14/01/2018, 19:33

Bộ đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN - Số 1

Bộ đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN - Số 1 Đề thi thử đại học môn Anh năm 2017 có đáp án Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 có đáp án Nhằm giúp các em học sinh có ...

Bộ đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN - Số 1

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 có đáp án

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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT chuyên Khoa học tự nhiên - ĐHQG Hà Nội (Lần 1) có đáp án

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Chuyên Bắc Ninh có đáp án

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Tiên Du 1, Bắc Ninh có đáp án

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 THPT Trần Hưng Đạo, TP. Hồ Chí Minh (Lần 2)

I - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 1: The soccer team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.

A. Not only did the soccer team lose the match but they blamed each other as well

B. No sooner had the soccer team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.

C. As soon as they blamed each other, the soccer team knew they lost the match.

D. Hardly had the soccer team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.

Câu 2: Lucy always reminds me of my youngest sister.

A. My youngest sister's name is Lucy.

B. I always think of Lucy, my youngest sister.

C. Whenever I see Lucy, I think of my youngest sister.

D. It is Lucy who is my youngest sister.

Câu 3: They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them.

A. So fierce was their dog that nobody would visit them.

B. Their dog was fierce enough for anybody to visit them.

C. If their dog weren't fierce, somebody would visit them.

D. So fierce a dog did they had that nobody would visit them.

Câu 4: They are my two sisters. They aren't teachers like me.

A. They are my two sisters, that are teachers like me.

B. They are my two sisters, neither of whom are teachers like me.

C. They are my two sisters, both of those are teachers like me.

D. Unlike me, neither of my two sisters aren't teachers.

Câu 5: "Why don't you participate in the volunteer work in summer?" said Sophie.

A. Sophie suggested my participating in the volunteer work in summer.

B. Sophie made me participate in the volunteer work in summer.

C. Sophie asked me why not participate in the volunteer work in summer.

D. Sophie suggested me to participate in the volunteer work in summer.

II - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions

Câu 6: The students are advised to concentrate on their studying.

A. remember                            B. pay attention to

C. be interested in                   D. resemble

Câu 7: In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.

A. mandatory                    B. superior                   C. beneficial                D. constructive

III - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 8: Many people will be out of ________ if the factory is closed.

A. career                    B. Job                        C. profession                 D. work

Câu 9: Neither Tom nor his brothers______ willing to help their mother with the housework.

A. is                           B. was                      C. are                       D. has been

Câu 10: Do you know the person _________ next to you in the evening class?

A. whose sitting             B. whom sits              C. sitting                D. who sit

Câu 11: I can't _________ of a word he is saying.

A. make sense                     B. grasp                    C. comprehend                      D. understand

Câu 12: Tony Blair is believed __________ for Liverpool last week.

A. having left                           B. to have left                  C. to leave                       D. leaving

Câu 13: _______ is increasing, which results from economic crisis.

A. Employment                          B. Unemployed                   C. Unemployment                    D. Employ

Câu 14: Tom: "_____"

Mike: "I won't say no!"

A. How are things with you, Mike?

B. What about playing badminton this afternoon?

C. Mike, do you know where the scissors are?

D. What's your favourite, tea or coffee?

Câu 15: In the US the first stage of compulsory education _______ as elementary education.

A. to be generally known                         B. is generally known

C. generally known                                D. is generally knowing

Câu 16: It is vital to create a good impression ______ your interviewer.

A. on                        B. with                        C. at                 D. for

Câu 17: Geometry is the branch of mathematics _______ the properties of time, curves, shapes, and surfaces.

A. it is concerned with                B. that concerned with            C. concerned with              D. its concerned are

Câu 18: We should make full use _____ the Internet as it is an endless source of information.

A. of                          B. in                           C. with                  D. from

Câu 19: Cindy: "Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!" - Mary: - " ______________"

A. Never mention it.                             B. Thanks, Cindy. I had it done yesterday.

C. Thanks, but I'm afraid.                    D. Yes, all right.

Câu 20: He didn't know______ or stay until the end of the festival.

