10/05/2018, 10:36
6 phút từ vựng: Quarter-life crisis
Khủng hoảng trong cuộc sống là điều thường thấy ở thời đại ngày nay. Cùng tìm hiều thêm với 6 minutes English nhé. Chủ đề Quarter-life crisis Nghe bài hội thoại ở Transcript Callum: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Callum Robertson and with me today is ...
Khủng hoảng trong cuộc sống là điều thường thấy ở thời đại ngày nay. Cùng tìm hiều thêm với 6 minutes English nhé.
Chủ đề Quarter-life crisis
Nghe bài hội thoại ở
Callum: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Callum Robertson and with me today is Kate. Hello Kate.
Kate: Hello Callum.
Callum: Now today a subject which I am far too old to know anything about and that's a quarter-life crisis. Are you familiar with this term Kate?
Kate: Yes, I think I have heard it. Though there is a much more common expression 'a mid-life crisis'
Callum: Yes, I'm more familiar with that expression too! But quarter-life crises was a new one for me, I only heard it for the first time this weekend just gone. Today we'll be learning a bit more about this expression. But first, as always, a question. There was a recent survey which asked people in Britain when they thought middle-age began. What did the survey say? Does middle-age begin at …
a: 35 years old?
b: 40 years old?
c: 45 years old ? Kate?
Kate: Well I think people tend to think they're staying younger much longer these days. So I'm going to go for c: 45 years old.
Callum: We'll find out if you're right later on. What is a quarter-life crisis? Well this phrase comes from a more established phrase, which we were talking about before, a mid-life crisis. So first, let's look at that phrase. Kate, what can you tell us about the meaning of that phrase – a mid-life crisis?
Kate: Well, a mid-life crisis describes the emotions of someone who is in their 40s or 50s and who realises that they are more than half way through their life. In other words they are beginning to realise that they are getting old and are closer to death than to birth. For some this causes them to become depressed or to look for ways to recapture their youth, to be young again. So you might see a middle-aged man buying a leather jacket and a motorbike, or leaving his wife fo r a much younger woman. These are some examples of what people have described as symptoms of a mid-life crisis. But essentially is a worry and fear of getting old.
Callum: From your examples there it seems that it's only something that affects men. Is that right?
Kate: No, I think women are affected by it too. I think everyone worries about getting old and becoming middle-aged and never going to be young again.
Callum: So if that's a mid-life crisis, what's a quarter-life crisis? Damian Barr has written a book about the subject and in an interview with the BBC he explains what it is.
Damian Barr
It's that kind of, you know, people asking who they are, where they're going that are doing it in their twenties rather than their forties. A lot of people being really depressed, very anxious and very kind of status conscious in a way that their parents certainly were not.
Callum: Kate, what was he saying there?
Kate: He was saying that it was something that happened in people's 20s rather than 40s. Young people being worried about who they are and what they were doing.
Callum: He also mentioned that people were 'status conscious in a way that there parents weren't'. What does he mean by that, being 'status conscious'?
Kate: I think he was saying that young people feel a pressure that their parents didn't - a pressure to have the latest gadgets or most fashionable clothes, for example. These things seem to be more important now than in the past. Young people are more 'status conscious'. These material things are seen to give status.
Callum: Let's listen again
Damian Barr
It's that kind of, people asking who they are, where they're going that are doing it in their twenties rather than their forties. A lot of people being really depressed, very anxious and very kind of status conscious in a way that their parents certainly were not.
Callum: Apart from material pressures, what are other reasons for a quarter-life crisis? Here's Damian Barr again. How many different things does he mention?
Damian Barr
I think it's kind of caused by student debt, unaffordable property and a really competitive jobs market in the recession.
Callum: A few reasons there, could you run over them again for us?
Kate: Oh dear! Yes, he mentioned three things: the first was student debt – the money that young people owe from the loans they took out to pay for their university education. The second thing was unaffordable property – so it's very difficult for young people to afford to buy a house or flat. The third thing was a very competitive job market in the recession. So lots of qualified people are all looking for jobs and there just aren't that many jobs around.
Callum: Let's listen again.
Damian Barr
I think it's kind of caused by student debt, unaffordable property and a really competitive jobs market in the recession.
Callum: Oh dear, it all sounds so depressing!
Kate: Yes, doesn't it?
Callum: But is this something new? Is this different from a mid-life crisis or is it just the same thing but 20 years earlier?
Kate: Well no, I actually think they're very different things. I think begin in your 20s is a very stressful time. I mean I remember being very worried about the job market and finding a place to live. And I think a lot of my friends at the time fe lt the same. And I think actually it's getting worse for the young people now.
Callum: Oh dear, how things have changed. I mean, there was always pressures but I don't think when I was in my 20s I had the same kind of pressure that I think young people feel themselves under these days. Ju st time now for the answer to today's question. According to a recent survey in Britain, when does middle age begin? Is it …
a: at 35?
b: at 40?
c: at 45?
Kate, you said?
Kate: Well no one likes to think of themselves as middle-aged really, so I went for the oldest option – c: 45 years old.
Callum: Well, in fact the answer, according to this survey was a: 35 years old.
Kate: Really? Gosh that seems very young to be middle-aged.
Callum: I know, I don't feel middle-aged now myself and I'm, what, nearly 100. That's all we have time for today, but do join us again next time for another 6 Minute English. Good bye.
