13/01/2018, 22:10

[Trường THCS Nguyễn Du] Thi cuối kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9: Kangaroos, which come…Australia, have long tails

[Trường THCS Nguyễn Du] Thi cuối kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9: Kangaroos, which come…Australia, have long tails Đề thi học kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Nguyễn Du Quận 1 năm 2017 . Are you looking for a cheap, clean effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural ...

[Trường THCS Nguyễn Du] Thi cuối kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9: Kangaroos, which come…Australia, have long tails

Đề thi học kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Nguyễn Du Quận 1 năm 2017.  Are you looking for a cheap, clean effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun.

I. USE OF ENGLISH: Write A, B, C or D which best completes the sentences. (3, 25 pts)

1. Can Tho will have temperature……………….23 degree Celsius and 35 degree Celsius tomorrow.

A. in    B. between   C. at              D. with

2. I’m preparing for the picnic……………………..my friends tomorrow.

A. with    B. to        C. in           D. for

3. Kangaroos, which come………………Australia, have long tails.

A. at      B. to            C. in            D. from

4. We decided not to swim in the sea…………………looked rather dirty.

A. where     B. which           C. that             D. who

5. Don’t forget………………..home as soon as you arrive at your destination.

A. to call    B. calling        C. having called     D. to be called

6. He got good grades in his exams,……………………he never seemed to do much work.

A. since    B. although       C. because          D. so that

7. He suggested that we……………….early tomorrow morning.

A. start    B. should start       C. starting        D. A & B are correct

8. Thu made me…………….her next week.

A. promise to call    B. promise calling         C. to promise to call          D. to promise calling

9. She is…………….a kind girl that everybody loves her.

A. so     B. such       C. very           D. too

10. Plastic bags are hard…………………..

A. dissolve    B. dissolved        C. dissolving       D. to dissolve

11. Unless you understand, I ……………….explain it again to you.

A. am     B. will            C. was             D. would

12. Congratulations! ~ ……………………………………..

A. I’m sorry    B. That’s wonderful          C. Thanks           D. Don’t worry

13. How about making a cake and buying some flowers for your mom on Women’s Day?

A. I’m sorry   B. Thank you C. That’s a good idea        D. Don’t worry

II. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English: (0, 75 pt)

14. We are looking forward to meet you again.

A                    B     C            D

15. Let’s me show you how to cook this food, will you?

A            B                          C                        D

16. The company has spent thousands of pounds update their computer system.

A                                   B         C      D

III. Supply the correct form of Words in parentheses: (1 pt)

17. Generally, the countryside is less…………………than city. (pollute)

18. Tom drove……………………along the narrow road. He didn’t want to cause an accident. (care)

19. A lot of people made………………….on how to reduce environmental pollution. (suggest)

20. Farmers once protected their crops from insects by………………….pesticides. (spray)


A. Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False: (1 pt)

Are you looking for a cheap, clean effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun. At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, or nuclear power. This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of solar energy that reaches the earth is enough to provide power for the total population. Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy too.

Renewable energy is the goal that Swedish’s governments want to reach 50 percent in 2020. The renewable energy comes from wind, solar, geothermal or wave power, biofuels or small-scale hydroelectric plants. At present, Sweden is slightly more than halfway to this target, due chiefly to the increased use of biofuels and a steadily expanding wind power program.

21. Solar energy can be cheap, clean and effective. 21………………….

22. Most of our electricity now comes from the use of coal, gas, or nuclear power. 22………………….

23. The solar energy that gets to the Earth cannot provide enough power for the world’s population.                                     23………………….

24. Wind, solar, geothermal or wave power, biofuels or small-scale hydroelectric plants are non renewable.                                         24………………….

B. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage: (2 pts)

English is the language which is spoken as a (25)………………..in many countries in the world. English is a very useful language. If we (26)……………………English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not find it hard to make people understand (27)……………………we want to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of (28)……………………….. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in many countries. English has also helped (29)………………………..ideas and knowledge to all corner of the world. (30)…………………., more and more people like (31)…………………………..English. This language has helped to spread better understanding and friendship (32)……………………..countries in the world.

25. A. mother tongue              B. special language              C. rules                           D. other language

26. A. read                              B. saw                                  C. wrote                         D. know

27. A. what                             B. which                               C. who                           D. whose

28. A. food                             B. subjects                            C. use                             D. sections

29. A. to spread                      B. spreading                         C. spread                        D. A & C are correct

30. A. However                      B. Therefore                         C. So                              D. Because

31. A. learn                             B. being learned                   C. learned                       D. learning

32. A. for                                B. which                               C. among                        D. around

V. WRITING: Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: (2 pts)

33. I think we should stop throwing trash onto the water.

=> I suggest trash…………..

34. Minh is a fluent speaker of English.

=> Minh………………………………

35. You had dinner with the girl last night. She has just gone abroad.

=> The girl……………………

36. Mr. Kevin has no money, so he won’t travel around the world.

=> If…………………………………

Đáp án:

1. B      2. A 3. D      4. C 5. A      6. B 7. D      8. A 9. B      10. D
11. B      12. C    13. C 14.C;     15. A;     16 .C

17. (pollute) –> polluted

18. (care) –> carefully

19. (suggest) –> suggestion(s)

20. (spray) –> spraying

21. True; 22. True; 23. False; 24. False

25. A; 26. D; 27. A; 28. B; 29. D; 30. B; 31. D; 32. C

33.  I suggest trash shouldn’t be thrown onto the water

34. Minh speaks English fluently

35.  The girl (with) whom you had dinner (with) last night has just gone abroad

36. If Mr. Kevin had money, he would travel around the world