(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) In computer science and mathematics, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical ...
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
In computer science and mathematics, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is important to optimizing the use of other algorithms (such as search and merge algorithms) that require sorted lists to work correctly; it is also often useful for canonicalizing data and for producing human-readable output. More formally, the output must satisfy two conditions:
- The output is in non-decreasing order (each element is no smaller than the previous element according to the desired total order);
- The output is a permutation, or reordering, of the input.
Since the dawn of computing, the sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research, perhaps due to the complexity of solving it efficiently despite its simple, familiar statement. For example, bubble sort was analyzed as early as 1956. Although many consider it a solved problem, useful new sorting algorithms are still being invented to this day (for example, library sort was first published in 2004). algorithms are prevalent in introductory computer science classes, where the abundance of algorithms for the problem provides a gentle introduction to a variety of core algorithm concepts, such as big O notation, divide-and-conquer algorithms, data structures, randomized algorithms, best, worst and average case analysis, time-space tradeoffs, and lower bounds.
algorithms used in computer science are often classified by:
- Computational complexity (worst, average and best behaviour) of element comparisons in terms of the size of the list (n). For typical sorting algorithms good behavior is O(n log n) and bad behavior is Ω(n²). (See Big O notation) Ideal behavior for a sort is O(n). Sort algorithms which only use an abstract key comparison operation always need at least Ω(n log n) comparisons on average.
- Computational complexity of swaps (for "in place" algorithms).
- Memory usage (and use of other computer resources). In particular, some sorting algorithms are "in place", such that only O(1) or O(log n) memory is needed beyond the items being sorted, while others need to create auxiliary locations for data to be temporarily stored.
- Recursion. Some algorithms are either recursive or non recursive, while others may be both (e.g., merge sort).
- Stability: stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys (i.e. values). See below for more information.
- Whether or not they are a comparison sort. A comparison sort examines the data only by comparing two elements with a comparison operator.
- General method: insertion, exchange, selection, merging, etc. Exchange sorts include bubble sort and quicksort. Selection sorts include shaker sort and heapsort.
Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys (i.e. sort key values). That is, a sorting algorithm is stable if whenever there are two records R and S with the same key and with R appearing before S in the original list, R will appear before S in the sorted list.
When equal elements are indistinguishable, such as with integers, or more generally, any data where the entire element is the key, stability is not an issue. However, assume that the following pairs of numbers are to be sorted by their first coordinate:
(4, 1) (3, 7) (3, 1) (5, 6)
In this case, two different results are possible, one which maintains the relative order of records with equal keys, and one which does not:
(3, 7) (3, 1) (4, 1) (5, 6) (order maintained)
(3, 1) (3, 7) (4, 1) (5, 6) (order changed)
Unstable sorting algorithms may change the relative order of records with equal keys, but stable sorting algorithms never do so. Unstable sorting algorithms can be specially implemented to be stable. One way of doing this is to artificially extend the key comparison, so that comparisons between two objects with otherwise equal keys are decided using the order of the entries in the original data order as a tie-breaker. Remembering this order, however, often involves an additional space cost.
based on a primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. sort key can be done by any sorting method, taking all sort keys into account in comparisons (in other words, using a single composite sort key). If a sorting method is stable, it is also possible to sort multiple times, each time with one sort key. In that case the sort keys can be applied in any order, where some key orders may lead to a smaller running time.
6.1.1. Insertion sort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm, a comparison sort in which the sorted array (or list) is built one entry at a time. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort, or merge sort, but it has various advantages:
- Simple to implement
- Efficient on (quite) small data sets
- Efficient on data sets which are already substantially sorted: it runs in O(n + d) time, where d is the number of inversions
- More efficient in practice than most other simple O(n2) algorithms such as selection sort or bubble sort: the average time is n2/4 and it is linear in the best case
- Stable (does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys)
- In-place (only requires a constant amount O(1) of extra memory space)
- It is an online algorithm, in that it can sort a list as it receives it.
In abstract terms, every iteration of an insertion sort removes an element from the input data, inserting it at the correct position in the already sorted list, until no elements are left in the input. The choice of which element to remove from the input is arbitrary and can be made using almost any choice algorithm.
is typically done in-place. The resulting array after k iterations contains the first k entries of the input array and is sorted. In each step, the first remaining entry of the input is removed, inserted into the result at the right position, thus extending the result:
with each element > x copied to the right as it is compared against x.
The most common variant, which operates on arrays, can be described as:
- Suppose we have a method called insert designed to insert a value into a sorted sequence at the beginning of an array. It operates by starting at the end of the sequence and shifting each element one place to the right until a suitable position is found for the new element. It has the side effect of overwriting the value stored immediately after the sorted sequence in the array.
- To perform insertion sort, start at the left end of the array and invoke insert to insert each element encountered into its correct position. The ordered sequence into which we insert it is stored at the beginning of the array in the set of indexes already examined. Each insertion overwrites a single value, but this is okay because it's the value we're inserting.