Kate: Goodbye.
Tổng hợp từ vựng mới trong bài
Chủ đề Quarter-life crisis

Callum: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Callum Robertson and with me today is Kate. Hello Kate.
Kate: Hello Callum.
Callum: Now today a subject which I am far too old to know anything about and that's a quarter-life crisis. Are you familiar with this term Kate?
Kate: Yes, I think I have heard it. Though there is a much more common expression 'a mid-life crisis'
Callum: Yes, I'm more familiar with that expression too! But quarter-life crises was a new one for me, I only heard it for the first time this weekend just gone. Today we'll be learning a bit more about this expression. But first, as always, a question. There was a recent survey which asked people in Britain when they thought middle-age began. What did the survey say? Does middle-age begin at …
a: 35 years old?
b: 40 years old?
c: 45 years old ? Kate?
Kate: Well I think people tend to think they're staying younger much longer these days. So I'm going to go for c: 45 years old.
Callum: We'll find out if you're right later on. What is a quarter-life crisis? Well this phrase comes from a more established phrase, which we were talking about before, a mid-life crisis. So first, let's look at that phrase. Kate, what can you tell us about the meaning of that phrase – a mid-life crisis?
Kate: Well, a mid-life crisis describes the emotions of someone who is in their 40s or 50s and who realises that they are more than half way through their life. In other words they are beginning to realise that they are getting old and are closer to death than to birth. For some this causes them to become depressed or to look for ways to recapture their youth, to be young again. So you might see a middle-aged man buying a leather jacket and a motorbike, or leaving his wife fo r a much younger woman. These are some examples of what people have described as symptoms of a mid-life crisis. But essentially is a worry and fear of getting old.
Callum: From your examples there it seems that it's only something that affects men. Is that right?
Kate: No, I think women are affected by it too. I think everyone worries about getting old and becoming middle-aged and never going to be young again.
Callum: So if that's a mid-life crisis, what's a quarter-life crisis? Damian Barr has written a book about the subject and in an interview with the BBC he explains what it is.
Damian Barr
It's that kind of, you know, people asking who they are, where they're going that are doing it in their twenties rather than their forties. A lot of people being really depressed, very anxious and very kind of status conscious in a way that their parents certainly were not.
Callum: Kate, what was he saying there?
Kate: He was saying that it was something that happened in people's 20s rather than 40s. Young people being worried about who they are and what they were doing.
Callum: He also mentioned that people were 'status conscious in a way that there parents weren't'. What does he mean by that, being 'status conscious'?
Kate: I think he was saying that young people feel a pressure that their parents didn't - a pressure to have the latest gadgets or most fashionable clothes, for example. These things seem to be more important now than in the past. Young people are more 'status conscious'. These material things are seen to give status.
Callum: Let's listen again
Damian Barr
It's that kind of, people asking who they are, where they're going that are doing it in their twenties rather than their forties. A lot of people being really depressed, very anxious and very kind of status conscious in a way that their parents certainly were not.
Callum: Apart from material pressures, what are other reasons for a quarter-life crisis? Here's Damian Barr again. How many different things does he mention?
Damian Barr
I think it's kind of caused by student debt, unaffordable property and a really competitive jobs market in the recession.
Callum: A few reasons there, could you run over them again for us?
Kate: Oh dear! Yes, he mentioned three things: the first was student debt – the money that young people owe from the loans they took out to pay for their university education. The second thing was unaffordable property – so it's very difficult for young people to afford to buy a house or flat. The third thing was a very competitive job market in the recession. So lots of qualified people are all looking for jobs and there just aren't that many jobs around.
Callum: Let's listen again.
Damian Barr
I think it's kind of caused by student debt, unaffordable property and a really competitive jobs market in the recession.
Callum: Oh dear, it all sounds so depressing!
Kate: Yes, doesn't it?
Callum: But is this something new? Is this different from a mid-life crisis or is it just the same thing but 20 years earlier?
Kate: Well no, I actually think they're very different things. I think begin in your 20s is a very stressful time. I mean I remember being very worried about the job market and finding a place to live. And I think a lot of my friends at the time fe lt the same. And I think actually it's getting worse for the young people now.
Callum: Oh dear, how things have changed. I mean, there was always pressures but I don't think when I was in my 20s I had the same kind of pressure that I think young people feel themselves under these days. Ju st time now for the answer to today's question. According to a recent survey in Britain, when does middle age begin? Is it …
a: at 35?
b: at 40?
c: at 45?
Kate, you said?
Kate: Well no one likes to think of themselves as middle-aged really, so I went for the oldest option – c: 45 years old.
Callum: Well, in fact the answer, according to this survey was a: 35 years old.
Kate: Really? Gosh that seems very young to be middle-aged.
Callum: I know, I don't feel middle-aged now myself and I'm, what, nearly 100. That's all we have time for today, but do join us again next time for another 6 Minute English. Good bye.
Kate: Goodbye.
Tổng hợp từ vựng mới trong bài
- a mid-life crisis
anxiety and depression that affects some people in their 40s or 50s as they become worried about getting old and losing their youth
- to be status conscious
to want to have a high material standard of living by, for example, owning the latest gadgets and wearing fashionable clothes
- student debt
the money that young people owe from the loans they took out to pay for their higher education
- competitive job market
a situation where there are more qualified people looking for jobs than there are jobs available