Writting: Learning Social Sciences

Writting: Learning social sciences Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Khoa học Xã hội nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó Nowadays, more and more students prefer to do ...

Writting: Learning social sciences

Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Khoa học Xã hội nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting  bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó 


Nowadays, more and more students prefer to do major in economics and natural sciences, even though many of them have faculties of social branches. That is a great pity since the latter plays an important role in the development of our society.

First, while natural sciences help us elucidate the rules that govern natural world, social ones such as literature, history, geography, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies… provide us huge funds of knowledge about human nature, about society and the relationships among individuals within a society. So it will be an undeniable losses if we know so much about the natural world and universe, but a very little or even nothing about ourselves.

Second, we cannot develop our economy and society without social knowledge. For example, in agriculture, expanding cultivating requires not only money but also understanding about soil, water, weather and climate... Or to strengthen solidarity within our country, we need to deeply know about society, culture, history, religious... Obviously, social sciences are not secondary subjects. They do not help us produce directly, but they facilitate our production. Moreover, globalization is general strend these days. To successfully integrate, our country does need citizens who can fluently use foreign languages, as well as understand foreign cultures and solve problems caused by cultural differences. We can do all these things only by seriously studying social sciences. In this way, they contribute to the development of our economy and society as much as natural sciences do.

Last but not least, we need to study social sciences because we are going to be citizens, to be sentimental people too whatever else we are. Studying social sciences - especially literature and art - gives us chances to be sensetive to humanistic values, to be sympathetic with to others’ anguish. These subjects deepen our feelings and lead us to the true, the good and the beautiful, which makes us completely human.

For these reasons, I think studying social sciences is extremely necessary to our comprehensive development. The more our country develops, the more we need people who have specialist knowledge about these branches of science. I hope the methods of teaching and studying will be improved, so students will no longer ignore these important subjects.