Specifications Sheets
Specification sheets provide important details to ensure the correct execution of garment patterns into finished garments. Specifications sheets help to produce accurate samples, which improves turnaround time and simplifies communication ...
Specification sheets provide important details to ensure the correct execution of garment patterns into finished garments. Specifications sheets help to produce accurate samples, which improves turnaround time and simplifies communication during all stages of manufacturing and quality control. Specifications sheets include detailed technical diagrams, construction notes, finished garment measurements, fabric yields and material and trim details. Specification sheets can be tailored in terms of the format and information provided to suit the company’s needs.
Prospective users:
The Technical department and the Quality control departments should be involved in designing and implementing specification sheets.
This practice can be applied to all kinds of factories.
ProblemS addressed
- The specification sheets help to improve the communication between design and production teams, to make clear the product requirements for the workers and help to prevent costly errors. Specification sheets are essential to improve the quality and productivity.
The process for creating and using the specification sheet include steps such as designing a specification sheets, guiding the workers and QC staff to use the specifications sheets, making the sheets available at the production lines and QC stations for use to conduct quality control.
Steps in implementation
- Develop a specification sheet. A specification sheet package may include complex technical sketches, pattern and/or garment measurements, methods of measurements charts, embroidery/screen and label placements. A specification sheets will be developed based on the design of the products and the requirements of the clients or producer itself on the quality, standards, key or all materials and so on.
- At the top of the specifications sheets is the information about the products such as company name and logo, product name of description, style code, and sample design/picture of the product design.
- The specification sheet must have information specified the product such as sizes of key dimensions such as length, neck round, waist, shoulder as well as other dimensions of the products in different standard size such as small, medium, large, or extra large – in producing shirt, for example.
- Information on types and quantity about some important details such as button or cloths.
- Samples of sub-materials/fabrics and accessories such as buttons and zips should be added to the specification sheet for better reference.
- A specification sheet can also include the key guidelines to for key steps in producing products such as cutting, sewing, or ironing in garment. It may also include the guide for important details such as buttons, edges, or threads.
- A specification may also include guidelines on how to behave in case of mistakes or errors. Additional guides can be included to guild the workers in some specific cases.
- Specifications sheets can be posted in a bulletin board so all who need can access to it to have the most current information. This bulletin board should be placed in an easy-to-see place such as at the beginning of the production line so that all the workers can see. It can be put into a clear box or plastic folder so that people can see and take it out it easily.
- Write product name and code outside or at the top of the specification sheets or at the corner of the sheet.
- Another version copy of the specification sheet should be posted at the quality control station under good light condition so that to comfort guide the quality control staff to check each product against the specifications.
- Include information and real sample materials in each specification sheets
- Another version of the specifications are placed at the quality control stations so that the quality control staff can easily find the and check the specifications
- Make sure all the workers and quality control staff understand the specifications sheets in the same way by conducting a short internal training or instruction session on understanding and using the specification sheets.
- Store all specification sheets in excel spreadsheet or word format so that it can be easy to track share. This is also a good way to communicate the information about the specification sheet among the technical team before using it for production.

- Technical staff involvement to create the specification sheets
- Boxes at the information or bulletin board
- Difficulty to make workers with limited knowledge understand the specification sheets in a consistent way
- Help the workers and quality inspectors can easily compare products with the required standard specifications to ensure the quality
- Improve communication among workers and quality control staff
- Specification sheets developed and made available at the information center of production line and quality control station
- Workers and quality control staff understand the specification sheets in a consistent way
Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.