A simple pseudocode version of the complete algorithm follows, where the arrays are zero-based:
insertionSort(array A)
for i <- 1 to length[A]-1 do
value <- A[i]
j <- i-1
while j >= 0 and A[j] > value do
A[j + 1] = A[j];
j <- j-1
A[j+1] <- value
In the best case of an already sorted array, this implementation of insertion sort takes O(n) time: in each iteration, the first remaining element of the input is only compared with the last element of the sorted subsection of the array. This same case provides worst-case behavior for non-randomized and poorly implemented quicksort, which will take O(n2) time to sort an already-sorted list. Thus, if an array is sorted or nearly sorted, insertion sort will significantly outperform quicksort.
The worst case is an array sorted in reverse order, as every execution of the inner loop will have to scan and shift the entire sorted section of the array before inserting the next element. Insertion sort takes O(n2) time in this worst case as well as in the average case, which makes it impractical for sorting large numbers of elements. However, insertion sort's inner loop is very fast, which often makes it one of the fastest algorithms for sorting small numbers of elements, typically less than 10 or so.
Insertion sort is very similar to selection sort. Just like in selection sort, after k passes through the array, the first k elements are in sorted order. For selection sort, these are the k smallest elements, while in insertion sort they are whatever the first k elements were in the unsorted array. Insertion sort's advantage is that it only scans as many elements as it needs to in order to place the k + 1st element, while selection sort must scan all remaining elements to find the absolute smallest element.
Simple calculation shows that insertion sort will therefore usually perform about half as many comparisons as selection sort. Assuming the k + 1st element's rank is random, it will on the average require shifting half of the previous k elements over, while selection sort always requires scanning all unplaced elements. If the array is not in a random order, however, insertion sort can perform just as many comparisons as selection sort (for a reverse-sorted list). It will also perform far fewer comparisons, as few as n - 1, if the data is pre-sorted, thus insertion sort is much more efficient if the array is already sorted or "close to sorted." It can be seen as an advantage for some real-time applications that selection sort will perform identically regardless of the order of the array, while insertion sort's running time can vary considerably.
While insertion sort typically makes fewer comparisons than selection sort, it requires more writes because the inner loop can require shifting large sections of the sorted portion of the array. In general, insertion sort will write to the array O(n2) times while selection sort will write only O(n) times. For this reason, selection sort may be better in cases where writes to memory are significantly more expensive than reads, such as EEPROM or Flash memory.
Some divide-and-conquer algorithms such as quicksort and mergesort sort by recursively dividing the list into smaller sublists which are then sorted. A useful optimization in practice for these algorithms is to switch to insertion sort for "sorted enough" sublists on which insertion sort outperforms the more complex algorithms. The size of list for which insertion sort has the advantage varies by environment and implementation, but is typically around 8 to 20 elements.
D.L. Shell made substantial improvements to the algorithm, and the modified version is called Shell sort. It compares elements separated by a distance that decreases on each pass. Shell sort has distinctly improved running times in practical work, with two simple variants requiring O(n3/2) and O(n4/3) time.
If comparisons are very costly compared to swaps, as is the case for example with string keys stored by reference or with human interaction (such as choosing one of a pair displayed side-by-side), then using binary insertion sort can be a good strategy. Binary insertion sort employs binary search to find the right place to insert new elements, and therefore performs comparisons in the worst case, which is Θ(n log n). The algorithm as a whole still takes Θ(n2) time on average due to the series of swaps required for each insertion, and since it always uses binary search, the best case is no longer Ω(n) but Ω(n log n).
To avoid having to make a series of swaps for each insertion, we could instead store the input in a linked list, which allows us to insert and delete elements in constant time. Unfortunately, binary search on a linked list is impossible, so we still spend O(n2) time searching. If we instead replace it by a more sophisticated data structure such as a heap or binary tree, we can significantly decrease both search and insert time. This is the essence of heap sort and binary tree sort.
In 2004, Bender, Farach-Colton, and Mosteiro published a new variant of insertion sort called library sort or gapped insertion sort that leaves a small number of unused spaces ("gaps") spread throughout the array. The benefit is that insertions need only shift elements over until a gap is reached. Surprising in its simplicity, they show that this sorting algorithm runs with high probability in O(n log n) time.
