoạn hội thoại của riêng em nói việc chuẩn bị cho một lễ hội khác. Danh mục dưới đây sẽ giúp em.)

Đoạn hội thoại gợi ý:

Hoa: Is your school festival tomorrow, Lan?

Lan: Yes, that's right! There will be a lot of contests for school boys and girls, such as a flower arrangement contest, mini football matches, fashion shows and some others … . And there is a lot of work to do right now.

Hoa: Really? It's interesting!

Lan: Would you like to take part in the festival with us?

Hoa: Yes, I'd love to. But is there anything I can do for you?

Lan: Could you help me to send some letters of invitation to our old friends?

Hoa: Yes, of course. Anything else?

Lan: Not really. Thanhks, Hoa. And now I have to go to the market and buy some cakes, candies and fruit for our class party. Bye, Hoa. See you tomorrow.

Hoa: Bye.

Listen (Trang 124 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.

(Hãy nghe cuộc nói chuyện rồi điền vào chỗ trống.)

The Robinson family are making preparations for Tet.

(Gia đình Robinson đang chuẩn bị Tết.)


a) Mrs. Robinson wants Mr. Robinson to go to the flower market.

b) Mrs. Robinson wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet.

c) Mrs. Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet of dried watermelon seeds.

d) Mrs. Robinson is asking Mrs. Nga how to make spring rolls.

Nội dung bài nghe:

Mrs. Robinson: John, I want you to go to the flower market for me, please.

Mr. Robinson: What do I have to buy?

Mrs. Robinson: Some peach blossoms and a bunch of flowers.

Mr. Robinson: What sort of flowers?

Mrs. Robinson: Marigolds, because they are traditional at Tet.

Mr. Robinson: Anything else?

Mrs. Robinson: No, but I need Liz to do a few things.

Liz: What was that, Mom.

Mrs. Robinson: Are you busy?

Liz: No. Do you need something?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes. Go to the market and pick up some candy and one packet of dried watermelon seeds, please.

Liz: Okay. What are you going to do?

Mrs. Robinson: I'm going to Mrs. Nga's. She's going to show me how to make sticky rice balls.

2. Complete the notes.

(Hoàn thành thông tin sau.)

Read (Trang 124-126 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

Christmas is an important festival in many countries around the world.

(Giáng sinh là một ngày lễ quan trọng ở nhiều nước trên thế giới.)

Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. Complete the table.

(Hoàn thành bảng.)

2. Answer the questions.

(Trả lời các câu hỏi.)

a) How long ago did the Christmas tree come to the USA?

=> The Christmas tree came to the USA in the 1800s.

b) Why did the Englishman have someone design a card?

=> Because he wanted to send Christmas greeting to his friends.

c) When were Christmas songs first performed?

=> Christmas songs were first performed 800 years ago.

d) Who wrote the poem A Visit from Saint Nicholas?

=> An American professor named Clement Clarke Moore wrote A visit from Saint Nicholas.

e) What is Santa Claus based on?

=> Santas Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in the poem.

Write (Trang 126-127 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

1. Use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in this report.

(Sử dụng thông tin ở hội thoại trang 121 để điền vào chỗ trống trong bản báo cáo này.)


Gợi ý:

The Rice-cooking Festival

by Festival Councilor Pham Phuong Linh

This report shows how the (1) rice-cooking festival was held.

The festival was held in the communal house yard about (2) one kilometer away from a river. There were three competitions: (3) water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking. The festival took one day.

In the water-fetching contest one person from each team had to (4) run to the river to get the (5) water.

In the fire-making contest two team members had to make a fire in the (6) traditional way. They tried to rub pieces of (7) bamboo together to make the fire.

(8) Six people from each team took part in the rice – cooking contest. They had to (9) separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.

After the three contests, all points were (10) added and the Thon Trieu group won the grand prize. The festival was wonderful.

2. Write a similar report on a festival you joined recently. The answers to the questions below can help you.

(Hãy viết một bản báo cáo tương tự về một lễ hội em mới tham gia. Những câu trả lời của những câu hỏi dưới đây sẽ giúp em.)

Bản báo cáo tham khảo:

The Huong Pagoda festival

This report shows how the Huong Pagoda festival is held.

