15/01/2018, 14:06

Bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh

Bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh Bộ đề kiểm tra 45 phút môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh Trong bài viết này, VnDoc.com xin giới thiệu đến các bạn do VnDoc.com sưu tầm và ...

Bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh

Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh

Trong bài viết này, VnDoc.com xin giới thiệu đến các bạn  do VnDoc.com sưu tầm và đăng tải sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích giúp các bạn ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức, trau dồi vốn từ vựng và rèn luyện, tập dượt kĩ năng làm bài. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.


Time: 45’

Full name: …………………….……………….……. Class: 8.. (Test 1)


Teacher’s remark.


I. Pronunciation: (1p)

1. A. bread              B. tea                  C. peace                D. meat

2. A. character         B. chemistry       C. Christmas         D. cheese

3. A. hair                  B. hour                C. high                 D. house

4. A. enough            B. cough             C. though             D. laugh





II. Choose the best answer: (2p)

1. What does she …………? Oh. She is pretty.

A. look               B. look like               C. like               D. look after

2. We like her………….because she enjoys telling jokes.

A. character             B. sense of humor                 C. smile               D. face

3. Long has to cook dinner…………

A. himself               B. hisself                    C. herselves                 D. myself

4. He is strong enough………big bags.

A. to carry               B. carry                    C. carrying                     D. carries

5. Let's………..in front of the stadium.

A. meets                   B. meeting               C. to meet                 D. meet

6. You must keep medicine in…………cup board.

A. clock                   B. clocked                C. locked                  D. lock

7. Children may eat chemicals because they look like…………

A. stools                B. things                    C. candy                      D. balls

8. Deaf – mutes can……..speak…….hear

A. both…..and               B. not only…but also                 C. either…nor                 D. neither….nor









III. Identifying the mistakes. (1p)

1. Ba is not enough old to drive a car.                                                                                                                                                A                  B               C        D

2. She have to do the chore before going to the movies.                                                                                                                            A                     B                  C                 D

3. Quang and Nam are going to playing chess together.                                                                                                                                A              B                  C                     D

4. They are cooking their dinner by themsefl.                                                                                                                                              A                 B                C      D





IV. Read the passage and answer all the questions (1.5p): My neighbors.

I have many neighbors. Some of them are teachers, some are workers and some are officials. My neighbors are very friendly. They do not quarrel with one another. Most of them are educated and rich. They do not like to talk against one another. They do not like to disturb others. They speak softly so that others may not get angry. My neighbors are very helpful. If someone is ill, they call a doctor to attend to him or take him to the hospital as quickly as possible. I am indeed very happy to live with such neighbors.


1. What are your neighbors like?


2. Do they like to talk against one another?


3. Are some of them officials?


4. Why mayn’t other get angry?


5. What do they do if someone is ill?


V. Combine each of sentence using enough or ought to or going to: (1.5p)

1. The water isn’t very cold. I can’t drink it. (enough)


2. The shoes are big. I can wear them. (enough)


3. Your friends is going to take an exam. Advise him to study harder.(ought to)


4. Minh has a lot of homework. Advise him to do his homework. (ought to)


5. Minh likes cartoon. There’s a good cartoon on TV tonight.(going to)


VI. Tenses: ( 2p)

1. Last night, we (watch) an interesting film on TV.

2. Tomorrow is Sunday, We (not go) to school.

3. She (not finish) her homework after school.

4. What she (look) like? She is very pretty.




VII. Word form.(1p)

1. Ba often tells jokes. He is a ……………. boy (humor)

2. She haa straight ………….. hair. (fairness)

3. We should obey the ……….. regulationa at the hospital. ( safe)

4. You have to keep all ………….. objects out of children’s reach. ( danger)






Time: 45’

Full name: …………………….……………….……. Class: 8.. (Test 2)


Teacher’s remark.


