Speaking - trang 10 Unit 1 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 12 mới

Tổng hợp những bài tập có trong phần ...

Tổng hợp những bài tập có trong phần

1.   Choose one historical figure below and complete the note cards for a talk about him.

Chọn một nhân vật lịch sử dưới đây và hoàn thành các thẻ ghi chú cho một cuộc nói chuyện về ông.

Chu Van An (1292- 1370)

An outstanding teacher and intellectual in

Viet Nam


-    passed his doctoral examination

-    in charge of QuocTu Giam, the first university of Viet Nam

-    responsible for teaching the crown prince who later became King Tran Hien Tong

-    resigned and returned to his home village when the king (Tran Du Tong) refused his request of beheading eight mandarins who were accused of corruption

Interesting story/fact:

-    When visiting him, high-ranking mandarins who used to be his students still observed high etiquette and showed respect for him.

Reasons for being respected:

-    his high moral standards and excellence in teaching

-    a distinguished man who did not seek fame or wealth

Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

One of the greatest presidents of the USA


-    had very little formal education, but had a strong interest in books and self-study

-    worked as a lawyer

-    16th president of the USA (1860 - 1865)

-    led the Civil War (1861 - 1865) between the northern and southern states to re-unite the country and free the slaves

Interesting story/fact:

-    He was a gifted storyteller and liked to tell jokes. During his presidency, he used humour many times as an indirect way of saying ‘no’. As his responsibilities grew and he became stressed, he used jokes to reduce the tensions in himself and those around him.

Reasons for being respected:

-    a devoted civil rights activist

-    a simple man with a powerful inner strength and a remarkable ability to overcome hardship

A. Introduction (Phần giới thiệu)

-    Greeting the audience (Chào khán giả)

-    Introducing the historical figure (name/ years of birth & death). Giới thiệu nhân vật lịch sử (Tên/Năm sinh, năm mất)

B. Facts about the historical figure (Sự kiện về nhân vật lịch sử)

B1. Education background (Bối cảnh học vấn)

B2. Work/Responsibility (Công việc/Trách nhiệm)

B3. Most important event (Sự kiện quan trọng nhất)

B4. Interesting story/fact (Câu chuyện/Sự thật thú vị)

C. Conclusion (Kết luận)

- Reasons for being respected (Lý do được tôn trọng)

Học sinh lựa chọn nhân vật phù hợp và điền vào các thẻ tương ứng.

2.   Work in groups. Use the note cards to present your talk to your group members.

Làm việc nhóm. Sử dụng các thẻ ghi chú để trình bày bài nói của bạn trước thành viên trong nhóm