The Huong Pagoda and the Huong Tich cave are the famous scenic spots of Viet Nam. The Huong Pagoda festival lasts from the 6th day of the 1st month to the end of the 3rd month of the lunar calendar. People conduct dragon dance in the yard of Trinh pagoda and sail the royal barge. The festival is held in 3 places: Huong Tich, Tuyet Son, Long Van. The festival is most crowded from the 15th – 20th day of the 2nd month of the lunar calendar as this period marks the main festival. The mountainous path leading from Ngoai pagoda to Trong pagoda is full of visitors coming up and down. A pilgrimage to the Huong Pagoda is not only for religious reasons but also to see the numerous natural shapes that are typical of the landscape and the buildings that are valuable artifacts of the nation.

Từ vựng:

Barge (n): xuồng, xà lan, thuyền rồng

Pilgrimage (n): cuộc hành hương

Language Focus (Trang 128-130 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

1. Complete the sentences. Use the passive forms of the verbs in the box. Decide whether the time is past, present or future.

(Hoàn thành những câu sau dùng dạng bị động của động từ trong khung, lưu ý thời gian ở quá khứ, hiện tại hay tương lai.)

put     make     perform     write     hold     award     decorate

a) Christmas songs were performed for people in towns and villages eight hundred years ago.

b) On Christmas Eve in the early 1500s, a tree was decorated and put in the market place in the Latvian city of Riga.

c) In the rice-cooking festival, a fire was made in the traditional way.

d) An English-speaking contest will be held at Nguyen Hue School next month.

e) The first prize was awarded to the Mekhong Team just after the final match yesterday.

f) The Christmas carol "Silent Night, Holy Night" was written in Austria by Franz Gruber in the 19th century.

2. Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in the box.

(Hoàn thành hội thoại sau, dùng động từ trong khung.)

break(2)     jumble     scatter     pull

Hanh and her mother have just got home from the market.

Hạnh và mẹ cô ấy vừa đi chợ về.

Hanh: Mom! Something has happened to our kitchen.

Mrs. Thanh: What's wrong?

Hanh: Mom! Look. The cupboard is open and everything has been (1) jumbled.

Mrs. Thanh: Oh, no. The jar I like has been (2) broken.

Hanh: Many bowls and dishes have been (3) broken, too. And look at this, Mom. The dried mushrooms have been (4) scattered all over the floor.

Mrs. Thanh: And where is the pan of fish I left on the stove?

Hanh: Here it is. It has been (5) pulled under the sink. The fish has gone.

Mrs. Thanh: Who has done all this?

Hanh: Mom, it must have been the cat!

3. Rewrite the sentences in your exercise book. Use a compound word in your sentences.

(Viết những câu này vào vở bài tập, dùng từ ghép trong câu của em.)


It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice.

=> It's a rice-cooking contest.

Gợi ý:

a) It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire.

=> It's a fire-making contest.

b) It is a festival in which people have their bulls fight against each other.

=> It's a bull-fighting contest.

c) The United States has a big industry that makes cars.

=> The United States has a car-making industry.

d) Last week tran Hung Dao School held a contest in which students arranged flowers as attractively as they could.

=> Last week Tran Hung Dao School held a flower-arranging contest.

e) Viet Nam is a country which exports a lot of rice.

=> Viet Nam is a rice-exporting country.

f) This is a machine which is used to wash clothes.

=> This is a washing machine.

4. Yesterday Lan's grandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a plumber. A man came to her door. Report what the man told Thu.

(Hôm qua bà Thu, bà của Lan, cần một thợ sửa ống nước. Có một người đến nhà bà. Hãy thuật lại lời người ấy nói với bà Thu.)


a) "I'm a plumber."

=> He said he was a plumber.

b) "I can fix the faucets."

=> He said he could fix the faucets.

c) "The pipes are broken."

=> He said the pipes were broken.

d) "New pipes are very expensive."

=> He said new pipes were very expensive.

e) "You must pay me now."

=> He said we had to pay him then.

1. Change the sentences below into passive voice. (Trang 109 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. The rice was separated from the husk.

b. A fire was made by the camp by the boys.

c. This house was built more than one hundred years ago.

d. Millions of tons of rice are exported by Vietnamese people around January or February.

f. Trees are usually planted in their neighborhood after Tet holiday by Vietnamese people.

g. How many motorbikes are exported by Vietnam a year?

i. His book was published by the publisher in 1996.

j. Our desk was repaired during the weekend.