c++ Example:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
//Originally Compiled tested with g++ on Linux
using namespace std;
bool swap(int&, int&); //Swaps Two Ints
void desc(int* ar, int); //Nothing Just Shows The Array Visually
int ins_sort(int*, int); //The Insertion Sort Function
int main()
int array[9] = {4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 0, 7, 9, 6}; //The Original Array
desc(array, 9);
*array = ins_sort(array, 9);
cout << "Array Sorted Press Enter To Continue and See the Resultant Array" << endl
<< "-----------------8<-------------------------------->8--------------";
desc(array, 9);
return 0;
int ins_sort(int* array, int len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int val = array[i];
int key = i;
cout << "key(Key) = " << key << " val(Value) = " << val << endl;
for (; key >= 1 && array[key-1] >= val; --key)
cout << "Swapping Backward from (key) " << key << " of (Value) " << array[key] << " to (key) " << key-1
<< " of (Value) " << array[key-1];
cout << " " << key << " <----> " << key-1 << " ( " << array[key] << "<----> " << array[key-1] << " )";
swap(array[key], array[key-1]);
desc(array, 9);
return *array;
bool swap(int& pos1, int& pos2)
int tmp = pos1;
pos1 = pos2;
pos2 = tmp;
return true;
void desc(int* ar, int len)
cout << endl << "Describing The Given Array" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << "_______" << " ";
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << " | " << i << " | " << " ";
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << " ( " << ar[i] << " ) " << " ";
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << "-------" << " ";
Python Example:
def insertion_sort(A):
for i in range(1, len(A)):
key = A[i]
j = i-1
while(j >= 0 and A[j] > key):
A[j+1] = A[j]
j = j-1
A[j+1] = key
6.1.2. Selection sort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Selection sort is a sorting algorithm, specifically an in-placecomparison sort. It has Θ(n2) complexity, making it inefficient on large lists, and generally performs worse than the similar insertion sort. Selection sort is noted for its simplicity, and also has performance advantages over more complicated algorithms in certain situations. It works as follows:
- Find the minimum value in the list
- Swap it with the value in the first position
- Repeat the steps above for remainder of the list (starting at the second position)
Effectively, we divide the list into two parts: the sublist of items already sorted, which we build up from left to right and is found at the beginning, and the sublist of items remaining to be sorted, occupying the remainder of the array.
Here is an example of this sort algorithm sorting five elements:
31 25 12 22 11
11 25 12 22 31
11 12 25 22 31
11 12 22 25 31
Selection sort can also be used on list structures that make add and remove efficient, such as a linked list. In this case it's more common to remove the minimum element from the remainder of the list, and then insert it at the end of the values sorted so far. For example:
31 25 12 22 11
11 31 25 12 22
11 12 31 25 22
11 12 22 31 25
11 12 22 25 31
The following is a C/C++ implementation, which makes use of a swap function:
void selectionSort(int a[], int size)
int i, j, min;
for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
min = i;
for (j = i+1; j < size; j++)
if (a[j] < a[min])
min = j;
swap(a[i], a[min]);
Python example:
def selection_sort(A):
for i in range(0, len(A)-1):
min = A[i]
pos = i
for j in range(i+1, len(A)):
if( A[j] < min ):
min = A[j]
pos = j
A[pos] = A[i]
A[i] = min
Selection sort is not difficult to analyze compared to other sorting algorithms since none of the loops depend on the data in the array. Selecting the lowest element requires scanning all n elements (this takes n - 1 comparisons) and then swapping it into the first position. Finding the next lowest element requires scanning the remaining n - 1 elements and so on, for (n - 1) + (n - 2) + ... + 2 + 1 = n(n - 1) / 2 = Θ(n2) comparisons (see arithmetic progression). Each of these scans requires one swap for n - 1 elements (the final element is already in place). Thus, the comparisons dominate the running time, which is Θ(n2).
Among simple average-case Θ(n2) algorithms, selection sort always outperforms bubble sort and gnome sort, but is generally outperformed by insertion sort. Insertion sort is very similar in that after the kth iteration, the first k elements in the array are in sorted order. Insertion sort's advantage is that it only scans as many elements as it needs to in order to place the k + 1st element, while selection sort must scan all remaining elements to find the k + 1st element.
Simple calculation shows that insertion sort will therefore usually perform about half as many comparisons as selection sort, although it can perform just as many or far fewer depending on the order the array was in prior to sorting. It can be seen as an advantage for some real-time applications that selection sort will perform identically regardless of the order of the array, while insertion sort's running time can vary considerably. However, this is more often an advantage for insertion sort in that it runs much more efficiently if the array is already sorted or "close to sorted."
Another key difference is that selection sort always performs Θ(n) swaps, while insertion sort performs Θ(n2) swaps in the average and worst cases. Because swaps require writing to the array, selection sort is preferable if writing to memory is significantly more expensive than reading, such as when dealing with an array stored in EEPROM or Flash.
Finally, selection sort is greatly outperformed on larger arrays by Θ(nlog n) divide-and-conquer algorithms such as quicksort and mergesort. However, insertion sort or selection sort are both typically faster for small arrays (ie less than 10-20 elements). A useful optimization in practice for the recursive algorithms is to switch to insertion sort or selection sort for "small enough" sublists.
Heapsort greatly improves the basic algorithm by using an implicitheapdata structure to speed up finding and removing the lowest datum. If implemented correctly, the heap will allow finding the next lowest element in Θ(log n) time instead of Θ(n) for the inner loop in normal selection sort, reducing the total running time to Θ(n log n).