I. Pronunciation:( 1p)

1. A. bread                 B. tea                  C. peace                  D. meat

2. A. character           B. chemistry       C. Christmas            D. cheese

3. A. hair                      B. hour              C. high                     D. house

4. A. played                 B. arrived             C. needed               D. moved

5. A. watched               B. brushed             C. stopped               D. arranged






II. Choose the best answer. (2p)

1. What does she …………? Oh. She is pretty.

A. look               B. like               C. look like               D. look after

2. We like her………….because she enjoys telling jokes.

A. smile              B. sense of humor               C. character               D. face

A. We have to cook dinner …………

A. himself            B. themselves                  C. ourselves                   D. myself

3. He is ……… to carry big bags.

A. strong enough                    B. enough strong                C. old enough              D. enough old

4. Let's………..in front of the stadium.

A. meets                       B. meeting                   C. meet                 D. to meet

5. You must keep medicine in…………cup board.

A. clock                          B. locked                      C. clocked                  D. lock

6. Children may drink chemicals because they look like…………

A. stools                            B. soft drink                 C. candy                  D. balls

7. He said Mrs Van could reach him …………… 8 634 082.

A. at                   B. on                 C. of                     D. in

8. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to finish your homework …………..

A. yoursefl                  B. themselves                 C. ourselves                   D. myself

9. You mustn’t let children play in the kitchen ………… the kitchen is a dagerous place.

A. and                       B. because                   C. but                 D. however











III. Identifying the mistakes. (1p)

1. Ba is not enough old to drive a car.                                                                                                                                                 A                  B                C       D

2. She have to do the chore before going to the movies.                                                                                                                            A                     B                 C                   D

3. Quang and Nam are going to playing chess together.                                                                                                                                A             B                    C                     D

4. They are cooking their dinner by themsefl.                                                                                                                                              A                 B               C       D

5. They buy a new fishing rod yesterday.                                                                                                                                                   A         B      C       D






IV. Read the passage and check the True or False sentences (2p)

This is my bedroom. There is a table on the left of the room. On the table there are some books and some pens, and above the table there is a bookshelf. In the middle of the room, there is a bed. On the right of the room there is a window. Next to the window there is a wardrobe.

True or False?



1. The table on the left of the room


2. The bookshelf is beneath the table


3. The bed is in the middle of the room


4. The window is in the middle of the room


5. The wardrobe is opposite the window


V. Tenses: ( 2p)

1. Last night, We (go) to the movies together.

2. We (visit) our friends nextweek..

3. They (not finish) their homework after school.

4. They (buy) a new fishing rod yesterday.

5. He (have) to do his homework before playing games.






VI. Word form (1p)

1. Hoa is very ……………. She doesn’t talk to anybody in her class. (reservation)

2. We are good friends although each of us has a different ………… (characteristic)

3. A kitchen is not a ……………. Place to play. (suitability)

4. Don’t put the knife into an …………….. socket. (electricity)





VII. Combine each of sentence using enough or ought to or going to: (1p)

1. The weather is rather hot. We can drink it now. (enough)


2. He isn’t very tall. He cannot reach the bookshelf. (enough)


3. She bought a new fishing rod yesterday. (going to)


4. She got bad mark in math. (ought to)


1. We protect .................................... from the rain with an umbrella.

2. She likes to look at ....................................... in the mirror.

3. The dog hurt ................................... when it jumped over the fence.

4. I must learn to control ...........................







Đề số 1 (Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút)


Listen to the passage and give short answers to the following questions. (2.5 pts)

1. Who is Peter?

2. How old is he?

3. Where does he live?

4. What does he like doing in his free time?

5. What is he going to do next summer?


Read the passage and choose the most appropriate answer A, B, C or D. (2.5 pts)

How Nam has improved his English?

In the first year of lower secondary school, I had some difficulties in learning English. My English pronunciation was really bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not know how to improve them. I didn’t want my father and mother to know about this. One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher of English told me to wait for her outside the classroom. She took me to the school library and showed me cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar. “Now I think you know what you should do”, said she. I made much progress and only one year later, I won the first prize in the English Speaking Contest held for secondary school students in my hometown.

