Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 SBT Anh 10 mới: Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Reading – trang 16 Unit...

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới. Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới – Unit 7: Cultural diversity – Đa dạng văn hoá 1. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that ...

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới. Reading – trang 16 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới – Unit 7: Cultural diversity – Đa dạng văn hoá

1. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow.

Đọc một văn bản về các nghi lễ cưới phổ biến ở Hoa Kỳ và trả lời những câu hỏi sau.

Common Wedding Rituals in the USA

Being a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays still follow a number of traditions. One of the traditions dating back to the nineteenth century is about what a bride should wear on her wedding day. It is commonly believed that on her wedding day, the bride should carry with her ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue’. This is because each of these things has a special meaning for the bride on this big day.

When a bride wears ‘something old’, it reminds her of her family and the past.Thus, some brides may wear their mother’s wedding dress or a piece of her jewellery.

‘Something new’ that the bride wears means good luck and hope fora happy future with her husband.This new item is usually a pair of new shoes, or it can be the wedding dress or something else.

When the bride wears ‘something borrowed’, it symbolizes the help and supportshegetsfromherfriendsandherfamilywheneversheneedsit.Anexample of ‘something borrowed’ can be a married friend’s bridal veil or a friend’s handkerchief.

‘Something blue’ means trust and faith between the bride and the groom. Nowadays, some brides are creative with this item. For example, they may have their fingernails painted blue. Nevertheless, the most popular blue item is the garter that the bride wears on her leg.

Things are changing fast these days; however, the rituals about what the bride should wear on her wedding day remain kept strictly by a lot of women in the USA.

1. When did the tradition about what the bride should wear on her wedding day start?

A. From the 8th century

B. From the 9th century

C. From the 18th century

D. From the 19th century

2      What might the bride wear to remind her of her family and the past?

A. Her mother’s wedding dress

B. A pair of new shoes

C. A friend’s handkerchief

D. A blue garter

3. Which item symbolizes good luck and hope for a happy future?

A. Something old

B. Something new

C. Something borrowed

D. Something blue

4. When the bride wears something borrowed, what does it symbolize?

A. Her past memories

B. Her wish for a better future

C. Support from her family and friends

D. The trust and faith between the bride and the groom

5. Why do some brides have their fingernails painted blue?

A. To show the importance of something blue they wear

B. Because so many brides paint their fingernails a blue colour

C. To show how creative some brides are

D. To explain why some brides don’t wear blue garters

Đáp án:

1D       2A    3B     4C    5C

2. Read a text about Chinese zodiac signs and answer the questions that follow.

Đọc một văn bản về các cung hoàng đạo của Trung Quốc và trả lời những câu hỏi bên dưới.

Chinese zodiac signs are different animal signs for each year. Many people believe it is possible to tell a person’s personality based on his or her zodiac signs.

For example:

Rats are people born in 1972,1984,1996,2008.. ..They are believed to be generous, charming, and creative. The suitable jobs for them are writers and critics.

Oxen or Bulls are people born in 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 …. These people are mentally alert, strong leaders, and good with their hands. Among the professions, they make good surgeons and hairdressers.

Monkeys are people born in 1968,1980,1992,2004 …. These people are clever, skillful, and flexible. As for professions, they make good scientists and bankers.

Roosters are people born in 1969,1981,1993,2005…. Roosters are described as deep thinkers, independent, and adventurous. They can make good restaurant owners and actors.

The Chinese zodiac is used in countries that historically have had a lot of cultural exchange with China, such as Viet Nam, Japan, and Korea. Most Western cultures use the Greek Zodiac, not the Chinese Zodiac. Nevertheless, the Chinese zodiac and the Greek zodiac have a lot of similar points. For example, they both use animals as symbols.

What are Rats like?
What jobs are suitable for Oxen or Bulls?
What are Monkeys like?
How are Roosters described?
What is an example of similarities between the Greek zodiac and the Chinese zodiac?

Đáp án:

They are generous, charming, and creative.
They make good surgeons and hairdressers.
They are clever, skillful, and flexible.
They are deep thinkers, independent, and adventurous.
They both use animals as symbols.