A bidirectional variant of selection sort, called cocktail sort, is an algorithm which finds both the minimum and maximum values in the list in every pass. This reduces the number of scans of the list by a factor of 2, eliminating some loop overhead but not actually decreasing the number of comparisons or swaps. Note, however, that cocktail sort more often refers to a bidirectional variant of bubble sort.
Selection sort can be implemented as a stable sort. If, rather than swapping in step 2, the minimum value is inserted into the first position (that is, all intervening items moved down), the algorithm is stable. However, this modification leads to Θ(n2 ) writes, eliminating the main advantage of selection sort over insertion sort, which is always stable.
6.1.3. Bubble sort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm. It works by repeatedly stepping through the list to be sorted, comparing two items at a time and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed, which means the list is sorted. The algorithm gets its name from the way smaller elements "bubble" to the top (i.e. the beginning) of the list via the swaps. (Another opinion: it gets its name from the way greater elements "bubble" to the end.) Because it only uses comparisons to operate on elements, it is a comparison sort. This is the easiest comparison sort to implement.
A simple way to express bubble sort in pseudocode is as follows:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as:
swapped := false
for each i in 0 to length( A ) - 2 do:
if A[ i ] > A[ i + 1 ] then
swap( A[ i ], A[ i + 1 ] )
swapped := true
end if
end for
while swapped
end procedure
The algorithm can also be expressed as:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as:
for each i in 1 to length(A) do:
for each j in length(A) downto i + 1 do:
if A[ j ] < A[ j - 1 ] then
swap( A[ j ], A[ j - 1 ] )
end if
end for
end for
end procedure
This difference between this and the first pseudocode implementation is discussed later in the article.
Best-case performance
Bubble sort has best-case complexity Ω(n). When a list is already sorted, bubblesort will pass through the list once, and find that it does not need to swap any elements. Thus bubble sort will make only n comparisons and determine that list is completely sorted. It will also use considerably less time than О(n²) if the elements in the unsorted list are not too far from their sorted places. MKH...
Rabbits and turtles
The positions of the elements in bubble sort will play a large part in determining its performance. Large elements at the top of the list do not pose a problem, as they are quickly swapped downwards. Small elements at the bottom, however, as mentioned earlier, move to the top extremely slowly. This has led to these types of elements being named rabbits and turtles, respectively.
Various efforts have been made to eliminate turtles to improve upon the speed of bubble sort. Cocktail sort does pretty well, but it still retains O(n2) worst-case complexity. Comb sort compares elements large gaps apart and can move turtles extremely quickly, before proceeding to smaller and smaller gaps to smooth out the list. Its average speed is comparable to faster algorithms like Quicksort.
Alternative implementations
One way to optimize bubble sort is to note that, after each pass, the largest element will always move down to the bottom. During each comparison, it is clear that the largest element will move downwards. Given a list of size n, the nth element will be guaranteed to be in its proper place. Thus it suffices to sort the remaining n - 1 elements. Again, after this pass, the n - 1th element will be in its final place.
In pseudocode, this will cause the following change:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as:
n := length( A )
swapped := false
n := n - 1
for each i in 0 to n do:
if A[ i ] > A[ i + 1 ] then
swap( A[ i ], A[ i + 1 ] )
swapped := true
end if
end for
while swapped
end procedure
We can then do bubbling passes over increasingly smaller parts of the list. More precisely, instead of doing n2 comparisons (and swaps), we can use only n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 comparisons. This sums up to n(n + 1) / 2, which is still O(n2), but which can be considerably faster in practice.
Although bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand and implement, its O(n2) complexity means it is far too inefficient for use on lists having more than a few elements. Even among simple O(n2) sorting algorithms, algorithms like insertion sort are usually considerably more efficient.
Due to its simplicity, bubble sort is often used to introduce the concept of an algorithm, or a sorting algorithm, to introductory computer science students. However, some researchers such as Owen Astrachan have gone to great lengths to disparage bubble sort and its continued popularity in computer science education, recommending that it no longer even be taught.
The Jargon file, which famously calls bogosort "the archetypical perversely awful algorithm", also calls bubble sort "the generic bad algorithm". Donald Knuth, in his famous The Art of Computer Programming, concluded that "the bubble sort seems to have nothing to recommend it, except a catchy name and the fact that it leads to some interesting theoretical problems", some of which he discusses therein.
Bubble sort is asymptotically equivalent in running time to insertion sort in the worst case, but the two algorithms differ greatly in the number of swaps necessary. Experimental results such as those of Astrachan have also shown that insertion sort performs considerably better even on random lists. For these reasons many modern algorithm textbooks avoid using the bubble sort algorithm in favor of insertion sort.
Bubble sort also interacts poorly with modern CPU hardware. It requires at least twice as many writes as insertion sort, twice as many cache misses, and asymptotically more branch mispredictions. Experiments by Astrachan sorting strings in Java show bubble sort to be roughly 5 times slower than insertion sort and 40% slower than selection sort.