A. whether to go                         B. if that he should go                  C. to go                 D. if to go

Câu 21: If_____, the Xmas tree would look more impressive.

A. done carefully                                    B. being done carefully

C. it were careful done                      D. it were to be carefully done

IV - Read the following andmark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the world's universities, came from very inauspicious and humble beginning.

This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636, just sixteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England's prestigious Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these universities graduates in the New Word were determined that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university.

When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of

Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done. The amount of the bequest may not have been large, particularly by today's standard, but it was more than the General Court had found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college.

Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshmen class of four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.

Câu 22: The main idea of this passage is that ______________ .

A. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts

B. What is today a great university started out small

C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great university

D. Harvard is one of the world's most prestigious universities.

Câu 23: The passage indicates that Harvard is _______________

A. One of the oldest universities in the world                     B. the oldest university in the world

C. one of the oldest universities in America                     D. the oldest university in America

Câu 24: It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who traveled to the

Massachusetts colony were _________________

A. rather rich                                                                   B. Rather well educated

C. rather supportive of the English government           D. rather undemocratic

Câu 25: The pronoun "they" in the second paragraph refers to _______________

A. sons                                                                B. university graduates

C. Oxford and Cambridge universities                D. educational opportunities

Câu 26: The "pounds" in the second paragraph are probably ______________

A. units of money                        B. college students                             C. Types of books                     D. school campuses

Câu 27: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?

A. What he died of                                B. Where he came from

C. Where he was buried                     D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard

Câu 28: The passage implies that __________________ .

A. Someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster

B. Henry Dunster was an ineffective president

C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty

D. The position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the early ears

Câu 29: The word "somewhat" in the last paragraph could best be replaced by _______

A. to and pro                      B. Back and forth                                   C. side by side               D. more or less

VIII -   Read the following andmark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

In early civilization, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit. Education meant simply learning to live. As civilization became more complex, however, education became more formal, structured, and comprehensive. Initial efforts of the ancient Chinese and Greek societies concentrated solely on the education of males. The post-Babylonian Jews and Plato were exceptions to this pattern. Plato was apparently the first significant advocate of the equality of the sexes. Women, in his ideal state, would have the same rights and duties and the same educational opportunities as men. This aspect of Platonic philosophy, however, had little or no effect on education for many centuries, and the concept of a liberal education for men only, which had been espoused by Aristotle, prevailed.

In ancient Rome, the availability of an education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men. The early Christians and medieval Europeans continued this trend, and single-sex schools for the privileged through classes prevailed through the Reformation period. Gradually, however, education for women, in a separate but equal basis to that provided for men, was becoming a clear responsibility of society. Martin Luther appealed for civil support of schools for all children. Al the Council of Trent in the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church encouraged the establishment of free primary schools for children of all classes. The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, co-education became a more widely applied principle of educational philosophy. In Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union the education of boys and girls in the same classes became an accepted practice. Since World War II, Japan and the Scandinavian countries have also adopted relatively universal co-educational systems. The greatest negative reaction to co-education has been felt in the teaching systems of the Latin countries, where the sexes have usually been separated at both primary and secondary levels, according to local conditions.

A number of studies have indicated that girls seem to perform better overall and in science in particular. In single-sex classes, during the adolescent years, pressure to conform to stereotypical female gender roles may disadvantage girls in traditionally male subjects, making them reluctant to volunteer for experimental work while taking part in lessons. In Britain, academic league tables point to high standards achieved in girls' schools. Some educationalists, therefore, suggest segregation of the sexes as a good thing, particularly in certain areas, and a number of schools are experimenting with the idea.

Câu 37: Ancient education generally focused its efforts on __________.

A. young people only                   B. on male learners                   C. both sexes                   D. female learners

Câu 38: Education in early times was mostly aimed at __________.

A. teaching skills                     B. learning new lifestyles

C. learning to live                   D. imparting survival skills

Câu 39: The first to support the equality of the sexes was __________.

A. the Chinese                       B. the Jews                         C. Plato                  D. the Greek

Câu 40: The word "informally" in this context mostly refers to an education occurring __________.

