14/01/2018, 19:18

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Thanh Kim, Sa Pa năm học 2016 - 2017 có đáp án

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Thanh Kim, Sa Pa năm học 2016 - 2017 có đáp án Đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án Đề thi ...

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Thanh Kim, Sa Pa năm học 2016 - 2017 có đáp án

 Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án

Đề thi học kì I bao giờ cũng khó, đòi hỏi các em không những nắm vững kiến thức trong sách giáo khoa mà còn phải biết tìm tòi, nghiên cứu các tài liệu tham khảo bên ngoài. Xuất phát từ thực tế đó, VnDoc.com giới thiệu . Chúc các em đạt kết quả tốt trong kỳ thi học kì I sắp tới.

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm huyện An Biên, Kiên Giang năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Phường Bình Định, An Nhơn năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án

Name: ............................................. Student's code: ................

Class: 8...............

II. LISTENING. (2 pts)

1. Listen to the tape-script twice, then fill in the blanks the missing words. (1 pt) (Điền vào chỗ trống các từ còn thiếu mà em nghe được từ đoạn hội thoại.)


One Christmas Eve __________ (1) the early 1500s, some people decorated a tree and put it in the market place in the Latvian city of Riga. _________(2) custom spread throughout Europe, and finally to America in the 1800s.

Eight hundred years ago, Christmas songs were performed for people in the towns and villages. These songs ________ (3) stories put to music and most people enjoyed them. The leaders of the Church, however, did not. They said the songs were unsuitable, but ______ (4) 180 years ago, the songs became popular again.

* Answers:





2. Listen to the tapescript. There are 4 mistakes. Underlined and correct them. (1 pt)) (Trong đoạn văn sau có 04 lỗi sai. Em hãy tìm và gạch chân 04 lỗi sai đó.)

A new university some library has recently opened in the USA. All important information normally found in a library is now stored in the university's computers. Without leaving their computers, users have send messages and receive information through telephone lines. However it means that each student must have access to a computer, and many universities are making this two requirement for freshmen. College campuses now have computer jacks in every part of the university. Study is no longer restricted to just one location.

* Answers:





III. READING: (2 pt)

1. Read. Then answer the questions below. (đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi phía dưới.)


It was the first lesson after the summer holidays at a small school in England. The lesson was about the seasons of the year. "There are four seasons in the year", said the teacher. "They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. In Spring it is warm and everything begins to grow. In Summer it is hot and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens. In Autumn, there are many vegetables and much fruit. Everybody likes to eat fruit. In Winter, it is cold and it often rains. Sometimes there is snow on the ground."

Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils, "Stop talking, Tom" he said. "Now listen to me. Can you tell us when is the best time of apples?"

"Yes, sir," answered Tom. "It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden."

1.1 True (T) or False (F) questions. (0.5 pt) (Đúng (T) hoặc sai (F).)

a. The lesson took place at a small school in England.

b. In the summer it is cold and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens.

* Answers:



1.2. Answer the questions. (1.5 pt) (đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Where did the lesson take place?


2. What was the lesson about?


3. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?


IV. WRITING. (2 pts)

1. Write a notice, using the information from the passage. (1pt) (viết một thông báo sử dụng những thông tin trong đoạn văn)

The school Art Club is going to hold a drawing contest to celebrate the Teacher's Day. The contest will be at Hall 102, Building A, from 2 pm to 5pm on November 18. The person to contact is Chao Thi Lan of class 9A.

* Answers:



Date: ................................................. Time: ...... pm to ....... pm

Place: ....................................................................................

Please contact:...........................................................................................

2. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. (1pt) (viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi.)

1. What about having dinner at a beautiful restaurant.

-> Let's .......................................................................................

2. Lan gave me a big present on my birthday party.

-> A big present..............................................................................

3. She is too short to catch that picture.

-> She isn't ...................................................................................

4. "I am a teacher at Thanh Kim secondary school." She talked to me.

She talked to me .............................................................................


1. Choose the best anwser to complete the sentence. (1.5 pt) (Chọn một đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

1. We have __________ in Sa Pa since 2012.

A. live                 B. lived              C. living

2. Yesterday was Sunday, I _____________ a day off and went out with my friends.

A. had                    B. has               C. having

3. Hello! I want to ______________ this pacel to Nha Trang.

A. receive                 B. get           C. send

4. Some people learn any new words they come..........

A. by             B. to              C. across

5. She isn't old _______________ tobe in this class.

A. old                 B. good              C. enough

6. My father __________ on a farm when he was a young boy

A. use to living            B. use to live            C. used to live

2. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting (0.5 pt) (Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong số A, B, C hoặc D của các câu sau đây.)

