Từ vựng TOEIC: Lesson 33: Đặt Ăn Trưa

Việc đặt thức ăn thường rất phổ biến trong nhiều trường hợp: khi làm việc trong văn phòng, khi ở nhà, khi tới bữa cơm. Hãy cùng học một số từ vựng dùng cho tình huống đặt cơm trưa nhé Lesson 33: Ordering Lunch burden /'bə:dn/ a duty, responsibility, ...

Việc đặt thức ăn thường rất phổ biến trong nhiều trường hợp: khi làm việc trong văn phòng, khi ở nhà, khi tới bữa cơm. Hãy cùng học một số từ vựng dùng cho tình huống đặt cơm trưa nhé

Lesson 33: Ordering Lunch

  • burden /'bə:dn/
a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty, or hard work
(n): Trách nhiệm; gánh nặng
Example: I don't want to become a burden to my children when I'm old
  • commonly /'kɔmənli/
usually; very often; by most people
(adv): Thông thường, phổ biến
Example: This is one of the most commonly used methods.
  • delivery /di'livəri/
the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to
(n): Sự phân phối, sự giao hàng
Example: Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them).
  • elegance /'eligəns/
attractive and showing a good sense of syle
(n): Tính thanh lịch, tính tao nhã
Example: She dresses with casual elegance
  • fall to N/A
to become one's responsibilities
(v): Trách nhiệm thuộc về
Example: The menu was in French, so ordering for us fell to Monique, who spoke French
  • impress /im'pres/
if a person or thing impresses you, you feel admiration for them or it
(v): Gây ấn tượng; làm cảm động
Example: We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.
  • individual /,indi'vidjuəl/
considered separately rather than as part of a group
(adj): Riêng lẻ, cá nhân; riêng biệt
Example: We interviewed each individual member of the community.
  • list /list/
a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed
(n): Danh sách
Example: to make a list of things to do
  • multiple /'mʌltipl/
many in number; involving many different people or things
(adj): Nhiều, nhiều mối, phức tạp
Example: a house in multiple ownership/occupancy (= owned/occupied by several different people or families)
  • narrow /'nærou/
to become or make something narrower
(v): Thu hẹp, làm hẹp lại
Example: The gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points
  • pick up /'pikʌp/
to take on passengers or freight
(v): Đón (ai đó)
Example: If you ask me nicely, I'll pick up the order on my way home
  • settle /'setl/
to put an end to an argument or a disagreement
(v): Giải quyết, dàn xếp
Example: It's time you settled your differences with your father.