A. in a department                          B. in classrooms                 C. ability                    D. outside  the school

Câu 41: When education first reached women, they were __________.

A. separated from men                             B. locked up in a place with men

C. deprived of opportunities                     D. isolated from a normal life

Câu 42: When the concept of universal primary education was introduced, education __________.

A. was intended for all the sexes                   B. was intended to leave out female learners

C. was given free to all                                  D. focused on imparting skills

Câu 43: Co-education was negatively responded to in __________.

A. conservative countries                              B. Japan

C. South American countries                          D. the Scandinavian countries

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 THPT Trần Hưng Đạo, TP. Hồ Chí Minh (Lần 1)

I - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 1: You can stay in the flat for free as long as you pay the bills.

A. Whether you pay the bills or stay in the flat, it is free.

B. Without the bills paid, you can stay in the free flat.

C. Unless the flat is free of bills, you cannot stay in it.

D. Provided you pay the bills, you can stay in the flat for free.

Câu 2: They believe a single gunman carried out the attack.

A. The attack's is believed to have carried out a single gunman

B. A single gunman is believed to have carried out the attack

C. It is believed to be carried out the attack by a single gunman.

D. It is believed that the attack has been carried out by a single gunman.

Câu 3: "I'm sorry. I didn't do the homework." said the boy.

A. The boy admitted not doing the homework.

B. The boy said that he was sorry and he wouldn't do the homework.

C. The boy denied not doing the homework.

D. The boy refused to do the homework.

II - Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Keeping your distance

Personal space is a term that refers (4) .......... the distance we like to keep between ourselves and other people. When (5) ............. we do not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel uncomfortable. If a business colleague comes closer than 1.2 meters, the most common response is to move (6) ......... . Some interesting (7) ........... have been done in libraries. If strangers come too close, many people get up and leave the building; others use different methods such as turning their back on the intruder. Living in cities has made people develop new skills for dealing with situations where they are very close to strangers. Most people on crowded trains try not to look at strangers; they avoid skin contact, and apologize if hands touch by mistake. People use newspapers (8) ........ a barrier between themselves and other people, and if they do not have one, they stare into the distance, making sure they are not looking into anyone's eyes.

Câu 4: A. from                     B. about                 C. to                          D. for

Câu 5: A. people                 B. anyone               C. someone             D. nobody

Câu 6: A. up                        B. away                  C. on                        D. in

Câu 7: A. survey               B. questionnaires     C. research                D. studies

Câu 8: A. like                    B. alike                        C. as                          D. such as

III -Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in the following questions

Câu 9: In Western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.

A. discourteous                        B. informal                     C. irresponsible                  D. insecure

Câu 10: She decided to remain celibate and devote her life to helping the homeless and orphans.

A. single                                 B. divorced                            C. separated             D. married

VI - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Câu 16: Football is thought ___________ in the world.

A. to play the most popular sport                            B. to have been the most popular sport

C. to have played the most popular sport                D. to be the most popular sport

Câu 17: Can you tell me who is responsible _____________ checking passports are?

A. in                         B. to                            C. for                    D. about

Câu 18: When my father was young, he ______ get up early to do the gardening.

A. used to                   B. was used to                C. got used to           D. use to

Câu 19: The marathon, first staged in 1896, ______ the legendary feat of a Greek soldier who carried news of victory from the battle at Marathon to Athens.

A. commemorates                         B. commemorated

C. commemorating                         D. was commemorated

Câu 20: I ________ very well with my roommate now. We never have arguments.

A. go on                          B. put on                      C. get on                 D. carry on

Câu 21: The preparation_________ by the time the guest_________

A. had been finished- arrived                  B. have been finished- were arrived

C. have finished- arrived                          D. had finished-were arriving

Câu 22: If she had known how awful this job was going to be, she__________it.

A. wouldn't have accepted                         B. would have accepted

C. would accept                                       D. wouldn't accept

Câu 23: The number of unemployed people __________ recently.