Shell sort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Shell sort is a sorting algorithm that is a generalization of insertion sort, with two observations:
- insertion sort is efficient if the input is "almost sorted", and
- insertion sort is typically inefficient because it moves values just one position at a time.
The original implementation performs Θ(n2) comparisons and exchanges in the worst case. A minor change given in V. Pratt's book improved the bound to O(n log2 n). This is worse than the optimal comparison sorts, which are O(n log n).
Shell sort improves insertion sort by comparing elements separated by a gap of several positions. This lets an element take "bigger steps" toward its expected position. Multiple passes over the data are taken with smaller and smaller gap sizes. The last step of Shell sort is a plain insertion sort, but by then, the array of data is guaranteed to be almost sorted.
Consider a small value that is initially stored in the wrong end of the array. Using an O(n2) sort such as bubble sort or insertion sort, it will take roughly n comparisons and exchanges to move this value all the way to the other end of the array. Shell sort first moves values using giant step sizes, so a small value will move a long way towards its final position, with just a few comparisons and exchanges.
One can visualize Shellsort in the following way: arrange the list into a table and sort the columns (using an insertion sort). Repeat this process, each time with smaller number of longer columns. At the end, the table has only one column. While transforming the list into a table makes it easier to visualize, the algorithm itself does its sorting in-place (by incrementing the index by the step size, i.e. using i += step_size instead of i++).
For example, consider a list of numbers like [ 13 14 94 33 82 25 59 94 65 23 45 27 73 25 39 10 ]. If we started with a step-size of 5, we could visualize this as breaking the list of numbers into a table with 5 columns. This would look like this:
13 14 94 33 82
25 59 94 65 23
45 27 73 25 39
We then sort each column, which gives us
10 14 73 25 23
13 27 94 33 39
25 59 94 65 82
When read back as a single list of numbers, we get [ 10 14 73 25 23 13 27 94 33 39 25 59 94 65 82 45 ]. Here, the 10 which was all the way at the end, has moved all the way to the beginning. This list is then again sorted using a 3-gap sort, and then 1-gap sort (simple insertion sort).
The shellsort algorithm in action
The gap sequence is an integral part of the shellsort algorithm. Any increment sequence will work, so long as the last element is 1. The algorithm begins by performing a gap insertion sort, with the gap being the first number in the gap sequence. It continues to perform a gap insertion sort for each number in the sequence, until it finishes with a gap of 1. When the gap is 1, the gap insertion sort is simply an ordinary insertion sort, guaranteeing that the final list is sorted.
The gap sequence that was originally suggested by Donald Shell was to begin with N / 2 and to halve the number until it reaches 1. While this sequence provides significant performance enhancements over the quadratic algorithms such as insertion sort, it can be changed slightly to further decrease the average and worst-case running times. Weiss' textbook[4] demonstrates that this sequence allows a worst case O(n2) sort, if the data is initially in the array as (small_1, large_1, small_2, large_2, ...) - that is, the upper half of the numbers are placed, in sorted order, in the even index locations and the lower end of the numbers are placed similarly in the odd indexed locations.
Perhaps the most crucial property of Shellsort is that the elements remain k-sorted even as the gap diminishes. For instance, if a list was 5-sorted and then 3-sorted, the list is now not only 3-sorted, but both 5- and 3-sorted. If this were not true, the algorithm would undo work that it had done in previous iterations, and would not achieve such a low running time.
Depending on the choice of gap sequence, Shellsort has a proven worst-case running time of O(n2) (using Shell's increments that start with 1/2 the array size and divide by 2 each time), O(n3 / 2) (using Hibbard's increments of 2k − 1), O(n4 / 3) (using Sedgewick's increments of 9(4i) − 9(2i) + 1, or 4i + 1 + 3(2i) + 1), or O(nlog2n), and possibly unproven better running times. The existence of an O(nlogn) worst-case implementation of Shellsort remains an open research question.
The best known sequence is 1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 132, 301, 701. Such a Shell sort is faster than an insertion sort and a heap sort, but if it is faster than a quicksort for small arrays (less than 50 elements), it is slower for bigger arrays. Next gaps can be computed for instance with :
nextgap = round(gap * 2.3)
Shell sort is commonly used in programming languages; this is an implementation of the algorithm in C/C++ for sorting an array of integers. The increment sequence used in this example code gives an O(n2) worst-case running time.
