Unit 7 lớp 9: Project
Unit 7: Recipes and eating habbits (phần 1 → 3 trang 17 SGK Tiếng Anh 9 mới) 1. Work in groups. Go to other classes and ask different students about their eating habits. Write the students' answers in the table. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Đến những lớp khác và hỏi ...
Unit 7: Recipes and eating habbits
(phần 1 → 3 trang 17 SGK Tiếng Anh 9 mới)
1. Work in groups. Go to other classes and ask different students about their eating habits. Write the students' answers in the table. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Đến những lớp khác và hỏi những học sinh khác về thói quen ăn uống của họ. Viết câu trả lời của học sinh vào bảng)

2. Now work together again. Analyse the answers you have got and organise them in the form of an answer to each question. This could be done using a visual organiser such as a chart. (Bây giờ làm việc cùng nhau. Phân tích những câu trả lời mà bạn có và tổ chức ở dạng mỗi câu trả lời cho từng câu hỏi. Việc này có thể hoán thành bằng cách sử dụng thiết bị trực quan chẳng hạn như biểu đồ)
3. In general, do the students at your school have healthy eating habits? Present your group's findings to the class. (Nhìn chung, những học sinh ở trường bạn có thói quen ăn uống tốt cho sức khỏe không? Trình bày những phát hiện của nhóm bạn trước lớp)
Gợi ý:
Good morning teacher and friends,
Today I want to present about eating habits of students in our school. According to our group’s findings, almost students in our school do not have healthy eating habits. Firstly, they like fast food so much, which are not good for health, and eat this kind of food quite regularly. Secondly, although eating out may bring many risks of bad food sanitation, they tend to prefer eating out to eating at home. The food cooked at home, which is cleaner and more nutritious, is not their cup of tea. Lastly, they tend to eat much for dinner and do not give enough care to the breakfast. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the dinner but the breakfast that is the most important meal of the day so you should eat a big breakfast and just a little in the evening. In conclusion, I suggest that students in our school should improve a healthier eating habits.