A. is increasing                          B. increase                       C. has increased                     D. have increased

Câu 24: The mother told her son _______ so impolitely

A. not behave                          B. didn't behave                       C. to behave                          D. not to behave

Câu 25: Eugenie Clark has a wide __________ about cultures of many countries in the world

A. knowing                                  B. known                                 C. know                     D. knowledge

Câu 26: I believe that he was concerned __________ all those matters which his wife mentioned.

A. above                                    B. with                                      C. upon                          D. over

Câu 27: Jack asked his sister ______.

A. where she would go the following day                         B. where you have gone tomorrow

C. where you will go tomorrow                                         D. where would she go the following day

VII - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Câu 28: Kate: "Thank you for the lovely present. " – Peter: " ................ . "

A. I'm pleased you like it                    B. Not at all

C. Go ahead                                           D. come on

Câu 29: Anne: "Make yourself at home".

John: " _______"

A. That's very kind of you. Thank you                 B. Thanks! The same to you!

C. Not at all. Don't mention it                              D. Yes, can I help you?

VIII - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 30: A. obedient                   B. decision                     C. mischievous                      D. biologist

Câu 31: A. maintain                    B. response                  C. marriage                             D. believe

IX - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 32: The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.

A. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.

B. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.

C. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.

D. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match.

Câu 33: He was able to finish his book. It was because his wife helped him.

A. If only he had been able to finish his book.

B. If it weren't for his wife's help, he couldn't have finished his book.

C. Without his wife's help, he couldn't have finished his book.

D. But for his wife's help, he couldn't finish his book.

XI - Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions below.


Family life in the United States is changing. Fifty or sixty years ago, the wife was called a "housewife". She cleaned, cooked, and cared for the children. The husband earned the money for the family. He was usually out working all day. He came home tired in the evening, so he did not do much housework. And he did not see the children very much, except on weekends.

These days, however, more and more women work outside the home. They cannot stay with the children all day. They, too, come home tired in the evening. They do not want to spend the evening cooking dinner and cleaning up. They do not have time to clean the house and do the laundry. So who is going to do the housework now? Who is going to take care of the children?

Many families solve the problem of housework by sharing it. In these families, the husband and wife agree to do different jobs around the house, or they take turns doing each job. For example, the husband always cooks dinner and the wife always does the laundry. Or the wife cooks dinner on some nights and the husband cooks dinner on other nights.

Then there is the question of the children. In the past, many families got help with child care from grandparents. Now families usually do not live near their relatives. The grandparents are often too far away to help in a regular way. More often, parents have to pay for child care help. The help may be a babysitter or a day-care center. The problem with this kind of help is the high cost. It is possible only for couples with jobs that pay well.

Parents may get another kind of help form the companies they work for. Many companies now let people with children work part-time. That way, parents can spend more time with their children. Some husbands may even stop working for a while to stay with the children. For these men there is a new word: they are called "househusbands". In the USA more and more men are becoming househusbands every year.

These changes in the home mean changes in the family. Fathers can learn to understand their children better, and the children can get to know their fathers better. Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage. They, too, may have a better understanding of each other.

Câu 36: Sixty years ago, most women ____________

A. were housewives B. went out to work

C. did not do much housework D. had no children

Câu 37: Nowadays, there are __________.

A. more work outside the home than before

B. more and more women staying with the children all day

C. more housewives than before

D. more women going out to work than before

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2017 môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Hà Trung, Thanh Hóa (Lần 1)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 8: All his plans for starting his own business fell __________.

A. in                  B. through           C. down            D. away

Question 9: The _____ dressed woman in the advertisement has a pose smile on her face.

A. stylistic           B. stylishly            C. stylish             D. stylistical

Question 10: "Never say that again,................?"

A. won't you           B. do you             C. don't you          D. will you

Question 11: If he is in trouble, it is his own fault, I personally wouldn't _____ a finger to help him.

A. give                    B. turn               C. rise          D. bend

Question 12: ____________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.

A. Being not                B. Not having been              C. Not being            D. Having not been

Question 13: It was very ______ of you to pay for all the drinks last night.

A. sensitive                  B. thoughtful                C. grateful              D. nice

Question 14: He was ______ speaker!

