24/05/2018, 22:57

The CDS Building Blocks

The following eight sections of this Guide cover the eight “Building Blocks” which add together to give the full CDS process. During development of a CDS, all of these 8 building blocks will need to be conducted. Five of the building blocks ...

The following eight sections of this Guide cover the eight “Building Blocks” which add together to give the full CDS process. During development of a CDS, all of these 8 building blocks will need to be conducted. Five of the building blocks represent steps or stages of conducting a CDS. The other three building blocks are “cross-cutting”, this means that they must be addressed in each of the five stages listed above.

Each building block has the following sections:

  • What is this building block?
  • Why is this building block important?
  • Key components of this building block
  • How to do this building block
  • How to monitor and evaluate this building block
  • How to integrate consultation and participation into this building block
  • How to integrate strategic environmental assessment (SEA) processes with this building block
  • Helpful Hints
  • Resources

The diagram that appears at the top of each page is shows the Building Block for that chapter shaded in a dark colour. This is a reminder of how that Building Block fits into the context of the whole CDS process.