04/05/2018, 17:12
Phrasal Verbs – LOOK: look up, look after, look out…
Cụm động từ sử dụng với động từ ‘LOOK’. You will learn some common phrasal verbs using the verb LOOK. Do you often have to LOOK UP phrasal verbs and expressions? Do others LOOK DOWN on you when you don’t understand? After this lesson, things will start to LOOK UP. Then, when ...
Cụm động từ sử dụng với động từ ‘LOOK’.
You will learn some common phrasal verbs using the verb LOOK. Do you often have to LOOK UP phrasal verbs and expressions? Do others LOOK DOWN on you when you don’t understand? After this lesson, things will start to LOOK UP. Then, when someone yells “LOOK OUT!”, you’ll know to be careful.

‘to look up‘ nghĩa là tra từ điển hoặc bản đồ…
- If any of these words give you difficulty and you’re not sure what I’m saying or you didn’t catch what I’m saying, look them up in the dictionary or look them up online. Go to Google or go to wherever you go, the dictionary, punch in the word, and you will get the meaning of this word.
‘to look after‘ nghĩa là chăm sóc ai đó, thứ gì đó (take care of).
- When I have to travel on business, my parents usually look after my children.
- I look after the office when my colleagues are away on business.
‘to look ahead‘ nghĩa là nghĩ về kế hoạch tương lai.
- We have to look ahead and try to estimate our needs for the next few years.
- In this business, it’s very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen.
‘to look at‘ nghĩa là đọc lướt qua, xem qua, đọc cái gì đó nhanh không cần kỹ càng lắm.
- Could you look at my report and tell me if you think it’s OK?
- I looked at your figures and they seem fine to me.
‘to look at‘ cũng có nghĩa là điều tra hoặc là nghĩ cẩn thận về một tình huống, vấn đề.
- Costs are getting out of control. We need to look at them closely.
- John looked at renting cars but it would be too expensive.
‘to look back‘ nghĩa là nghĩ về những thứ mà đã xảy ra trong quá khứ.
- I realise I was very naive when I look back.
- If we look back over the last three years, we can see many times when we were very successful.
‘to look down on‘ nghĩa là nghĩ thứ gì hoặc ai đó là kém hơn, thua kém (khinh thường ai đó)
- The people who work in Headquarters always look down on the people in the branches.
- Don’t look down on him just because he left school at 16. He has been very successful.
‘to look for‘ nghĩa là tìm kiếm thứ gì đó bị mất hoặc thứ bạn đang cần.
- My assistant is leaving at the end of the month. I’m looking for a new one.
- He has been looking for a job for ages now.
‘to look forward to‘ nghĩa là cảm thấy rất vui, háo hức, mong chờ về thứ chuẩn bị xảy ra.
- I’m seeing him on Tuesday. I’m really looking forward to it.
- We’re looking forward to our holidays. It will be wonderful to get away.
‘to look in‘ nghĩa là ghé qua thăm ai đó, thăm ai đó trong khoảng thời gian ngắn.
- I’ll look in on my way home and we can have a cup of tea.
- Look in on Jenny and check that she is still working.
‘to look into‘ nghĩa là xem xét, đánh giá vấn đề hoặc tình huống.
- My boss asked me to look into ways to do it more efficiently.
- We have set up a working group to look into the