25/05/2018, 08:08

Program Evaluation-Part 2 CITAR Workshop July 28-Aug 1, 2008 Hue City

Objectives Distinguish 4 levels of evaluation: concept and design evaluation ☑ process outcome economic Show understanding of the process evaluation level ...


  • Distinguish 4 levels of evaluation:
  1. concept and design evaluation
  2. process
  3. outcome
  4. economic
  • Show understanding of the process evaluation level by matching evaluation questions and standards of comparison


  • Compare the plan for who is supposed to do what to whom, when, how, and where and with what resources to
  • With what actually happens
  • Can also consider other standards of comparison
  • Think regular audits, management information systems with short feedback loops oriented toward improving the quality of program processes

Process Evaluation Domains

  • Reach
  • Fidelity, operationalization of key intervention elements
  • Resources, cost assessment
  • Process Evaluation Reach

Impact as a function of reach + efficacy

Efficacy x Participation = effectiveness

* Individual/face-to-face:

30% x 5% = 1.5%

* Local media in the community:

6% x 75% = 4.5%

Why do you think this program did not show a treatment effect?

Sources of coverage bias

  • Self-selection, appeal of the program
  • Selection by program staff, referral sources, others
  • Methods of recruitment and retention
  • Other influences, e.g., unexpected barriers and facilitators (e.g., hours of program services, types of providers)
  • Biased or perceived-to-be-biased channel or delivery system

Process Evaluation Fidelity of Delivery

  • How faithful is the program that is [actually] delivered to the program that was planned?
  • What elements are missing? How important are they? Why are they missing?
  • If this is a multi-layer intervention, are preliminary steps in the causal chain at the lowest level enacted?

Fidelity Assessment - examples

  • Quality of services delivered
    • Content, implementation of intended methods?
    • Facilitator characteristics, type of interaction, style
  • Time
    • Total, distribution across content or tasks and contact
  • Staffing
    • Qualifications, characteristics, skills, experience, performance of intended role

Process EvaluationFidelity of Reception

  • What elements of the program are actually received by the target group compared to what was planned?
  • What elements are not received? How important are they? Why are they not received? Where did they come from?
  • Are critical features of the intervention perceived by the target group(s) as they were intended? Why not?

Process Evaluation Resources

  • What resources and other organizational functions are in place to support the program compared to what was planned?
  • What resources are missing? How important are they? Why are they not available?
  • Are additional resources available to support the program? What is/are their source(s)?
  • What is the cost of this program? (to be covered under economic evaluation)

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