1. What difficulties did Nam have in learning English in the first year?

A. The pronunciation

B. The grammar

C. Both pronunciation and grammar

D. The way of improving his pronunciation

2. Who wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson?

A. His teacher

B. One of his friends

C. His father

D. His mother

3. Where did Nam and his teacher go after that?

A. to the town library

B. to the school library

C. to the teachers’ room

D. to his house

4. What did the teacher show him then?

A. A glass bookcase

B. An English– English dictionary

C. An English Grammar book

D. Cassettes of pronunciation drills

5. What did he win in the English Speaking Contest one year later?

A. The first prize

B. The second prize

C. The third prize

D. The fourth prize


Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (2.5 pts)

1. I often play soccer _______ Sunday afternoon.

A. in                B. at            C. on                    D. for

2. We should wait here _______ our teacher comes back.

A. before         B. until         C. after              D. during

3. Mr. Brown is the same age ________ Mrs. Brown.

A. as               B. like             C. from             D. with

4. The little boy is not _________ to lift the suitcase.

A. enough strong              B. strong enough             C. too strong              D. so strong

5. My father was good at swimming. He used to ______ swimming in summer.

A. go                B. goes               C. went                 D. going

6. Kate hates ______ to classical music.

A. listens             B. listened             C. listen               D. listening

7. Hung is ______ student in my class.

A. good             B. better               C. the best                D. a best

8. Ho Chi Minh City is larger and ______ beautiful than Hanoi.

A. more             B. as                  C. most                  D. the most

9. Mr. Smith likes _______ to music in his free time.

A. listens           B. listened            C. listen            D. listening

10. They built this house _______1990.

A. from              B. in                   C. at                   D. for


Write a passage using the following sets of words and phrases. You can make all the necessary changes and additions. (2.5 pts)

1. Lan/ like/ learn English

2. She/ begin/ learn/ this language/ 2003

3. She/ always/ want/ improve her English

4. Last week/ she/ buy/ English-Vietnamese dictionary

5. She/ often/ use/ it/ for reading

------------ THE END ------------


Đề số 2 (Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút)


Listen to the passage about Ba and his sister, and then put a tick in the appropriate box for T (True) or F (False). (2.0 pts)

1. Ba is younger than Lan.

2. Lan is shorter than her brother.

3. Both Ba and Lan go to school in the morning.

4. They love listening to pop music and reading novels.

5. They don’t like playing chess and going swimming in summer.

6. Lan doesn’t like cooking, doing the shopping on Sundays.

7. Ba likes watching war films on TV.

8. Lan also loves playing soccer in her free time.


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (3.0 pts)

Hello! My name is David. I work for a construction company. I started working for this company in 2004. We build roads, dams, bridges and things like that. At the moment my company is producing a plan for a new motorway. I usually work in the road department, but this month I am working in the department that builds bridges. So my whole working day is different just now. I normally spend a lot of time outdoors because I have to go to the construction sites. But with this new project I spend a lot of time in the workshop. Now I am testing a model of one of the new bridges. I enjoy it a lot because I have learned a lot of new things.

1. When did David begin working for his construction company?

2. What is his company doing at the moment?

3. Where does he usually work?

4. Is he working in the road department this month?

5. Why does he normally spend a lot of time outdoors?

6. What is he testing now?


Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (2.5 pts)

1. We must be there _____ 7.30 and 8.15.

A. at               B. before                C. between                   D. after

2. Dad stayed at the office _____ he finished the report.

A. between              B. until                C. for                  D. at

3. Vietnamese language is different _____ English language.

A. as               B. like                  C. from                D. with

4. Tom is 16. He isn’t _____ to drive a car.

A. enough young               B. young enough              C. enough old               D. old enough

5. When my uncle was young, he used _____ fishing on Sundays.

A. go                   B. went                 C. going               D. to go

6. Mary likes _____ the piano.

A. playing              B. plays               C. played               D. play

7. She told me _____ you that present.

A. giving                    B. to give                C. gave               D. given

8. Last night I watched the movie “Romeo and Juliet”. At last they killed______.

A. himself                  B. herself                C. themselves              D. ourselves

9. Jane is _____ beautiful than her sister.

A. as                      B. like                   C. the most                D. more

10. London is _____ capital city in Europe.

A. large                 B. larger                C. most large              D. the largest


Write a postcard using the following sets of words and phrases. You can make all necessary changes and additions. (2.5 pts)

Dear Mom and Dad,

1. I/ have/ wonderful/ time/ Ha Long Bay

2. weather/ be/ lovely/ and/ beach and islands/ look/ beautiful

3. Yesterday/ I/ go shopping/ Hon Gai Town

4. I/ be/ going/ visit/ Dau Go Cave/ tomorrow

5. I/ be/ going/ take/ photographs/ there

See you soon.



----------- THE END --------------