E. Writing – trang 43 Unit 5 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 8 mới

Rewrite the sentences, using the words given. ...

Rewrite the sentences, using the words given.

E. Writing – viết

1. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given.

Viết lại các câu, sử dụng các từ được cho.



1. WHEN the Bedford River Festival is held in Bedford, England, thousands of European visitors come. (Khi Lễ hội sông Bedford được tổ chức ở Bedford, Anh, hàng nghìn du khách châu Âu đến)

2. BECAUSE the Glastonbury Festival is a festival of contemporary performing arts, it has performances of music, dance, theatre, and other arts. (Bởi vì Lễ hội Glastonbury là một lễ hội trình diễn nghệ thuật, có trình diễn âm nhạc, vũ đạo, sân khấu và các loại hình nghệ thuật khác)

3. The funniest part of the Glastonbury Festival is walking through the mud in your boots WHILE you are camping with all of your friends. (Phần vui nhất của Lễ hội Glastonbury là đi giữa bùn với giày của bạn khi bạn đang cắm trại với bạn bè)

4. Vietnamese families believe they will have a prosperous year ahead IF the first person to enter the house is generous and kind-hearted. (Các gia đình Việt Nam tin rằng họ sẽ có một năm thịnh vượng phía trước nếu người đầu tiên vào nhà hào phóng và tốt bụng)

5. ALTHOUGH/ EVEN THOUGH the Glastonbury Festival is loud and wild, you should not miss this exciting music festival. (Mặc dù Lễ hội Glaston rất ồn ào và sôi nổi, bạn không nên bỏ qua lễ hội âm nhạc thú vị)


a. Imagine you have been to the Loy Krathong Festival in Thailand. Use the information in SPEAKING 2 to make notes about what you did and what you like about the festival.

Tưởng tượng bạn đã đến lễ hội Loy Krathong ở Thái Lan. Sử dụng thông tin ở phần Speaking 2 để ghi lại những chi tiết bạn đã làm gì và bạn thích gì về lễ hội.


I joined in with the lantern floating.

I also watched/ saw the...

I really liked the lantern íìoating because...

I also enjoyed the firework displays...

b. Now use the notes to write a letter (80-100 words) to your friend, telling him/ her about what you did and what you like about the festival. Remember to use connectors when, while, because, if, although, even though, however, because, moreover, and, so when necessary.


a. Suggested answers:

I joined in with the lantern floating. (Tôi đã tham gia thả lồng đèn)

I also watched the procession and the boat races. (Tôi cũng xem lễ rước và đua thuyền)

I really liked the lantern floating because I felt I was releasing bad luck; moreover, the river looked beautiful. (Tôi rất thích thả lồng đèn vì tôi cảm giác tôi đã thả đi vận xấu; thêm nữa, dòng sông thật đẹp)

I also enjoyed the firework displays because they looked spectacular. (Tôi cũng thích trình diễn pháo hoa vì chúng trông thật đặc sắc)

b. Sample writing:

Dear Hai,

lt's great to know that your family had a good time in Thailand. We also had a memorable time in Thailand last November. We were lucky to be there right at the time of the Loy Krathong Festival. We joined in with the lantern Aoating, and I liked it very much because I felt I was releasing bad luck when I was doing that; moreover, the river looked beautiful. After that, we all went to see the firework displays. It was so exciting because the displays were colourful and spectacular. Although we were tired the next day, we went to see the procession. I liked that too because it was so impressive. Then there were also some Thai cuisine contests, which were unforgettable because we could taste delicious Thai food. We took a lot of pictures of the food displays. One more thing we liked were the traditional music performances. We even had some pictures taken with the music bands!

Hope to see you soon to show you the pictures we took there.

