[Đề chính thức] Thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 9 Tân Châu: Billions of cans are thrown … every year all over the world

[Đề chính thức] Thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 9 Tân Châu: Billions of cans are thrown … every year all over the world Đề thi học kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9 của phòng GD&ĐT Tân Châu năm 2016 – 2017 có đáp án . 1: Choose the correct word (A,B,C or D) that has different stress pattern from the rest A. ...

[Đề chính thức] Thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 9 Tân Châu: Billions of cans are thrown … every year all over the world

Đề thi học kì 2 môn Anh lớp 9 của phòng GD&ĐT Tân Châu năm 2016 – 2017 có đáp án.

1: Choose the correct word (A,B,C or D) that has different stress pattern from the rest

A. hurricane

2: If everybody … all trash in the trash can, the beach will not be so dirty like this.

A. put
B.are putting
D.is put

3: They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.

A. The wedding car is decorated with ribbons and flowers.

B.The wedding car was decorated with ribbons and flowers.

C.The wedding card with ribbons and flowers was decorated.

D.The wedding car with ribbons and flowers is decorated.

4: Neil Armstrong,  … first walked on the moon, lived in the USA.

A. which

5: Billions of cans are thrown … every year all over the world.

A. on

6: If we … wasting electricity, we’ll have to pay a lot next month.

A. go on
B.come on
C.live on
D.turn on

7: People say that prevention is better than cure.

A. Prevention is better than cure is said by people.

B.Prevention is said to be better than cure.

C.It was said that prevention is better than cure.

D.That prevention is said better than cure.

8: Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) of the incorrect underlined part

I             suggest              you          should              have attention            to           your lesson.

A                                       B                            C                         D

9: You should …. The amount of water your family uses by …. shower.

A. reduce – using
B.increase – using
C.reduce – use
D.increase – use

10: Your homework must be done before the lunch time.

A. You must do your homework before the lunch time.

B.Before the lunch time, you must be done your homework.

C.You must be doing your homework before the lunch time.

D.Before the lunch time, your homework must do.

11: On Tuesday, we’re going to London,  …. We’ll visit the Tower and Buckingham Palace.

A. which

Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for questions from 12 to 16:

The large movement of earth under the sea causes a very large and powerful tsunami. The tsunami was called the Asian Tsunami is most of the world. It was called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England, Australia, South Africa and Canada because it happened on the holiday they called Boxing Day. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries such as Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

Wave as high as 30m killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot of buildings and other properties. Over

225, 000 people died or were not found after the tsunami. The wave traveled as far away as South Africa (8 000km)

where as many as 8 people died because of high water caused by the wave. Because of how much damage was caused and the number of people the earthquake affected, over $ 7 billion was donated to help the survivors and rebuild the areas damaged.

12: Which of the following is not true?

A. A lot of money was raise to help the people.

B.many people died because of the high waves.

C.The tsunami caused a lot of damage to Indonesia.

D.Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asia Tsunami.

13: Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England?

A. Because it happened on Boxing Day.
B.Because it happened when people were collecting boxes.

C.Because it destroyed a lot of boxes.
D.Because it happened when people were boxing.

14: What does the word “survivors” in line 8 mean?

A. houses that aren’t destroyed
B.offices that are being built
C.people that are dead
D.people that are left alive

15: What were some people in South Africa killed by?

A. High water

D.High wind.

16: How high were the waves?

A. Thirteen meters
B.Two hundred and twenty – five meters

C.Eighteen meters
D.Thirty meters

17: I was asked to remember her phone number.

A. People asked me remember her phone number.

B.She asks me remember her phone number.

C.People ask me to remember her phone number.

D.She asked me to remember her phone number.

18:  I can speak English ….                 

A. good

Choose the best word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each blank (from 20 to 23) in the following passage:

       Although there (19) ………..many celebrations throughout the year, Tet or the (20) … holiday is the most important celebration for (21) ……..people. Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February. It is a time for families to clean and decorate their homes, and enjoy special food such as sticky rice cakes. Family members (22) ………..live apart try to be together at Tet.

During Tet, spring fairs are organized and children are given lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also time for peace (23) … love. During Tet, children of ten behave well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the New Year.

19:   A. is

20:  A. Lunar New Year

21:  A. Vietnamese

22:  A. when

23:  A. or

24:  People don’t trust him because he tells lies.

A. If he tells lies, people won’t trust him.

B.If he didn’t tell lies, people would trust him.

C.If he doesn’t tell lies, people will trust him.

D.If he told lies, people wouldn’t trust him.

25: We can’t finish the work unless you help us.

A. The work can’t be finish unless you help us.
B.The work can’t finish unless you are helped.

C.The work can’t be finished unless you help us.
D.The work can’t be finished unless you are helped

26: Miss Hanh, … sings very well, is my English teacher.   

A. which

27: Pay the bill within 2 weeks or the electricity will be cut …….

A. in

28: May I borrow your dictionary? I want to … this word.

A. take up
B.come up
C.go up
D.look up

29: Choose the correct word (A, B, C or D) that has underlined part pronounced differently

A. tidal

30: My father made me work hard for exams.

A. I am made work hard for exams by my father.

B.I was made to work hard for exams by my father.

C.I am made work hard for exam by my father.

D.I was made work hard for exams by my father.

31: This is the house …. Mark Twain used to live.

A. which

32: Last night when I … my homework, the electricity went out.

A. did
B.were doing
D.was doing

33: You haven’t eaten this kind of food before.

A. This kind of food hasn’t been eaten before.

B.This kind of food hasn’t be eaten before.

C.This kind of food hasn’t eaten before.

D.This kind of food haven’t been eaten before.

34: We’ll make this beach clean and … again.

A. beatify

Question 35: Choose the correct word (A, B, C or D) that has underlined part pronounced differently

A. ultimately

36: You will lose your job if you go to work late again.

A. Your job will lose if you go to work late again.

B.You will lose if you go to work late again.

C.You will be lost if you go to work late again.

D.Your job will be lost if you go to work late again.

37: Choose the correct word (A,B,C or D) that has different stress pattern from the rest

A. faucet

38: Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) of the incorrect underlined part

Do       you       know          the woman      she             lives        next door?

A                         B                                        C                                      D

39: These bags are made of … You can use them to carry heavy things.

A. paper

40: Nga’s brother is good at … household appliances.

A. repairs

KEY: 1 – A; 2- C; 3- B; 4 – C; 5 – B; 6 – A; 7 – B; 8 – C; 9 – A; 10 – A; 11 – C; 12- D; 13 – A; 14 – D; 15 – A; 16 – D; 17 – D; 18 – B; 19 – B; 20 – A; 21- A; 22- B; 23 – D; 24 – B; 25 – C; 26 – D; 27 – D; 28 – D; 29 – A; 30 – B; 31- C; 32 – B; 33 – A; 34 – B; 35 – C; 36 – D; 37 – B; 38 – C; 39 – C; 40 – C