12/01/2018, 16:08

Speak - Unit 8 trang 66 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Speak - Unit 8 trang 66 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 This is how to give and respond to compliments: Give a compliment Respond to a compliment ...

Speak - Unit 8 trang 66 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

This is how to give and respond to compliments: Give a compliment Respond to a compliment


This is how to give and respond to compliments:

(Đây là cách để đưa ra lời khen và đáp lại lời khen đó.)

Give a compliment Respond to a compliment
Well done.  Thanks.
That s a great/an excellent....  It’s nice of vow to say so.
Let me congratulate you on ....  That’s very kind of you.

Read the following situations with a partner, then give and respond to appropriate compliments.

(Đọc các tình huống dưới đây với một bạn cùng lớp, sau đó đưa ra những lời khen và đáp lại lời khen đó cho phù hợp.)

a) Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest.

Example: Mai: Well done, Trang.

Trang: Thanks.

b) On her mother’s birthday, Huyen made a beautiful cake to celebrate.

Mother: ............................

Huyen:  ...........................

c) Tuan is an active student. He has taken part in different charity activities in his town. Tuan has been nominated as the most effective activist in the town charity program.

Friends: .................................

Tuan: ....................................

d) Hoa brings to class a new picture she has painted.

You: ................................

Hoa: ...............................

Trả lời:


Mai: Well done, Trang.

Trang: Thanks.


Mother: Let me congratulate you on your cake!

Huyen: Very kind of you, Mum!


Friends: That's an excellent nomination!

Tuan: It's nice of you to say so.


You: That's a great picture!

Hoa: Thanks.

Now think of situations in which you can compliment your friends and get responses from him/her/them, then make up dialogues with your partner.

(Bây giờ nghĩ đến tình huống mà bạn khen các người bạn của mình và sau đó nhận được lời đáp từ bạn ấy, sau đó thực hành hội thoại với bạn học.)


Trả lời:

Situation 1: You see your friend who are wearing a new shirt. You complement him on it.

You: Your new shirt is very pretty, Long.

Long: Thanks. My mother made it for me on my birthday.

Situation 2: Your friend invites you to the new house his parents have just bought. You compliment on it.

You: What a nice house you have!

Nam: Really? That's nice of you to say so.

Situation 3: You see your friend with his new hairstyle. You compliment on it.

You: Hi, Mai. I almost didn't recognize you with your hairstyle. It look great!

Mai: Do you really like it? Thanks.

Situation 4: You see your friend going on a new bicycle. You compliment on it.

You: You know, I do like your new bicycle, Phong, especially its color.

Phong: Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
