Reading - trang 30 Unit 9 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 12 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần ...

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần

1. Read the text about tips for students to secure work experience. Choose the appropriate heading (a-j) for each paragraph. (Đọc văn bản về lời khuyên dành cho sinh viên để đảm bảo kinh nghiệm làm việc. Chọn tiêu đề phù hợp (a-j) cho mỗi đoạn.)

a. Following up

Theo dõi

b. Keeping an open mind

Giữ một tâm trí cởi mở

c. Dressing to impress

Mặc đồ để gây ấn tượng

d. Building a CV

Xây dựng một CV

e. Listing chosen jobs and companies

Liệt kê những công việc và công ty đã chọn lựa

f. Asking for feedback

Hỏi về phản hồi

g. Preparing for their first day

Chuẩn bị cho ngày đầu tiên

h. Making their move

Thực hiện các bước

i. Contacting people for help

Liên lạc mọi người nhờ giúp đỡ

j. Setting goals

Đặt mục tiêu


The following tips may help secondary students to secure work experience at the company of their choice.

1. ________________

Students should assess what they are seeking to achieve. They should also think about their passions, interests, and personal strengths, and how they can apply them as part of the workforce. For example, if students have a passion for music, they may be able to turn that talented to working in a music shop.

2. __________________

Students can create a ‘wish list’ of different types of jobs that they are interested in, and make a list of all of the companies in their local area that they would like to work for.

3. _________________

Students may speak to teachers, family, and friends to see if they know anyone who works for one of their target organisations, because these people may be able to assist them. If students do not have any existing contacts, they may research online for contacts with the company of their choice.

4. _________________

Employers will ask for a student's CV, so students should speak to teachers, family or friends for tips on how to write a CV. They may also get in touch with a recruitment agency for their advice. A CV should include students'contact details and their achievements at school.

5. __________________

Schools or colleges will contact organisations on students' behalf. However, if their school or college does not offer this service, students should consider phoning the companies on their wish list and ask to speak to someone about work experience opportunities. Students may go to the company in person and ask for the relevant contact at reception. They should take copies of their CV with them, because they may be asked to leave one behind.

6. __________________

If students are invited to the company for an interview, they are always advised to dress in a smart manner to impress people.

7. __________________

Students should ask questions about their new work placement. They should know how to get there, what time they should arrive, who to ask for, and if there is anything they need to bring with them.

8     ._________________

Students should always be friendly, open, flexible, and hard-working to impress the company they are working for. They may be asked to do some tasks that are not as interesting as others, but they should  try their best with everything that is given to them.

9. ________________

Students should ask for written feedback so that they have something to show to their future employers. Their school or college may provide them with a feedback form. If they don't, students should ask for feedback on their competencies. These include time management, communication following instructions, customer service, and working with other people.

10   .________________

Once students have completed their work experience they should send the company a thank you letter. The company has invested time and money to have students with them, so students shou d share their feedback and the experience they have had during their time with the company. That way,  if a job opportunity comes up in the future, the company just may call them.

Đáp án:

1.j         2. e         3. i          4. d          5. h

6. c       7. g         8. b         9. f          10. a

2     Find the words or expressions in the text which are closest in meaning to the following. Write them in the correct space. (Tìm các từ hoặc biểu hiện trong văn bản gần nhất trong ý nghĩa như sau. Viết chúng trong chỗ trống chính xác.)

1. a small piece of advice about something practical
một mẫu nhỏ của lời khuyên về một cái gì đó thiết thực

2. to make something change from one thing into another
làm một cái gì đó thay đổi từ một việc thành một việc khác

3. person or thing that people aim at     
người hoặc vật mà mọi người hướng đến

4. an organisation that finds new people to work in a company
một tổ chức mà tìm người mới để làm việc trong một công ty

5. helpful information or criticism
thông tin hữu ích hay lời phê bình

6. a skill needed to do a particular job
một kỹ năng cần để làm một công việc cụ thể

Đáp án:

 1. tip              2. to turn (something) into (something)       

3 . target         4. recruitment agency     

5. feedback      6. competency

3. Read the text again and answer the questions. (Đọc lại bài và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What can students apply as part of the workforce when they leave school?

2. What can they do if they don't have any existing contacts to help them?

3. What should a student's CV include?

4. Why should students bring copies of their CV with them when they go to the companies?

5. What should they do to impress the company they are working for?

6. What kinds of competencies should they ask for feedback on?

7. What message in the last paragraph does the writer want to send to secondary students?

Gợi ý trả lời:

1. They can apply their passions, interests, and strengths as part of the workforce when they leave school.

2. They may research online for contacts with the company of their choice.

3. It should include students'contact details and their achievements at school.

4. They should take copies of their CV with them because they may be asked to leave one behind.

5. They should always be friendly, open, flexible and hard-working. They may be asked to do some tasks that are not as interesting as others, but they should try their best with everything that is given to them.

6. They are time management, communication, following instructions, customer service, and working with other people.

7. When having completed their work experience students should send the company a thank you letter to share their feedback and the experience they have obtained during their time with the company. This is very important for students because it may help them to get a job opportunity from the company in the future