void shell_sort(int A[], int size)
int i, j, increment, temp;
increment = size / 2;
while (increment > 0)
for (i=increment; i < size; i++)
j = i;
temp = A[i];
while ((j >= increment) && (A[j-increment] > temp))
A[j] = A[j - increment];
j = j - increment;
A[j] = temp;
if (increment == 2)
increment = 1;
increment = (int) (increment / 2.2);
The Java implementation of Shell sort is as follows:
public static void shellSort(int[] a) {
for ( int increment = a.length / 2;
increment > 0;
increment = (increment == 2 ? 1 : (int) Math.round(increment / 2.2))) {
for (int i = increment; i < a.length; i++) {
for (int j = i; j >= increment && a[j - increment] > a[j]; j -= increment) {
int temp = a[j];
a[j] = a[j - increment];
a[j - increment] = temp;
Here it is:
def shellsort(a):
def new_increment(a):
i = int(len(a) / 2)
yield i
while i != 1:
if i == 2:
i = 1
i = int(numpy.round(i/2.2))
yield i
for increment in new_increment(a):
for i in xrange(increment, len(a)):
for j in xrange(i, increment-1, -increment):
if a[j - increment] < a[j]:
temp = a[j];
a[j] = a[j - increment]
a[j - increment] = temp
return a
6.2.2. Heap sort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Heapsort is a comparison-basedsorting algorithm, and is part of the selection sort family. Although somewhat slower in practice on most machines than a good implementation of quicksort, it has the advantage of a worst-case O(n log n) runtime. Heapsort is an in-place algorithm, but is not a stable sort.
Heapsort inserts the input list elements into a heap data structure. The largest value (in a max-heap) or the smallest value (in a min-heap) are extracted until none remain, the values having been extracted in sorted order. The heap's invariant is preserved after each extraction, so the only cost is that of extraction.
During extraction, the only space required is that needed to store the heap. In order to achieve constant space overhead, the heap is stored in the part of the input array that has not yet been sorted. (The structure of this heap is described at Binary heap: Heap implementation.)
Heapsort uses two heap operations: insertion and root deletion. Each extraction places an element in the last empty location of the array. The remaining prefix of the array stores the unsorted elements.
- The most important variation to the simple variant is an improvement by R.W.Floyd which gives in practice about 25% speed improvement by using only one comparison in each siftup run which then needs to be followed by a siftdown for the original child; moreover it is more elegant to formulate. Heapsort's natural way of indexing works on indices from 1 up to the number of items. Therefore the start address of the data should be shifted such that this logic can be implemented avoiding unnecessary +/- 1 offsets in the coded algorithm.
- Ternary heapsort uses a ternary heap instead of a binary heap; that is, each element in the heap has three children. It is more complicated to program, but does a constant number of times fewer swap and comparison operations. This is because each step in the shift operation of a ternary heap requires three comparisons and one swap, whereas in a binary heap two comparisons and one swap are required. The ternary heap does two steps in less time than the binary heap requires for three steps, which multiplies the index by a factor of 9 instead of the factor 8 of three binary steps. Ternary heapsort is about 12% faster than the simple variant of binary heapsort.[citation needed]
- The smoothsort sorting algorithm is a variation of heapsort developed by Edsger Dijkstra in 1981. Like heapsort, smoothsort's upper bound is O(n log n). The advantage of smoothsort is that it comes closer to O(n) time if the input is already sorted to some degree, whereas heapsort averages O(n log n) regardless of the initial sorted state. Due to its complexity, smoothsort is rarely used.
Heapsort primarily competes with quicksort, another very efficient general purpose nearly-in-place comparison-based sort algorithm.
Quicksort is typically somewhat faster, due to better cache behavior and other factors, but the worst-case running time for quicksort is O(n2), which is unacceptable for large data sets and can be deliberately triggered given enough knowledge of the implementation, creating a security risk. See quicksort for a detailed discussion of this problem, and possible solutions.
Thus, because of the O(n log n) upper bound on heapsort's running time and constant upper bound on its auxiliary storage, embedded systems with real-time constraints or systems concerned with security often use heapsort.
Heapsort also competes with merge sort, which has the same time bounds, but requires Ω(n) auxiliary space, whereas heapsort requires only a constant amount. Heapsort also typically runs more quickly in practice on machines with small or slow data caches. On the other hand, merge sort has several advantages over heapsort:
- Like quicksort, merge sort on arrays has considerably better data cache performance, often outperforming heapsort on a modern desktop PC, because it accesses the elements in order.
- Merge sort is a stable sort.
- Merge sort parallelizes better; the most trivial way of parallelizing merge sort achieves close to linear speedup, while there is no obvious way to parallelize heapsort at all.
- Merge sort can be easily adapted to operate on linked lists and very large lists stored on slow-to-access media such as disk storage or network attached storage. Heapsort relies strongly on random access, and its poor locality of reference makes it very slow on media with long access times.
An interesting alternative to Heapsort is Introsort which combines quicksort and heapsort to retain advantages of both: worst case speed of heapsort and average speed of quicksort.
