Writting: You Are Not Loved When You Are Ugly

Writting: You are not loved when you are ugly Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về những vấn đề trong cuộc sống nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó Everyday we hear about beauty contests ...

Writting: You are not loved when you are ugly

Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về những vấn đề trong cuộc sống nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting  bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó 


Everyday we hear about beauty contests with enormous prizes. Everyday we see newspaper full of the pictures of models, actresses, beauty queens...  And a lot of women come to beauty salon in order to be more beautiful, more attractive. The physical beauty seems to be so important these days that some people wonder “What does the beauty do in our life?” Does beauty have any impact on the spiritual values such as friendship, or especially, love? Are we not loved when are are ugly?

To many people, the answer is “yes”. For example, in the old story about Cinderella, what would have happened to her if she had not been the most beautiful girl in the feast? Would the prince have danced with her and followed her later? And in the story about the sleeping princess Aurora, if she had not been so beautiful, would the prince Phillip have stopped to kiss her, which recued her from the cruel plight?

Certainly we cannot deny the role of the beauty in love, especially in what we called love at the first sight. Nobody loves a person that they think so ugly. However, beauty is just a necessary thing in a romantic relationship. People can fall in love with someone because of his or her beauty, but they cannot maintain this relationship with the beauty only.

In your imagination, you are in love with an extremely beautiful girl. But you soon realize that she does not know anything about you, even your favorite food or color. She hates the kinds of music that you like. She fancies on movies that you cannot stand. And you cannot share with her your happiness or sadness because her way of thinking is too different from yours. So what can you do with such a boring relationship?

Love can comes from the physical beauty, but the beauty is never enough. Anyway we still need spiritual values to maintain our love. In the famous novel Gone with the wind, Rhett meets Scarlett for the first time when she is in a confusing situation – the man she loves has refused her love. She is angry and her behavior is not good at all. But through her eyes, he feels her strong, rebel soul, for which he really respects. And this understanding maintains his love to Scarlett even when she is the most beautiful lady in Georgina no more, when she is widow and her hands become callous from too much working on plantation. Sincerely understanding, sharing and even sacrifice are always vital sparks in love. A long-lasting, deep romantic relationship is based on these values, not on the beauty only.

Physical beauty is not permanent, so love that is based on appearance is inconstant love. It is said that in love, we should not choose a beautiful person because the beauty can be no more, should not choose a rich one because money can become valueless one day. Let choose the one can understand us and make us smile because a moral support can warm ourselves. And it is what we need during our life.

Moreover, do not think that you are ugly. The definition of beauty is so flexible. A slender girl with an oval-shaped face, black eyes is beautiful to most Asian. But everything is completely different in Western culture. Or in a beauty contest, the winner sometimes becomes a matter of controversy. She can be the most beautiful girl to a lot of people but just an ordinary one to others. So I believe that no matter how everyone think about you, you are still beautiful to someone that loves you.

There are a lot of roads to love. The physical beauty is just one of them. Do not forget to be constantly concern with your beauty, but do not let physical beauty be your only value! A perfect partner is the one that we can see the beauty in both his appearance and his soul. And if someone says that you are not beautiful enough for them to love, smile and tell him “Maybe I am not worthy of you, but the kind of people who is interested in physical beauty only is not worthy of my love, too”.