Test yourself 1 - trang 27 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần ...

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần

1. Find the word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined.

Tìm từ được phát âm khác ở phần được gạch dưới.

1. A. best                  B. test

    C. modest             D. contest

2. A different             B. movement

    C. president          D. extent

3. A. fortunate           B. communicate 

    C. indicate             D. debate

4. A. checkroom         B. cockroach

    C. bankrupt             D. Kremlin

Đáp án:



3. A


2. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below.

Sử dụng các từ trong hộp để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây.

 Chores         household           breadwinner

laundry          albu                  junk

exercise            soft           pianist        clips

 1………. Food is a kind of food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat, but it is thought to bad for your health.

2. As a ……….. in his family, Mr Black has to work hard all the time for money.

3. To stay healthy or become stronger you should………. Regularly.

4. Mrs Brown does not do many ……… duties, she just shops for groceries.

5. Many people around the world watched Michael Jackson’s ……… on the Internet.

6. A………. drink is a cold drink that does not contain alcohol.

7. The pop superstar’s first …….was so great that is was sold more than 1,500,000 copies.

8. I have to do some household …… such as cooking meals, cleaning the house and washing the dishes.

9. A: Where does your brother often do the…..?

    B: He goes to the launderette near his college.

10. one of my favorite songs ‘The Candle in the Wind’ by Elton john. This…….. can sing and play the piano very well.

Đáp án:

1. Junk                  2. breadwinner            3. exercise

4. household          5.clips                         6. soft

7. album         8. chores        9. laundry        10. pianist

3. Choose A, B, C, or D for each gap of the following sentences.

Chọn A, B, C, hoặc D cho mỗi chỗ trống của các câu sau đây.

1. The read  River…… into the Pacific Ocean.

A. is flowing                B. flows

C. flew                       D. was flowing

2. Paul is in London at the moment. He….. at the Hilton Hotel.

A. stayed                      B. was staying

C. stays                        D. is staying

3. That washing machine…….. It broke down this morning.

A. isn’t working             B. doesn’t work

C. didn’t work               D. wasn’t working

4. The train….. in Paris at 9 o’clock this evening.

A. is arriving                B. arrives

C. will arrive                D. shall arrive

5. Peter …… his exam. He hasn’t done any work for it.

A. doesn’t pass            B. isn’t passing

C. won’t pass               D. didn’t pass

6. I………… to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?

A. went                        B. have gone

C. will go                      D. am going

7. When do you think he’ll arrive? I expect he ….. next month.

A. will arrive               B. arrives

C. is arriving              D. has arriving

8. A: I…….. worried about my examination next week.

    B: don’t worry! You will pass.

A. will be                     B. am

C. am being                 D. have been

9. sad movie always maker her……..

A. to cry                       B. crying

C. cries                        D. cry

10. The teacher asked the students…….. their essays at home.

A. to finish                   B. finishing

C. finishes                    D. finish

Đáp án:



3. A

4. B

5. C


7. A

8. B

9. D

10. A

4. Read each sentence and write another sentences with the same meaning.

Đọc từng câu và viết một câu khác có cùng ý nghĩa.

1. Every day they vacuum my bedroom.

Every day my bedroom………………………

2. They do not often invite Tom to weeding parties.

      Tom ……………………………

3. People say that Mr Hai is the breadwinner in his family

Mr Hai ………………………………

4. People think that Peter exercises regularly.

Peter …………………………………

5. It is said that Laura won a special prize at the annual musical.


Đáp án:

1. Every day my bedroom is vacuumed.

2. Tom is not often invited to wedding parties.

3. Mr Hai is said to be the breadwinner in his family.

4. Peter is thought to exercise regularly.

5. Laura is said to have won a special prize at the annual musical.

5. Finish the conversations using the sentences in the box.

Hoàn thành các cuộc hội thoại bằng cách sử dụng các câu trong hộp.

A. I’m have to finish my homework

B. I’m going to see a musical.

C. Would you like to go to the cinema?

D. But let me pay for the tickets this time. It’s my turn

E. Are you doing anything then?

Hung: Say, Lan. What are you doing tonight? (1)………

Lan: Oh, sorry, I can’t. I’m going to work late tonight. (2)…………

Hung: Well, how about tomorrow night? (3) ……………

Lan: Sure, I’d love to (5)………………

Hung: All right. Thanks!