The following is the "simple" way to implement the algorithm, in pseudocode, where swap is used to swap two elements of the array. Notice that the arrays are zero based in this example.
function heapSort(a, count) is
input: an unordered array a of length count
(first place a in max-heap order)
heapify(a, count)
end := count - 1
while end > 0 do
(swap the root(maximum value) of the heap with the last element of the heap)
swap(a[end], a[0])
(decrease the size of the heap by one so that the previous max value will
stay in its proper placement)
end := end - 1
(put the heap back in max-heap order)
siftDown(a, 0, end)
function heapify(a,count) is
(start is assigned the index in a of the last parent node)
start := count ÷ 2 - 1
while start ≥ 0 do
(sift down the node at index start to the proper place such that all nodes below
the start index are in heap order)
siftDown(a, start, count-1)
start := start - 1
(after sifting down the root all nodes/elements are in heap order)
function siftDown(a, start, end) is
input: end represents the limit of how far down the heap
to sift.
root := start
while root * 2 + 1 ≤ end do (While the root has at least one child)
child := root * 2 + 1 (root*2+1 points to the left child)
(If the child has a sibling and the child's value is less than its sibling's...)
if child < end and a[child] < a[child + 1] then
child := child + 1 (... then point to the right child instead)
if a[root] < a[child] then (out of max-heap order)
swap(a[root], a[child])
root := child (repeat to continue sifting down the child now)
The heapify function can be thought of as successively inserting into the heap and sifting up. The two versions only differ in the order of data processing. The above heapify function starts at the bottom and moves up while sifting down (bottom-up). The following heapify function starts at the top and moves down while sifting up (top-down).
function heapify(a,count) is
(end is assigned the index of the first (left) child of the root)
end := 1
while end < count
(sift up the node at index end to the proper place such that all nodes above
the end index are in heap order)
siftUp(a, 0, end)
end := end + 1
(after sifting up the last node all nodes are in heap order)
function siftUp(a, start, end) is
input: start represents the limit of how far up the heap to sift.
end is the node to sift up.
child := end
while child > start
parent := ⌊(child - 1) ÷ 2⌋
if a[parent] < a[child] then (out of max-heap order)
swap(a[parent], a[child])
child := parent (repeat to continue sifting up the parent now)
It can be shown that both variants of heapify run in O(n) time.[citation needed]
Below is an implementation of the "standard" heapsort (also called bottom-up-heapsort). It is faster on average (see Knuth. Sec. 5.2.3, Ex. 18) and even better in worst-case behavior (1.5n log n) than the simple heapsort (2n log n). The sift_in routine is first a sift_up of the free position followed by a sift_down of the new item. The needed data-comparison is only in the macro data_i_LESS_THAN_ for easy adaption.
This code is flawed - see talk page
/* Heapsort based on ideas of J.W.Williams/R.W.Floyd/S.Carlsson */
#define data_i_LESS_THAN_(other) (data[i] < other)
#define MOVE_i_TO_free { data[free]=data[i]; free=i; }
void sift_in(unsigned count, SORTTYPE *data, unsigned free_in, SORTTYPE next)
unsigned i;
unsigned free = free_in;
// sift up the free node
for (i=2*free;i<count;i+=i)
{ if (data_i_LESS_THAN_(data[i+1])) i++;
// special case in sift up if the last inner node has only 1 child
if (i==count)
// sift down the new item next
while( ((i=free/2)>=free_in) && data_i_LESS_THAN_(next))
data[free] = next;
void heapsort(unsigned count, SORTTYPE *data)
unsigned j;
if (count <= 1) return;
data-=1; // map addresses to indices 1 til count
// build the heap structure
for(j=count / 2; j>=1; j--) {
SORTTYPE next = data[j];
sift_in(count, data, j, next);
// search next by next remaining extremal element
for(j= count - 1; j>=1; j--) {
SORTTYPE next = data[j + 1];
data[j + 1] = data[1]; // extract extremal element from the heap
sift_in(j, data, 1, next);
6.2.3. Quicksort
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Quicksort is a well-known sorting algorithm developed by C. A. R. Hoare that, on average, makes (big O notation) comparisons to sort n items. However, in the worst case, it makes Θ(n2) comparisons. Typically, quicksort is significantly faster in practice than other
algorithms, because its inner loop can be efficiently implemented on most architectures, and in most real-world data it is possible to make design choices which minimize the possibility of requiring quadratic time.
Quicksort is a comparison sort and is not a stable sort.
Quicksort sorts by employing a divide and conquer strategy to divide a list into two sub-lists.
The steps are:
- Pick an element, called a pivot, from the list.
- Reorder the list so that all elements which are less than the pivot come before the pivot and so that all elements greater than the pivot come after it (equal values can go either way). After this partitioning, the pivot is in its final position. This is called the partition operation.
- Recursively sort the sub-list of lesser elements and the sub-list of greater elements.
The base case of the recursion are lists of size zero or one, which are always sorted. The algorithm always terminates because it puts at least one element in its final place on each iteration (the loop invariant).
In simple pseudocode, the algorithm might be expressed as:
function quicksort(array)
var list less, pivotList, greater
if length(array) ≤ 1
return array
select a pivot value pivot from array
for each x in array
if x < pivot then add x to less
if x = pivot then add x to pivotList
if x > pivot then add x to greater
return concatenate(quicksort(less), pivotList, quicksort(greater))
Notice that we only examine elements by comparing them to other elements. This makes quicksort a comparison sort.
