Writting: The Causes Of Brain Drain

Writting: The causes of brain drain Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Cãy máu chất xám nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó The term “brain drain” means the ...

Writting: The causes of brain drain

Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Cãy máu chất xám nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting  bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó 


The term “brain drain” means the loss of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labors to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments. Brain drain occurs in developing countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, South American nations and the island nations of Caribbean. In Vietnam, this is a serious matter.

There are many reasons for Vietnamese to choose to work in another country. First of all, if they work abroad or for foreign companies, their salaries can be much higher than those they get when working for Vietnam companies. In addition, in developed countries such as Singapore, Japan, Australia and many Western countries - favorable lands to a lot of Vietnamese, living standards are high. Their relatives can live more comfortably and their children can receive good education.

The second reason is professional environment in developed countries. Working in a competitive but justice workshop, people of great talents can express themselves to advance in their careers. They are relatively free to try their new ideas. They cannot do that in most Vietnam companies and agencies, where people are still reserved and even afraid of ideas that are so new or daring. This is the reason for many oversea students to choose to live oversea instead of returning home.

However, I think, the main reason for brain drain is our mechanism. It is not fair. In many companies, applicants for a vacancy are sometimes chosen because he or she is well acquainted with influential people, not because of qualities or even degree. Salaries are the same to any officer, especially in government agencies. Some people are victimized as they point out the mistakes of the leaders or gaps in management...

Vietnamese government has conducted some policies on treatment to skilled, intellectual and technical workers to encourage them to work inland now. However, these policies are not enough. We need to completely change our mechanism to attract human resources.

In addition, everybody should change their mind. Let think about patriotism and responsibility for our motherland. We object to unfair conventions, we know that our country needs to change. But, who will change it when all people of talent have leave?