10/05/2018, 09:36
Phrasal verb ''Show off''
Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu 'show off' là gì... Nghĩa: khoe khoang, muốn được ngưỡng mộ hay thu hút sự chú ý Ví dụ: 1. Evelyn is always showing off her new clothes. 2. Brittany likes to show off how good she looks since she lost a lot of weight. 3. ...
Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu 'show off' là gì...

Nghĩa: khoe khoang, muốn được ngưỡng mộ hay thu hút sự chú ý
Ví dụ:
1. Evelyn is always showing off her new clothes.
2. Brittany likes to show off how good she looks since she lost a lot of weight.
3. Juan likes to show off how much he can drink, when he goes to parties.
4. Leslie spent all day showing off the diamond ring her boyfriend gave her.
5. Marcos likes to show off his muscles at the gym. He is always lifting really heavy weights and grunting, so that people look at him.
6. My sister loves to show off to her friends. She is always talking about her new iPod and about her trip to Italy.
Về sau chúng ta có thể dùng "show off" để nói về một vấn đề nào đó mà không cần lo bị sai nghĩa.