A. how a good               B. what a good            C. so a good               D. so good a

Question 15: By the end of last March, I _____ English for five years.

A. will have been studying           B. had been studying

C. had been studied                     D. will have studied

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 20: "Wow! What a nice coat you are wearing!" - "______"

A. Certainly. Do you like it, too?               B. Thanks. My mother bought it for me.

C. I like you to say that.                            D. Yes, of course. It's expensive.

Question 21: "Our team has just won the last football match." - "______"

A. Good idea. Thanks for the news.                B. Yes. I guess it's very good.

C. Well, that's very surprising!                          D. Yes, it's our pleasure.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 26: Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.

A. The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.

B. The new cinema impressed us because it was rather expensive.

C. We were very impressed by the new cinema, but we found it rather expensive.

D. We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.

Question 27: "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary.

A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.

B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report.

C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.

D. John scolded to his secretary for not having finished the report.

Question 28: When I picked up my book I found that the cover had been torn.

A. Picking up my book, the cover had been torn.

B. On picking up the book, I saw that the cover had been torn.

C. Picked up, I saw that the cover of the book was torn.

D. The cover had been torn when my book picked up.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 29: "Make good use of your time. You won't get such an opportunity again" said he to me.

A. He let me make use of my time because I wouldn't get an opportunity again.

B. He advised me to make use of my time as I wouldn't get an opportunity again.

C. He ordered me to make use of my time saying that I wouldn't get an opportunity again

D. He offered me such an opportunity so that I could make good use of my time.

Question 30: Her living conditions were difficult. However, she studied very well.

A. Although she lived in difficult conditions, but she studied very well.

B. She studied very well thanks to the fact that she lived in difficult conditions.

C. Difficult as her living conditions, she studied very well.

D. She studied very well in spite of her difficult living conditions.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Engineers have been dreaming of an underwater link between Britian and France since 1802. Finally, in 1994the Channel Tunnel( nickname" the Chunnel" by the English) was officially opened.This fifteen million dollar project took seven years to complete.It is 50km long and built 45 metres under the seabed. The trains which go through the Chunnel can travel at up to 300km/h due to the(31)........ electrical system.

The journey from London to Paris via the Chunnel takes just three hours. It is also handy for drivers since they can load their cars onto the trains. They don't need to book in(32).........., as trains depart every few minutes.However, while on the train, there isn't much to do and many criticise the Chunnel for this. Unlike the ferries, there is no duty- free shopping , no video game parlour or refreshment stand(33)........... can you look outside and enjoy the view. As a result, many would find the Chunnel(34)........ and would take the ferry(35)........

Question 31: A. forward            B. advanced           C. progressive             D. improved

Question 32: A. advance             B. time                 C. ahead              D. future

Question 33: A. Nor                      B. Either             C. Neither              D. Not

Question 34: A. unlikely                  B. unwanted        C. unappealing       D. unpopular

Question 35: A. instead                B. however             C. rather                D. otherwise

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Animals have an intuitive awareness of quantities. They know without analysis the difference between a number of objects and a smaller number. In his book " The natural History of Selboure " (1786 ) , the naturalist Gilbert White tells how he surreptitiously removed one egg a day from a plover's nest , and how the mother laid another egg each day to make up for the missing one. He noted that other species of birds ignore the absence of a single egg but abandon their nests if more than one egg has been removed. It has also been noted by naturalists that a certain type of wasp always provides five – never four, never six - caterpillars for each of their eggs so that their young have something to eat when the eggs hatch. Research has also shown that both mice and pigeons can be taught to distinguish between odd and even numbers of food pieces.

These and similar accounts have led some people to infer that creatures other than humans can actually count. They also point to dogs that have been taught to respond to numerical questions with the correct number of barks, or to horses that seem to solve arithmetic problems by stomping their hooves the proper number of times.

