Writting: The Causes Of Bullying Behavior

Writting: The causes of bullying behavior Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Nguyên nhân của những hành vi bắt nạt nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó A robust boy wearing ...

Writting: The causes of bullying behavior

Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Nguyên nhân của những hành vi bắt nạt nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting  bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó 


A robust boy wearing uniform pushes another boy, hits the latter in the face with a clang and snatches the comic book out of his hand, while many other children are indifferent or just encourage the strong one. Are we watching a film? No, this is real. Bullying behavior is increasingly popular in both schools and societies. There are many reasons for this alarming fact.
First, young people tend to use violence to identify themselves or to make them powerful. Many schoolboys and schoolgirls find it boring to do that with study results. Bullying gives them chances to be famous. When they are bullying, teachers know them and other children are all afraid of them. They can even make others do what they want. They are not mature enough to distinguish between good reputation and bad reputation. To them, being well-known is the most important issue.

Second, many young people are not educated well. Their parents are busy working outside and not able to take care of them all the time. Some parents pamper their children and not strictly punish them for bullying. Some even think that such aggressive behavior is usual! As a result, they grow up with bullying mind and they are willing to use violence to solve any problems.

There are many others reasons. Some of the young people use violence as a way to make their teachers and parents pay more attention to them. Others have emotional problems such as sadness or loneliness or depression and use violence to release themselves. Unusually, a few people use bullying to fight against bullying, or to solve an unfair situation that they see or that they have to suffer.

Bullying behavior come from many reasons. To stop this behavior, we need specific solutions to each of them. Generally we need to educate the public that bullying is not acceptable as it destroys personality. Parents should pay more attention to their children at the very first beginning. Only then we can absolutely eliminate bullying behavior.