14/01/2018, 14:11

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Đức Thọ năm 2010 - 2011

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Đức Thọ năm 2010 - 2011 Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án Trong bài viết ...

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Đức Thọ năm 2010 - 2011

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án

Trong bài viết này, VnDoc xin gửi bạn đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Đức Thọ năm 2010 - 2011 với các dạng bài tập hay giúp các em học sinh ôn tập và rèn luyện hiệu quả cho kỳ thi quan trọng. Sau đây mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Quận Cầu Giấy năm 2014 - 2015

Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh 9 huyện Phù Cừ, Hưng Yên năm học 2014 - 2015

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Bảo Thắng năm học 2014 - 2015

I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others. (2,5 marks)

1. A. promise                      B. horse                        C. exercise                          D. practise

2. A. monkey                       B. money                     C. donkey                             D. ink

3. A. kids                             B. roofs                       C. banks                               D. hats

4. A. local                            B. locate                      C. lonely                               D. love

5. A. washed                       B. considered                C. booked                             D. hoped

6. A. homour                       B. honest                      C. honey                               D. heir

7. A. cell                             B. call                          C. cat                                    D. count

8. A. bed                             B. setting                     C. get                                    D. revise

9. A. sound                         B. touch                        C. down                                D. account

10. A. meal                          B. bread                       C. meat                                D. reason

II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (2,5 marks)

1. Jane has been sleeping for almost 11 hours. Don't you think we should wake her........? (on, to, up, down)

2. John had his house..........into last night. (breaking, break, broke, broken)

3. We had to use our neighbor's car today because ours was...(out of work, out of order, off duty, off work)

4. I'm .......... the habit of reading in bed. (in, on , of, with)

5. Jack has right to know. He ought .......... the news immediately. (be told, told ,being told ,to be told)

6. I don't feel good. I............home from work tomorrow. (stay, am staying, will have stayed, stayed)

7. The book...........of ten units. (comprises, consists, makes, has)

8. It's raining heavily now. If only I.............an umbrella. (have, having, had  had , had)

9. Don't wear that dress because it doesn't ........ your yellow T-shirt. (match ,like, suit, fit)

10. Mrs Brown is very.............. She goes to church every day. (religion, region, religious, churchgoer)

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (2,5 marks)

1. He looked frightened as if he (see) a ghost.

2. It's time you (decide) what (prepare) for the party.

3. When I (come) to his house, he (work) in the garden.

4. I think your garden need (weed) and you had better (have) it done  tomorrow.

5. Last month prices went up,but this month they (fall) a little.

6. The experiments (do) when the lights went out.

7. Listen! I think someone (knock) at the door.

IV. Give the correct form of the words in bold (2,5 marks)

1. I tried my best , however, I was..................                                            success

2. It is not.........to wear short skirts at the moment                                      fashion

3. She had an.................command of the language.                                    impress

4. The baby slept...........                                                                            peace

5. The.............were warmly welcomed by the local leader and people.           participate

6. He had no.............but having to make his own decision.                          choose

7. Daisy wants to become a fashion............when she grows up.                   design

8. Barbara is very............about birds.She knows a lot about them .              knowledge

9. I am just a beginner in................with you.                                              compare

10. Don't believe him, he is a very............person.                                       rely

V. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as directed (3 marks)

I started joining in the dancing club a year ago.

=> I have been...............

2. Because of his bad behavior at work,he was fired.

=> Because.....................

3. My English friend finds it difficult to use chopsticks.

=> My English friend isn't......

4. It's a pity I didn't attend the lecture yesterday.

=> I wish...............

5. Tim's mother is making him study hard for the exam.

=> Tim............

6. "Would you like to have dinner with me ?"Laura said to Johnny.

=> Laura invited ...

7. The "ao dai" was frequently worn by both men and women.

=> Both..................

8. I have never heard a more amusing story than this one.

=> This is...............

9. She left quietly so that she wouldn't disturb the baby's sleep.

=> So as..................

10. Can they control the city traffic more effectively ?

=> Can the city traffic.......?

VI. Read the following passage and then fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. (2,5 marks)

              College                 difficult                      evening                   hard                       language

              newspapers           studies                      subjects                  teenagers               useful

Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children.Others are......(1)...... Many are adults. Some learn at school, others learn in......(2).......classes. A few learn English by themselves or just by hearing the......(3).......on the television or among their friends. Most people must work......(4)...to learn English. Why do these people want to learn English? It isn't.........(5)...to answer that question. Young children learn English at school because it is one of their.........(6)..... Many adults learn English because it is...(7)....... for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher......(8)......, because some of their books are in English at......(9).........or university. Other people learn English because they want to read......(10)....or magazines.

VII. Read the following passage and then fill in each gap with one suitable word. (2,5marks)

Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But pollution is...(1)..complicated as it is serious. It is complicated .......(2)......... much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust...(3)......automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But automobiles ......(4)..... transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material ......(5).... pollutes the air and water,but factories give employment to a large...(6).....of people. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticide ...(7)....... important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to end......(8).... greatly reduces pollution immediately, people would have to......(9).... using many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that,of course.But pollution can ...(10)..... gradually reduced in several ways.

VIII. Complete each sentence of the following letter. (2 marks)

1. Dear Liz,

2. It/ be/ long time /since/ I/ last hear/ you

3. you/ like/ come/ stay/ me/ cottage/ countryside?

4. You/ your family/ welcome/ if/ want/ visit/ us

5. What about/ come/ the end/ next month?

6. Write/ let /me/ know/ come

7. Yours truly,

8. Mai

Đáp án đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn tiếng Anh lớp 9

I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others (2,5 marks)

1. C             2. B           3. A           4. D               5. B

6. C            7. A            8. D           9. B              10. B

II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (2,5 marks)

1. up                 2. broken        3. out of order    4. in              5. to be told

6. am staying    7. consists      8. had                9. match       10. religious

III.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2,5 marks)

1. had seen                    2. decided/to prepare                    3. came/was working

4. weeding/have              5. have fallen                              6. were being done               7. is knocking

IV.Give the correct form of the words in brackets (2,5 marks)

1. unsuccessfully    2. fashionable      3. impressive        4. peacefully    5. participants

6. choice                7. designer          8. knowledgeable   9. comparison 10. unreliable

V. Rewrite the following sentences beginning as directed (3 marks)

1. I have been joining in the dancing club for a year.

2. Because he behaved badly at work, he was fired.

3. My English friend isn't get used to using chopsticks.

4. I wish I had attended the lecture yesterday.

5. Tim is being made to study hard for the exam by his mother.

6. Laura invited Johnny to have dinner with her.

7. Both men and women frequently wore the "ao dai".

8. This is the most amusing story I have ever heard.

9. So as not to disturb the baby's sleep, she left quietly.

10. Can the city traffic be controlled more effectively ?

VI. Read the following passage and then fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box (2,5 mark)

1. teenagers         2. evening             3. language              4. hard               5. difficult

6. subjects           7. useful                8. studies                9. college           10. newspapers

VII. Read the following passage and then fill in each gap with one suitable word. (2,5 marks)

1. as                   2. because            3. from                     4. provides          5. which/that

6. number           7. are                     8. or                        9. stop                10. be

VIII. Complete each sentence of the following letter. (2 marks)

1. It is/has been a long time since I last heard from you.

2. Would you like to come and stay with me in my/the cottage in the countryside?

3. You and your family will be welcome if you want to visit us.

4. What about coming at the end of next month?

5. Write and let me know if you can come.