Từ vựng TOEIC: Lesson 32: Ăn Bên Ngoài

Ăn bên ngoài mặc dù nghe có vẻ đơn giản nhưng cũng cần một vốn từ vựng kha khá để có thể giao tiếp và để người khác có thể hiểu được mình đó nha. Cùng tìm hiểu thôi nào Lesson 32: Eating Out basis /'beisis/ the reason why people make a ...

Ăn bên ngoài mặc dù nghe có vẻ đơn giản nhưng cũng cần một vốn từ vựng kha khá để có thể giao tiếp và để người khác có thể hiểu được mình đó nha. Cùng tìm hiểu thôi nào 

Lesson 32: Eating Out

  • basis /'beisis/
the reason why people make a particular choice
(adj): Cơ bản
Example: She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications.
  • complete /kəm'pli:t/
to finish making or doing something
(v): Hoàn thành
Example: She's just completed a master's degree in Law
  • excite /ik'sait/
to make someone feel very pleased, interested or enthusiastic
(v): Kích thích,, kích động; gây hứng thú
Example: The prospect of a year in India really excited her.
  • flavor /'fleivə/
a substance added to food or drink to give it a particular flavour
(n): Vị ngon, mùi thơm, mùi vị
Example: This food contains no artificial flavouring
  • forget /fə'get/
to be unable to remember something
(v): Quên
Example: I'd completely forgotten about the money he owed me.
  • ingredient /in'gri:djənt/
one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods
(n): Thành phần
Example: Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.
  • judge /'dʤʌdʤ/
to form an opinion about somebody / something
(v): Đánh giá
Example: As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame
  • Mix-up /'miks'ʌp/
a situation that is full of confusion, especially because somebody has made a mistake
(n): Sự lộn xộn, sự hỗn độn
Example: There has been a mix-up over the dates
  • patron /'peitrən/
a person who gives money and support to artists and writers
(n): Khách hàng quen
Example: Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists
  • predict /pri'dikt/
to say that something will happen in the future
(v): Dự đoán
Example: Nobody could predict the outcome.
  • randomly /ˈrændəmli/
done, without somebody deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern
(adv): Một cách ngẫu nhiên
Example: The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer
  • remind /ri'maind/
to help someone remember something
(v): Nhắc nhở
Example: I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you remind me?