Animals respond to quantities only when they are connected to survival as a species – as in the case of the eggs – or survival as individuals - as in the case of food. There is no transfer to other situations or from concrete reality to the abstract notion of numbers. Animals can "count" only when the objects are present and only when the numbers involved are small – not more than seven or eight. In lab experiments, animals trained to "count" one kind of object were unable to count any other type. The objects, not the numbers, are what interest them. Animals admittedly remarkable achievements simply do not amount to evidence of counting, nor do they reveal more than innate instincts, refined by the genes of successive generations, or the results of clever, careful conditioning by trainers.

Question 36: What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Although animals may be aware of quantities, they cannot actually count.

B. Of all animals, dogs and horses can count best.

C. Careful training is required to teach animals to perform tricks involving numbers

D. Animals cannot "count" more than one kind of object.

Question 37: Why does the author refer to Gilbert White's book in line 2?

A. To indicate that more research is needed in this field.

B. To show how attitudes have changed since1786.

C. To provide evidence that some birds are aware of quantities.

D. To contradict the idea that animals can count.

Question 38: The word "surreptitiously" is closest in meaning to

A. quickly               B. occasionally              C. stubbornly        D. secretly

Question 39: The word "odd" refers to which of the following?

A. numbers such as 1, 3, 5 and so on                   B. lucky numbers

C. numbers such as 2, 4, 6 and so on               D. unusual numbers

Question 40: The author mentions that all of the following are aware of quantities in some ways EXCEPT

A. wasps                     B. Plovers               C. caterpillars             D. mice

Question 41: The word "accounts" is closest in meaning to

A. reasons                B. reports          C. deceptions            D. invoices

Question 42: How would the author probably characterize the people who are mentioned in the first line of the second paragraph

A. As foolish              B. As demanding         C. As clever                 . As mistaken

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Until recently, most American entrepreneurs were men. Discrimination against women in business, the demands of caring for families, and lack of business training had kept the number of women entrepreneurs small. Now, however, businesses owned by women account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this figure is likely to continue rising throughout the 1990s. As Carolyn Doppelt Gray, an official of the Small Business Administration, has noted, "The 1970s was the decade of women entering management, and the 1980s turned out to be the decade of the woman entrepreneur". What are some of the factors behind this trend? For one thing, as more women earn advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a management consultant, had noted, "In the 1970s women believed if they got an MBA and worked hard they could become chairman of the board. Now they've found out that isn't going to happen, so they go out on their own".

In the past, most women entrepreneurs worked in "women's" fields: cosmetics and clothing, for example. But this is changing. Consider ASK Computer Systems, a $22-million-a-year computer software business. It was founded in 1973 by Sandra Kurtzig, who was then a housewife with degrees in math and engineering. When Kurtzig founded the business, her first product was software that let weekly newspapers keep tabs on their newspaper carriers-and her office was a bedroom at home, with a shoebox under the bed to hold the company's cash. After she succeeded with the newspaper software system, she hired several bright computer-science graduates to develop additional programs. When these were marketed and sold, ASK began to grow. It now has 200 employees, and Sandra Kurtzig owns $66.9 million of stock.

Of course, many women who start their own businesses fail, just as men often do. They still face hurdles in the business world, especially problems in raising money; the banking and finance world is still dominated by men, and old attitudes die hard. Most businesses owned by women are still quite small. But the situation is changing; there are likely to be many more Sandra Kurtzigs in the years ahead.

Question 43: What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The computer is especially lucrative for women today.

B. Women today are better educated than in the past, making them more attractive to the business world.

C. Women are better at small business than men are.

D. Women today are opening more business of their own.

Question 44: The word "excluded" is closest meaning to _________.

A. often invited to                 B. decorators of

C. not permitted in              D. charged admission to

Question 45: All of the following were mentioned in the passage as detriments to women in the business world EXCEPT _________.

A. Women were required to stay at home with their families.

B. Women faced discrimination in business.

C. Women lacked ability to work in business.

D. Women were not trained in business.

Question 46: According to the passage, Charlotte Taylor believes that women in 1970s _________

A. were unrealistic about their opportunities in business management.

B. had fewer obstacles in business than they do today.

C. were unable to work hard enough to success in business.

D. were still more interested in education than business opportunities