Câu 2 Unit 3 Trang 25 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 8

You are giving advice to a friend. Use ought to or ought not to. ...

You are giving advice to a friend. Use ought to or ought not to.

You are giving advice to a friend. Use ought to or ought not to.

Viết các câu lời khuyên cho một người bạn. Sử dụng ought to hoặc ought not to.


Your friend is always getting bad marks because he plays computer games too much. Advise him to stop playing computer games.

You ought to stop playing computer games.

a) Your friend is going to visit China. Advise him to learn a few Chinese words before he goes.

b) Your friend is riding a bicycle so fast. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it.

c) It's very cold, but your friend is usually wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Advise him to put on warm clothes.

d) Your friend has a bad cold. He has to go to the English Speaking Club this evening. Advise him to stay at home.

e) Your friend is always watching TV. He's going to have final exams. Advise him not to do it.

f) Your friend begins smoking. Advise him to stop smoking.

g) Your friend is going to study in the USA, but his English is poor. Advise him to improve his English before he leaves.

Hướng dẫn giải 

a) You ought to learn a few Chinese words. 

b) You ought not to ride a bicycle so fast. 

c) You ought to put on warm clothes.

d) You ought to stay at home. 

e) You ought not to watch TV.

f) You ought to stop smoking. 

g) You ought to improve your English.