24/05/2018, 14:13

Fire Safety

0 Emergency system, especially fire safety is a very important matter in manufacturing but often ignored in factories in Vietnam. Workplace accidents causing death or disability ...


Emergency system, especially fire safety is a very important matter in manufacturing but often ignored in factories in Vietnam. Workplace accidents causing death or disability cost both individuals and factories dearly. This Guide focuses on how to ensure safety for workers in case of fire or any emergency cases. This can be applied to any kind of factories, especially those with materials or products which are easy to catch fire.

Prospective users:

All members of the factory must be involved in ensuring fire safety in the workplace. It is management’s responsibility to set up the fire safety system, train the workers on fire safety while workers need to participate in the fire safety insurance.

This practice can be applied to all kinds of factories.

ProblemS addressed

  • Workplace accidents related to fire
  • High costs in cases of fire


To improve labor safety in the factory requires a comprehensive approach involving all members of the factory. Fire safety is of the most important areas of labor safety which need to be concerned in any factories. Based on the policy on labor safety and the official guidelines for fire safety, the management should create a system of fire safety including fire safety regulations, system of fire safety equipments, guides to use fire safety and rescue equipments, and regularly train workers on fire safety and fire rescue.

Steps in implementation

  • Set up a system of fire safety and fire rescue equipments around the factory, at the places which are easy to access in case of emergency. Use signage in red to notify workers of the places of the fire safety and rescue devices.
  • Keep the space around the fire safety clean and tidy without any obstacles.
  • Set up a system of fire alarm around the factory so that people can be informed about the promptly in case of emergency
  • Develop and distribute fire safety guidelines to the workers, in combination with fire safety training. Make the guideline in some key major steps with illustrative pictures to make workers easy to understand and use.
  • Place a fire safety reminder board with large symbols and letters at the entrance gate and inside the factory where it is easy for workers to see
  • Use pictures and diagrams to illustrate to workers the correct and unsafe ways of using equipment.
  • Post messages about fire safety around the factory to continually remind workers to be aware of fire safety issues.
  • Save a corner of the bulletin board for the information and guidelines regarding the fire safety
  • Create one-way doors or door made of fire resistant materials for emergency exist. If the factory surface is on the second floor or higher, there should be emergency stairway out of the building. All emergency exits should be illuminated and marked with an exit sign. Emergency lights setup above all exits and stairways
  • Develop and post the emergency maps around the factories where workers can see easily
  • In accordance with the emergency maps, emergency evacuation routes posted, marked with visible red arrows and kept clear of obstacles to allow safe evacuation of workers?
  • Develop and use fire safety slogans which are easy to see and remember
  • Regularly check and conduct maintenance all the fire rescue and alarm devices to ensure that they are always in good conditions and ready to be used.
  • Assign a trained officer responsible for the proper maintenance and upkeep of all fire rescue equipment?
  • Train all managers, supervisors and workers trained on fire prevention procedures. Train workers to know how to use fire rescue machines correctly. Every worker should be trained in the use of portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Set up a team of fire rescue with the members selected among workers from different divisions of the factories
  • Regularly (on a monthly basis) practice fire rescue operation so that the workers remember and get used to using fire safety devices in emergency situations.
  • Participate in the fire rescue contest of the local government to provide fire rescue team to practice and develop good reputation on company social responsibility
  • Offer timely encouragement and/or rewards for individuals or groups who conform with the fire safety regulations

  • Efforts of personnel in charge of labor safety
  • Regulations on fire safety
  • Guides on fire safety and rescue
  • Fire rescue devices and suitable places to store them; regular maintenance and check.
  • Encouragement policy for those who well conformed with the fire safety regulations
  • Supervision of line manager
  • Vietnamese workers seem not to be concerned about the fire issues
  • Safety for labors and for the factories
  • Good and stable labor forces
  • Cost saving
  • Fire safety regulations and guidelines formulated and informed to all workers
  • Fire safety regulation and manual posted in public information board
  • All workers know how to avoid causing fire
  • All workers understand and remember key fire safety regulations which related to them
  • Fire rescue equipments and devices available and easy to access
  • Fire rescue team is able to use fire rescue correctly.

Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.