The end

I. SPEAKING. (2 pts)


1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (1.0 pt)

2. Occur at the end of a year, specially for the Christian it is consider like the New Year. Christmas tree is one part of Christmas. Tell us about it as far as you know. (1.0 pt)


1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (1.0 pt)

2. Fairy tails are very interesting and very popular around the world. Tell us a paragraph of a story you know. (1.0 pt)


1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (1.0 pt)

2. A first aid course is the first important step to cure the patient, tell us one way of first aid course you know. (1.0 pt)


1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (1.0 pt)

2. Volunteer club is the most active organization around the world. As far as you know, tell us about one volunteer club and their activities.


1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (1.0 pt)

2. Christmas is a very interesting festival in a year, tell us one custom you know. (1.0 pt)

Đáp án Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

I. SPEAKING. (2 pt)

1. Introduce yourself in 5 or 6 sentences. (0.5 pt)

- Base on students' ideas.

- Students can be able to introduce about their names/ age/ school/ class/ family/ hobbies/ part -time –job

- No grammar mistakes or pronunciation mistakes.

Eg: Hello, I would like to say somthings about myself. My name's .......... I'm.....years old. .....

2. Look at the picture carefully, then describe it in at least 5 sentences. (0.5 pt)

Eg1: Look at the picture, I can see ....

Eg2: Her/ His name is ......... She is tall and thin. She has a short black hair. .................

- Student can speak fluently and correct content in at least 5 sentences without grammar mistake or less mistakes.

- Students are confident with their answers.

3. Talk about the things you can see at the picture/ around you in pair. (1 pt)

- Student will work in pair to discuss about a picture they was given. At that moment two of them have to talk together in the same topic.

- Students should:

+ Speak aloud/ easy to hear.

+ Speak correct topic.

+ Get away grammar troubles/ wrong pronunciation.

+ Avoid: some talks a lots while his partner has no chance to share/ say anything.


A: Look! I can see many things from this picture. Firstly, There are flowers on the right conner of the house/ street. What about you?

B: Yes, There is .....

II. LISTENING. (2 pts)

1. Listen to the tapescript twice, then fill in the blanks the missing words. (1 pt) (Điền vào chỗ trống các từ còn thiếu mà em nghe được từ đoạn hội thoại.)

(0.25pt x 4)

* Answers:

1. in

2. This

3. were

4. about

2. Listen to the tapescript, there are 4 mistakes. Underlined and correct them. (1 pt) (Trong đoạn văn sau có 04 lỗi sai. Em hãy gạch chân và sửa 04 lỗi sai đó.)

(0.25pt x 4)

* Answers:

A new university some library has recently opened in the USA. All important information normally found in a library is now stored in the university's computers. Without leaving their computers, users have send messages and receive information through telephone lines. However it means that each student must have access to a computer, and many universities are making this two requirement for freshmen. College campuses now have computer jacks in every part of the university. Study is no longer restricted to just one location.

* Correct text

A new university a library has recently opened in the USA. All the information normally found in a library is now stored in the university's computers. Without leaving their computers, users can send messages and receive information through telephone lines. However it means that each student must have access to a computer, and many universities are making this a requirement for freshmen. College campuses now have computer jacks in every part of the university. Study is no longer restricted to just one location.

1. some

2. important

3. have

4. two

III. READING: (2 pt)

1.1 True (T) or False (F) questions. (0.5 pt) Đúng (T) hoặc sai (F).)

(0.25 pt x 2)

* Answers:

a. T

b. F

1.2. Answer the questions. (1.5 pt) (đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

(0.5 pt x 3)

1. The lesson took place in a small school in England.

2. The lesson was about the seasons of the year.

3. The teacher asked Tom not to talk.

IV. WRITING. (2 pts)

1. Write a notice, using the information from the passage. (1 pts) (viết một thông báo sử dụng những thông tin trong đoạn văn)

The school Art Club members


Date: November 18 Time: 2 p.m to 5 p.m

Place: Hall 102, Building A.

Please contact Lo Thi Lan of class 9A for more information.

2. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. (1pt) (viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi.)

(0.25 x 4)

1. Let's dinner at a beautiful restaurant.

2. A big present was given to me on my birthday party by Lan.

3. She isn't tall enough to cacth that picture.

4. She talked to me she was teacher at Thanh Kim secondary school.


1. Choose the best anwser to complete the sentence. (1.5 pt) (Chọn một đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

(0.25 pt x 6)

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. B

2. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting (0.5 pt) (Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong trong số A, B, C hoặc D của các câu sau đây.)

1. A

2. C