10/05/2018, 11:34
Học Tiếng Anh với The Funny Duck (Phần 2)
Tiếp theo thì này câu truyện sẽ tiếp diễn sâu hơn và thú vị hơn! các bạn tiếp tục đón xem nhé! Vocabulary quote (n.) /kwəʊt/ the price that a person says they will charge to do a piece of work. So here, the man wants to hire the duck as a photographer. The duck has to tell ...
Tiếp theo thì này câu truyện sẽ tiếp diễn sâu hơn và thú vị hơn! các bạn tiếp tục đón xem nhé!


- quote (n.) /kwəʊt/ the price that a person says they will charge to do a piece of work. So here, the man wants to hire the duck as a photographer. The duck has to tell him before they start how much money he wants to do the job.(trích dẫn/ tiền thuê)
- to request (v.) /rɪˈkwest/ when you officially (or politely) ask for something (yêu cầu)
- to factor (v.) /ˈfæktə/ (Technical) to include a particular fact or situation when you are thinking about or planning something (nhân tố)
- feasibility (n.) /fiːzəˈbɪlɪti/ whether or not it is possible to do somethingVocabulary (khả thi)

- Oversized (adj.) /ˈəʊ.və.saɪz/ too big or bigger than usual (quá kích cỡ, quá kích thước)
- tablet (n.) /ˈtæb.lət/ a small, flat computer that is controlled by touching the screen or by using a special pen
- slightly /ˈslaɪt.li/ a little (nhỏ, yếu, nhẹ nhàng)
- ridiculous /rɪˈdɪk.jʊ.ləs/ stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at (nực cười, ngu xuẩn)
- Down in front! = People in the front should get lower so they can take a picture. (xuống trước, xuống thấp)

- message board (n. phrase) the same thing as an online discussion forum = A website where people leave messages and reply to each other. (bảng tin)

- to sign (v.) /saɪn/ to write your name on something to show that you wrote/painted, etc it or to show that you agree to it (ký tên)
- to scrutinize (v.) /ˈskruːtɪnaɪz/ to examine something very carefully (kiểm tra, nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng)
- contract (n.) /ˈkɒntrækt/ a legal agreement between two parties = between two people or organizations, especially one that involves doing work for a particular amount of money (hợp đồng)
- mistrust (n.) /mɪsˈtrʌst/ when you do not believe or have confidence in someone or something (ngờ vực)
- Ignorance is bliss (phrase) this is saying to indicate that not knowing a lot about a situation is better than knowing too much (câu thành ngữ: điếc không sợ súng)
- Cha-ching the sound that a cash register makes when money comes in. This symbolizes that the duck can make a lot of money (âm thanh của một máy tính tiền)

- compliment (n.) /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ something that you say or do to show you like or think highly of someone (lời khen ngợi)

- aspiring (adj.) (actress/photographer) /əˈspaɪərɪŋ/ someone who is trying to become a successful actress/photographer (tham vọng)
- glamor (n.) /ˈglæmər/ the quality of being attractive, exciting and special (lôi cuốn, quyến rũ)
- shot (n.) /ʃɒt/ here, photographs (bức ảnh)
- magician (n.) /məˈdʒɪʃən/ someone who entertains people by performing tricks (nhà ảo thuật)
- tear (n.) /tɪər/ a drop of water that comes from your eye when you cry (nước mắt)

- prints (n.) /prɪnts/ here; photos printed on paper (in thứ gì đó ra giấy)
- album (n.) /ˈælbəm/ a book in which you keep photographs (là một bộ sưu tập ảnh)
- cloud (n.) /klaʊd/ a grey or white mass in the sky, made up of very small floating drops of water (mây)
- going up in smoke (phrase): if something is going up in smoke, it means that it is burning (đám khói ngày càng lớn)

- memories (n.) /ˈmeməriz/ the things you remember. (bộ nhớ, trí nhớ)
- cherish (v.) /ˈtʃerɪʃ/ If you cherish an idea, hope, memory, etc, it is very important to you.(yêu mến)
- preserved (adj.) /prɪˈzɜːv/ to keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed (bảo quản)
- eternity (n.) /ɪˈtɜːnəti/ time that continues forever, especially after death (vĩnh hằng)
- shovels (n.) /ˈʃʌvəl/ the tool he holds in his hand (cái xẻng)
- bull$#!it = bullshit (n.) /ˈbʊl.ʃɪt/ (very informal) swear word to refer to complete nonsense or something that is not true (nhảm nhí)

- photo credit (n. phrase) /ˈfəʊtəʊ ˈkredɪt/ a note usually below a published photograph to say who took the picture (ghi chú về ảnh)
- Joy (n.) /dʒɔɪ/ happiness (vui vẻ, hạnh phúc)
- landlord (n.) /ˈlændlɔːd/ the person who owns the place where you live, to whom you need to give money every month for the rent.(địa chủ)
- thrilled (adj.) /θrɪld/ very excited and pleased (rất thích thú, phấn khởi)

- Specialty (n.) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ the skill you are good at (đặc biệt)
- Food photography (n. phrase): a sub-field of photography where people take photos of food (ảnh về ẩm thực)
- Cash (n.) /kæʃ/ informal term for money (tiền mặt)
- Though (conj.) /ðəʊ/: used to introduce a fact or opinion that makes the other part of the sentence seem surprising (mặc dù)
- Shoot (v.) /ʃuːt/ here: take pictures (chụp hình)

- take 25 pounds off = on the picture, remove (=take off) weight from his body. 25 pounds = about 12 kilos
- to smooth (v.) /smuːð/ to remove all the problems / to make something flat (mượt mà)
- complexion (n.) /kəmˈplek.ʃən/ the natural appearance of the skin on a person’s face, especially its color or quality (làn dan tự nhiên)
- ambulance (n.) /ˈæm.bjʊ.ləns/ a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital (xe cứu thương)