Tidy and clean canteen
The canteen is where the workers have their meals, mostly the lunch after long working hours. Therefore, good conditions of the canteen can help workers to have better lunches so that they can re-charge sufficient calories to work in their ...
The canteen is where the workers have their meals, mostly the lunch after long working hours. Therefore, good conditions of the canteen can help workers to have better lunches so that they can re-charge sufficient calories to work in their next working hours more efficiently and productively.
Prospective users:
All members of the factory must be involved in improving the conditions of the factory canteen. It is management’s responsibility to set up space and facilities for the canteen while workers need to participate in keeping the canteen in good conditions.
This practice can be applied to all kinds of factories.
ProblemS addressed
- Canteen in bad conditions which adversely affected the quality of workers’ meals and indirectly affected the factory’s productivity and workers’ motivation.
Improving the conditions of the factory canteen consists of several actions such as improve the food ordering and serving process, well-aired and cool room for the canteen, set up sufficient facilities for the canteen such as eating tables and chairs, fans and lights, washing basins, drinking water, as well as other necessary devices in the canteen. It also include continuous efforts to keep the canteen tidy and clean from both the canteen staff as well as workers.
Steps in implementation
- The management of the factory should spare a large room with sufficient space for all the workers which the canteen may have to serve at the same time. The room should be wide and well-aired with sufficient number of windows;
- The room for the canteen should be equipped with a sufficient sources of light, may be a combination between the natural sunlight with the system of bulbs along the room.
- Set up a system of fan, ceiling fans preferred, and/or air conditioners ensure the canteen is cool and well-aired.
- The floor of the canteen should be made of an appropriate type of brick which are not slippery and easy to clean and get dried after cleaning.
- Set up an information board to update workers with available dishes everyday as well as other related information.
- Develop and announce a canteen regulation at entrance doors, on the information boards and along the wall of the canteens. The regulations should state how the workers are expected to behaved in the canteen and also the operations time of the canteen, the queuing rules for the workers, the process of ordering and receiving the foods, and self-cleaning their dishes after the meals.
- Queuing system, as stated in the canteen regulation, should include a mechanism to require workers to wait in queues in order to be served, following the “First come, First served” rule. A device to provide workers with queuing tickets should be considered to use to support the queuing system
- If possible, provide a simple map of the food ordering and receiving for workers. This may include very key steps such as taking the queuing ticket, waiting in queues to be served, choose foods, choose a table, waiting for the foods to be served, have meal, self-cleaning the table after the meal and so on.
- Arrange the tables and chairs tidily on the floor. Ensure the tables are always cleaned after each group of workers use them.
- Canteen staff should be well trained in food services, have good skills and services attitudes
- Canteen staff should wear uniform which are different from workers’ uniform. The cook should wear a mask to keep the food clean and safe.
- Keep the canteen floor clean and dried to protect workers from slippery
- Pile the chairs neatly to save the space inside the canteen
- Always keep the table surface clean with sufficient and clean tools for the meals such as bowls, chopsticks, pools and tissues before the meals. Remember to provide supplements when such things went out.
- Make a menu on each table to record the food provided
- Provide sufficient and clean drinking water for worker usage after the meal. Drinking water can be in a separate place from the eating tables or provided close to the eating tables.
- Encourage the workers to bring their used dished to put into a bin and wastes to another recycle bin. Mechanism for self-services of workers should be encouraged.
- Canteen staff clean each table instantly after meals
- Provide sufficient and separate bins for wastes, and used dishes.
- Set up sufficient number of washing basin with soaps for hand washing. These basins should be kept clean.
- Clean the whole canteen after the meal and make it dried.
- Keep the kitchen clean and tidy
- Raw materials, especially the fresh food, should be keep in suitable containers, e.g. a fridge
- Cook food should be kept hot using a continuous heating system.
- Regular inspections from the management or trade union are required to ensure the operations of the canteen are in the right track.

Resources required
- Efforts of the human resources, logistic and trade union personnel
- Canteen regulations
- Food ordering and receiving process map
- A room with sufficient space, light and air
- Sufficient equipment and tools for the canteen
- Supervision of management or trade union
Challenges and pitfalls
- Difficult to change habits of Vietnamese workers such as do not respect the queue, leave everything on the table after meal etc.
- Investment for canteen room and facilities
Positive impact
- Better meals for labors and better productivity the factories
- Better workplace cooperation
Indicators for monitoring
- Canteen room with sufficient space, facilities for the number of workers using it at the same time
- Clear and easy to understand canteen regulations and process map
- Clean and tidy floor
- Clean and tidy canteen table
- Instant cleaning by canteen staff
- Self-service of workers
Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.