2. When Huong came home she found that someone broke in her room. Look at Huong's room in the picture and describe it. Use the passive voice in your sentences. The word lists may help you. (Trang 110 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. The vase was broken.

b. The sun-glasses were crushed up.

c. The books were jumbled on the floor.

d. The postcards were shuffled on the desk.

e. The doll was put down on the pillow.

f. The shell collection was scattered on the floor.

g. The dictionaries were thrown on the bed.

h. The bookshelf was shuffled.

i. The CD rack was knocked down.

j. The mirror was moved off the wall.

3. Find in the gap in each of the following sentences with one suitable compound noun from the box. (Trang 111 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. air-conditioning            f. fire-making
b. zebra crossing              g. cock-fighting
c. data-processing             h. bird-watching
d. family-planning             i. bungee jumping
e. water-skiing                j. language learning

4. Use the passive and an infinitive to write the sentences below. (Trang 112 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. He was told to stay home for three days.

b. Mrs. Robinson was asked to do the shopping.

c. He was asked/ told not to talk in class.

d. We were allowed to use Mr. Thompson's computer.

e. I was taught (how) to do the magic when I was a boy.

f. We were advised to take a bus downtown.

g. He was asked to take an English test.

h. She is said to be the best student in the class.

i. We were told/ asked to go home and wait.

j. We were told/ asked to work harder on English pronunciation.

5. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with one suitable verb from the dialogue in LISTEN AND READ. You can make necessary changes to the verbs. (Trang 113 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. explain              e. yelled (out)
b. rub                  f. awarded
c. invited              g. urged
d. added                h. participate

6. Many English words have more than one meaning. Read the following sentences from the dialogue in LISTEN AND READ and their meanings. Then study the listed words from the same dialogue which also have more than one meaning. Write one sentence with each of their meanings. (Trang 113-114 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. run = more fast on foot

He can't run because he has a weak heart.

b. run = to be in operation

The lease on my house has only a year to run.

c. bank = a slope of land adjoining a body of water, especially a river or a lake.

My house is on the south bank of the river.

d. bank = a business in which money is kept for saving or other purposes

My father is a bank manager.

e. fire = burning fuel or other material.

Who set fire to the house?

f. fire = to shoot a weapon.

The officer ordered his men to fire at the enemy.

g. point = a unit that adds to a game or sports competition.

We need one more point to win the game.

h. point = to show with a finger.

He point to a tower on the distant horizon.

7. Read the passage and fill in each gap with one word from the box. (Trang 115 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

1. traditional 2. singing 3. branches 4. which 5. made
6. water 7. rain 8. until 9. festival 10. similar

8. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box. (Trang 115 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

1. festival 2. have 3. fairs 4. brightly 5. crowded
6. cooked 7. family 8. first 9. lucky 10. love
11. well 12. wishes      

9. Write from the following sets of words and phrases, complete sentences. You can make all the necessary changes and additions. (Trang 116 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. She said (that) she enjoyed all the food at the festival.

b. Banh Chung and other kinds of special food are made at Tet.

c. Traditional songs are often performed during the festival.

d. Thanks giving Day is usually celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.

e. Halloween pumpkins are made into jack-o'-lanterns.

f. You can play small tricks on your friends or strangers on April Fool's Day.

Now write similar sentences about a festival you know.


One festival that Chinese people celebrate each year is the Moon cake festival. It is also called the Mid – Autumn Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the eight lunar month, which is a full night.

To the Chinese people, the full round moon means a time for families to get together and celebrate. Even family members who have moved to other countries will try to get back home during this time.

Food is an important part of most Chinese festival and for the Moon Cake Festival people make moon cakes, a kind of sweet cake with sugar, nuts, eggs and some other delicious things inside.

If you don't know how to make moon cakes yourself, you can buy them at supermarkets. There are hundreds of different moon cakes on sale a month before the start of the Moon Cake Festival each year.

Soon moon cakes have very pretty designs and a wonderful taste. Tourists from other countries should not miss this festival if they are with Chinese people during the celebration.

10. Read the tips for the Philadelphia Folk Festival and fill in each gap with a word from the box. (Trang 117 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)

a. tickets b. someone c. sunscreen d. kids e. flashlight
f. keys g. blanket h. souvenir i. places f. anything
k. weather j. feet      

11. Read the following passage and answer the multiple – choice questions. (Trang 118-119 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8)