Version with in-place partition
In-place partition in action on a small list. The boxed element is the pivot element, blue elements are less or equal, and red elements are larger.
The disadvantage of the simple version above is that it requires Ω(n) extra storage space, which is as bad as mergesort (see big-O notation for the meaning of Ω). The additional memory allocations required can also drastically impact speed and cache performance in practical implementations. There is a more complicated version which uses an in-place partition algorithm and can achieve O(log n) space use on average for good pivot choices:
function partition(array, left, right, pivotIndex)
pivotValue := array[pivotIndex]
swap( array, pivotIndex, right) // Move pivot to end
storeIndex := left - 1
for i from left to right-1
if array[i] <= pivotValue
storeIndex := storeIndex + 1
swap( array, storeIndex, i)
swap( array, right, storeIndex+1) // Move pivot to its final place
return storeIndex+1
This form of the partition algorithm is not the original form; multiple variations can be found in various textbooks, such as versions not having the storeIndex. However, this form is probably the easiest to understand.
This is the in-place partition algorithm. It partitions the portion of the array between indexes left and right, inclusively, by moving all elements less than or equal to a[pivotIndex] to the beginning of the subarray, leaving all the greater elements following them. In the process it also finds the final position for the pivot element, which it returns. It temporarily moves the pivot element to the end of the subarray, so that it doesn't get in the way. Because it only uses exchanges, the final list has the same elements as the original list. Notice that an element may be exchanged multiple times before reaching its final place.
Once we have this, writing quicksort itself is easy:
function quicksort(array, left, right)
if right > left
select a pivot index (e.g. pivotIndex := left)
pivotNewIndex := partition(array, left, right, pivotIndex)
quicksort(array, left, pivotNewIndex-1)
quicksort(array, pivotNewIndex+1, right)
Like mergesort, quicksort can also be easily parallelized due to its divide-and-conquer nature. Individual in-place partition operations are difficult to parallelize, but once divided, different sections of the list can be sorted in parallel. If we have p processors, we can divide a list of n elements into p sublists in Θ(n) average time, then sort each of these in average time. Ignoring the O(n) preprocessing, this is linear speedup. Given Θ(n) processors, only O(n) time is required overall.
One advantage of parallel quicksort over other parallel sort algorithms is that no synchronization is required. A new thread is started as soon as a sublist is available for it to work on and it does not communicate with other threads. When all threads complete, the sort is done.
Other more sophisticated parallel sorting algorithms can achieve even better time bounds. For example, in 1991 David Powers described a parallelized quicksort that can operate in O(log n) time given enough processors by performing partitioning implicitly[1].
From the initial description it's not obvious that quicksort takes O(n log n)time on average. It's not hard to see that the partition operation, which simply loops over the elements of the array once, uses Θ(n) time. In versions that perform concatenation, this operation is also Θ(n).
In the best case, each time we perform a partition we divide the list into two nearly equal pieces. This means each recursive call processes a list of half the size. Consequently, we can make only (log n) nested calls before we reach a list of size 1. This means that the depth of the call tree is O(log n). But no two calls at the same level of the call tree process the same part of the original list; thus, each level of calls needs only O(n) time all together (each call has some constant overhead, but since there are only O(n) calls at each level, this is subsumed in the O(n) factor). The result is that the algorithm uses only O(n log n) time.
An alternate approach is to set up a recurrence relation for T(n) factor), the time needed to sort a list of size n. Because a single quicksort call involves O(n) factor) work plus two recursive calls on lists of size n/2 in the best case, the relation would be:

The master theorem tells us that .
In fact, it's not necessary to divide the list this precisely; even if each pivot splits the elements with 99% on one side and 1% on the other (or any other fixed fraction), the call depth is still limited to (100log n), so the total running time is still O(n log n).
In the worst case, however, the two sublists have size 1 and n − 1, and the call tree becomes a linear chain of n nested calls. The ith call does work, and
. The recurrence relation is:

This is the same relation as for insertion sort and selection sort, and it solves to T(n) = Θ(n2).
Randomized quicksort expected complexity
Randomized quicksort has the desirable property that it requires only O(n log n)expected time, regardless of the input. But what makes random pivots a good choice?
Suppose we sort the list and then divide it into four parts. The two
- 1 Bài tập cơ bản về mạng máy tính
- 2 Giới thiệu Microsoft Access
- 3 minh họa các entropy
- 4 Điện dẫn truyền (transconductance) của jfet và demosfet
- 5 Đô thị hóa ở Việt Nam những năm 90: Một số đặc trưng kinh tế - Xã hội cơ bản
- 6 Interferon
- 7 Các chỉ tiêu kinh tế cơ bản trong tiêu thụ và xác định tiêu thụ
- 8 Keo đất và khả năng hấp thụ của đất
- 9 Tiềm năng du lịch của Ninh Bình
- 10 Câu hỏi ôn tập quản trị chất lượng trong doanh nghiệp