Đáp án:

1. C          2. A          3.E          4. B          5. D

6. Read the passage about the three musicians.

Đọc đoạn văn về ba nhạc sĩ.


Many musicians from around the world blend their country’s music with popular sounds.

Caetano Veloso is one of Brazil’s most important musicians. He mixes tock with the music of the Bahia region. Bahia is a state in Brazil that is a strongly influenced by African culture. Caetano is an excellent songwriter and poet. He say of his music’ I make my records like a painter his canvas’.

Bonnie Raitt an American singer. Her music, songwriter and guitarist. Her music blends rock with country and the blues. The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad and usually about love and the problems of lite. Bonnie Raitt’s strong rough voice is perfect for singing country and the blues.

Cui Jian a very important musician in the China. Western styles like jazz and rap, clearly influence his music. However, his music is very Chinese in its instruments and sounds. Cui Jian says his music expresses the feelings of Chinese young people.

a. Complete the chart.

Hoàn thành bảng


Types of music he/ she blends

1.Cateno Veloso

2. Bonnie Raitt

3. Cui Jian

Đáp án:


Types of music he / she blends |

1. Caetano Veloso


Rock with music of Bahia region

2. Bonnie Raitt


Rock with country and the blue

3.Cui Jian


Rock with jazz and rap

b. Answer the questions.

Trả lời các câu hỏi

1. How does Caetono veloso make his records ?


2. Why is Bonnie Raitt’s voice good for country and blues music?


3. What does Cui Jian want music to express?


Đáp án:

1. He makes his records tike a painter paints his canvas.

2. Because her voice is strong and rough.

3. He wants his music to express the feelings of Chinese young people.

7. Read the passage about aerobics and fill each gap with a suitable word/ phrase from the box.

Đọc đoạn văn về thể dục nhịp điệu và điền vào mỗi khoảng trống bằng từ / cụm từ phù hợp từ hộp.

remember       relationship       exercise

longer             process              blood

       Brain researchers believe that aerobics exercise helps you to keep fit by learning new things and remembering old information better. Aerobics exercise sends more (1)………………… to the brain and it also feeds the brain with substances that develop new nerve connections. If the (2)………….. or basketball move, the brain produces even more nerve connections- the more connections, the better the brain can (3)…………. all kinds of information. Scientists still don’t fully understand the (4)…… between exercise and brain power. For the moment, people just have to trust that exercise is helping them to learn or (5)………… However, scientist shows that three or more workouts a week good for you. For example, walking four to miles(6.5 to 8km) an hour for 45 minutes five times a week helps you live(6)………… So get out there and do something!

Đáp án:

1. blood              2. exercise

3. process           4. relationship

5. remember       6. longer

8.Write a biography of Paul Carrack, a well-known musician. You can use the fact file below.

Viết tiểu sử của Paul Carrack, một nhạc sĩ nổi tiếng. Bạn có thể sử dụng sự kiện dưới đây.

Early years: born 22nd April 1951 in Yorkshire, England; taught himseft to play the drums at age 5; played for his school band statis playing professionally for some groups at age 16.

Words: made a lot of records 1974 had first hit record with song “ How long” 1985 had his own record called “ Groove Approved”, especially, had a number one record called “ The Living Years”

Important achievements: can play some musical in struments like the drums piano, keyboards and guitar; played for popular bands: Roxy Music, the Smiths, the Prerender and Madness, Ace travelled a lot and played successfully in many countries like Germany, Itali, France and America.

Conclusion: famous as a musican, composer, song writer and singer; top off the pops as a lead vocalist with the band and Mike and the Mechanics in britaimand America.

Đáp án:

Paul Carrack was born on 22nd April 1951 in Yorkshire, England. He taught himself to play the drums when he was 5 years old. He played for his school band and he started playing professionally for some popular groups at age of 16.

He has made a lot of records. In 1974 he had his first hit record with song called “How long’ In 1985 he had his own record titled "Groove Approved". Especially, he had a number one record called "The Living Years".

He can play a number of musical instruments like the drums, piano, keyboards and guitar. He has played for some popular bands such as Roxy Music, the Smiths, the Pretender and Madness and Ace. Paul has traveled a lot and played successfully in many countries like Germany, Italy, France and America.

Paul Carrack is famous as a musician, composer, songwriter and singer. He has been top of the pops as a lead vocalist with the band "Mike and the Mechanics" in Britain and America.
