Effects of surface roughness and alloy disorder on the density of states in semiconductor quantum wires
0 There has been a growing interest in semiconductor quan-tum wire ~QWR! structures. These structures have opened up the potential for various device ...
There has been a growing interest in semiconductor quan-tum wire ~QWR! structures. These structures have opened up the potential for various device applications. It is well knownthat the density of states~DOS! is of fundamental importancein theoretical and experimental analysis of observable prop-erties of the disordered quasi-one-dimensional electron gas~1DEG! in the wire. The disorder in QWR’s is of differentorigins, e.g., impurity doping, surface roughness, and alloy disorder.1So far, almost all of the existing theories2 - 4 of disorder effects on the 1D DOS of QWR’s have been focused only on Thus, the aim of the present paper is to supply an estimate of the effects on the 1D DOS in QWR’s due to surface roughness and alloy disorder with inclusion of a local-field correction.sources of disorder. The latter have recently been confirmed experimentally to be important in very thin QWR’s, e.g.,surface roughness in wires made from GaAs/AlxGa1 2 xAs~Refs.5,6! and alloy disorder in wires fromIn1 2 xGaxAs/InP.7,8 Moreover, it has been shown9 that the local-field correction due to many-body interactions in the 1DEG is to be invoked in determining the disorder effects onelectronic properties of the wire, e.g., the electron mobility. Thus, the aim of the present paper is to supply an estimate of the effects on the 1D DOS in QWR’s due to surface roughness and alloy disorder with inclusion of a local-field correction.
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