15/01/2018, 10:01

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 1: Listening - Speaking

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 1: Listening - Speaking Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 10 được biên soạn theo khung chương trình sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10, các bài giải tương ứng với từng bài học ...

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 1: Listening - Speaking

được biên soạn theo khung chương trình sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10, các bài giải tương ứng với từng bài học trong sách giúp cho việc học tập Tiếng Anh 10 được nâng cao hơn. Mời thầy cô và các em tham khảo.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 1 Số 2

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Listening Unit 1 trang 16 sgk tiếng anh 10


BEFORE YOU LISTEN (Trước khi em nghe)

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. (Làm việc từng đôi. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

Have you ever travelled by cyclo?

Yes,! have.

When was it?

It was when I went shopping with my sister last month.

Is it interesting to travel by cyclo?

No. I think it isn't interesting at all. Instead, I think it's hard work for cyclo drivers. They must sell their labor for money.

Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? Give reason(s).

I prefer going by bicycle, because I can enjoy my time. And moreover, it's good exercise for health.

WHILE YOU LISTEN (Trong khi em nghe)

Task 1: You will hear Mr Lam, a cyclo driver, talk about his morning activities. Listen to his talk and number the pictures in their correct order.

(Em sẽ nghe, Ông Lam một người đạp xích lộ, nói về những hoạt động buổi sáng của mình. Nghe bài nói chuyên của ông và đánh số các hình đúng thứ tự.).

Picture 1: 3 Picture 2: 5 Picture 3: 4

Picture 4: 6 Picture 5: 1 Picture 6: 2

Task 2: Listen again. Decide whether ihe statements are true (T) or false (F). (Nghe lại. Quvết định những câu nói này đúng (T) hay sai(F)).

F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F


Hello everyone, my name's Lam. I'm a cyclo driver in Ho Chi Minh City. I usually have a busy working day. I get up at five thirty in the morning. I start work at six. My first passenger is usually an old man. I take him from District 5 to District 1. After I drop him at a cafe near Ho Chi Minh Teachers' Training College. I pedal to Thai Binh Market My next passenger is a lady who does shopping there every two days. I help her put all her purchases into the cyclo and then take her to her shop in Tran Hung Dao Street. At about ten thirty, I ride off toward Nguven Thi Minh Khai School. There I park my cyclo. chill with some of my fellows and wait for my third passengers. They are two school pupils, a girl and a boy. I take them home. At twelve. I have lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh Market. After lunch, I park my cyclo under a tree,take a short rest and then continue my afternoon's work.

AFTER YOU LISTEN (Sau khi em nghe)

What's his name?

His name's Lam.

What's his occupation? (What's his job?)

He's a cyclo driver.

What time does he start work?

He starts work at six a. m.

What time does he have lunch?

He has lunch at twelve o'clock noon.

Where does he have lunch? At home?

No. He has lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh Market.

Who are his passengers?

His first passenger is usually an old man who goes from District 5 to District 1. The second passenger is a lady from Tran Hung Dao Street, who goes shopping at Thai Binh Market every two days. And his third passengers are two school pupils, a girl and a boy at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai School.

Does he take a rest?

Yes. He takes a short rest after lunch.

Does he take a rest at home?

No. He lakes a rest on his cyclo under a tree.

Retell Mr Lam's story

His name's Lam. He's a cyclo driver. He starts work at six o'clock His first passenger is usually an old man who goes from District to District 1. And his sccond passenscr is a lady who does shopping at Thai Binh Market every two days. And his third passengers are two school pupils (whom) he takes from Nguyen Thi Minh Khai School to their house. He has lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh Market. Alter lunch, he parks his cyclo under a tree and takes a short rest.

Speaking Unit 1 trang 14 sgk tiếng anh 10


Task 1: Quan is a tenth-grade student. He goes to school every morning. Below is his weekly timetable. Ask and answer questions with a partner using the information from the timetable. (Quan là học sinh lớp 10. Anh ấy đi học mỗi buổi sáng. Dưới đây là thời khóa biếu hàng tuần của anh. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hói với một bạn cùng học, sử dựng thông tin ở thời khóa biểu.)

A: What time does he have Civic Education lesson on Monday?

B: (He has Civic Education) at 7: 15.

A: What lesson does he have next?

B: (He has) Information Technology.

A: What day does he have Literature?

B: (He has Literature) on Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday.

A: How many periods a week does he have?

B: (He has) three periods.

A: What class does he have the first period on Thursday ?

B: (He has) English lesson.

A: How many English periods a week does he have ?

B: (He has) three periods.

A: Docs he have double or single periods?

B: (He has) only single periods.

A: Oh! You mean he has only a single period of English at a time

B: Yes. But for Maths, he has two double periods and a single once a week A: He has many periods of Maths

B: Yes, because it's the class for best students in Maths.

A: I sec.

Task 2: Describe Quan's activities, using the pictures below. (Mô tả những sinh hoạt cùa Quan, dùng các hình bên dưới.)

Quan gets up at 2: 00 p. m., and at 2: 13, he studies or reads books. At 4: 00, he watches TV. Then at 5 p. m. . he cycles to the stadium and plays football with his friends at 5: 15. At 6: 30, he cycles home. At 6: 45, he takes a shower, and he has dinner with his family at 7: 00 At 8: 00, he does his exercises.

Task 3: Tell your classmates about your daily routine. (Kể cho các bạn cùng lớp về công việc thường làm hằng. ngày của em.)

I usually get up at 5: 30. After a ten-minute morning exercise,

I take a bath. Then I have a look at my exercises and learn all my lessons for the day again. At 6 o'clock, I have breakfast. Then I leave home for school on my bike at 6: 30.

I have five classes every morning, except for Saturday. I have only four. I have classes from 7 untill 11: 20 a. m. and usually have lunch at 12. Alter lunch. I usually take a short nap (giấc ngủ trưa), about twenty minutes. In the afternoon. I study all my lessons and do exercises or homework given in the morning classes.

After dinner, I usually watch TV untill 7: 30- Then I study and do extra exercises. I usually go to bed at 10: 30.