14/01/2018, 14:56

Một số câu giao tiếp tiếng Anh thường gặp trong đề thi Đại học

Một số câu giao tiếp tiếng Anh thường gặp trong đề thi Đại học Trắc nghiệm giao tiếp tiếng Anh trong đề thi Đại học là tài liệu tiếng Anh cực hay dành cho các em học sinh ôn thi THPT Quốc gia đạt ...

Một số câu giao tiếp tiếng Anh thường gặp trong đề thi Đại học

là tài liệu tiếng Anh cực hay dành cho các em học sinh ôn thi THPT Quốc gia đạt kết quả tốt như mong muốn. Sau đây mời các em cùng làm bài và tham khảo đáp án cụ thể nhé!

Bài tập ôn thi Đại học môn tiếng Anh

Bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh ôn thi đại học

Bài tập từ vựng ôn thi Đại học môn Tiếng Anh

ĐH D1 – 2012

1. Mary: " I"ll never go mountaining again". - Linda: "Me ............".

a. so                       b. too                         c. neither                     d. either

2. Mary : " Thank a lot for your help". - John: " ..................".

a. my happiness      b. my excitement        c. my delight                 d. my pleasure

3. Tom: " When are we leaving for the concert?" - Kyle: " ........................".

a. No problem          b. certainly                 c. that's right                 d. straight away

ĐH A1 2012

4. Lora : "Do you mind if I turn on the fan?" - Maria: " .................."

a. Not for me           b. Not at all                c. Never mind               d. Not enough

5. Tom: "Can I have another cup of tea?" - Christy: " ............."

a. Be yourself          b. Do it yourself          c. Help yourself           d. Allow yourself

6. Ann: "Do you need any help?" - Kate: " ...............".

a. No, thanks, I can manage                    b. I haven't got a clue

c. That's all for now                                   d. That's fine by me


7. Havy: " Thanks for your help, July" - July: " ............."

a. With all my heart               b. Never remind me

c. It's my pleasure               d. wish you


10." Mum. I've got 600 on the TOEFL test" " ................"

a. Good way!           b. you are right            c. Oh,hard luck!             d. Good job!

11. John : "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"

      Laura : " ..............."

a. Of course not, you bet!                   b. Well, that's very surprising

c. There is no doubt about it            d. Yes, it's an absorb idea.

12. Lora: "your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!" - Helen: ." ................"

a. Thanks, I bought it at Macy's        b. It's up to you

c. I'd rather not                                  d. You can say that again

13. " Don't fail to send your parents my regards" - " ........................."

a. You are welcome      b. Good idea, thanks          c. Thanks, I'll          d. It's my pleasure

14. " How do you like your steak done? - " .................."

a. I don't like it much     b. very little                       c. well done             d. very much

CD- 2009

15. "Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer?" - " ..............."

a. Do you think I would?                     b. I wouldn't thank you

c. Yes, you are a good friend              d. Yes, I'd love to, thanks

16. " Wow, what a nice coat you are wearing!" " .........................."

a. Certainly, do you like it, too?           b. I like you to say that

c. Yes, of course, it's expensive         d. Thanks, my mother bought it for me.

17. " I can't speak English well enough to apply for that post" " ....................."

a. Me neither            b. Me too          c. Me either                 d. Me also

18. "Which hat do you like best?" - " ...................."

a. Yes, I like it best                           b. The one I tried on first

c. Which one do you like?                  d. No, I haven't tried any

19. "Our team has just won the last foot ball match." - " ........................."

a. Good idea. Thanks for the news      b. Yes, I guess it's very good

c. Well, that's very surprising!          d. Yes, it's our pleasure

DH- 2008

20. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" - Susan: "..........................."

a. I don't agree, I'am afraid                 b. You're welcome

c. That would be great                     d. I feel very bored

21. Laura: "What a lovely house you have!" - Maria: " ...................."

a. Of course not, It's not costly           b. Thank you. Hope you will drop in

c. I think so                                       d. no problem


22. "Would you mind lending me your bike?" " ......................."

a. Yes, Here it is         b. Not at all         c. Great                         d. Yes, let's

23. "Has an announcement been made about the eight o'clock flight to Paris?" " ........................."

a. Not yet                    b. Yes, It was     c. I don't think that          d. Sorry I don't


24. Anne: " Thanks for the nice gift". - John: " ......................"

a. In fact. I myself don't like it               b. You're welcome

c. I'm glad you like it                            d. but you know how much it costs


25. Harry: "Are you ready, Kate? There's not much time left". - Kate: "Yes, Just a minute......................."

a. No longer            b. I'm coming            c. I'd be OK                d. I won't finish

26. Sue: "Can you help me with my essay?" - Ropert: " ................................"

a. I think that, too    b. Yes, I'm afraid not   c. Not completely       d. Why not?

27. Alfoso: "I had a really good time. Thank for the lovely evening".

      Maria: "............................"

a. Yes, it's really good                   b. No,it's very kind of you

c. I'm glad you enjoyed it            d. Oh that's right

TN- 2007

28. Tom " How did you get there? John :" ....................."

a. I came here last night                b. I came here by train

c. The train is so crowded              d. Is it far from here?

29. Helen: "Congratulations!" - Jane: " ......................."

a. What a pity          b. You are welcome             c. Thank you         d. I'm sorry


30. Margaret: "Could you open the window,please?" - Henry: " ......................"

a. Yes, I can            b. I'm,of course                   c. I feel sorry         d. Yes, with my pleasure

31. Mr Black: "I'd like to try on these shoes,please" - Salesgirl : " ........................"

a. Why not?             b. By all means,sir             c. That's right,sir     d. I'd love to

32. Ben : " ......................" - Jane: " Never mind"

a. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned

b. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?

c. Thank you for being honest with me

d. Congratulations! How wonderful!

33. Bill : "Can I get you another drink?" - Jerry: " ............................."

a. No, it isn't               b. Not just now               c. No, I'll think it over             d. I was given

34. Liz: " Thanks for the nice gift you bought to us!" - Jenifer: "..........................."

a. Not at all , don't mention it                          b. Welcome! it's very nice of you

c. All right. Do you know how much it costs?      d. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it


35. John: "Would you like to have a get- together with us next weekend?" - Mickey: " ........................"

a. No, I won't         b. No, I wouldn't          c. Yes, let's            d. Yes, I'd love to

36. Helen: "Would you rather go to the beach or to the mountain?"

      Kim: " ......................."

a. That's very nice of you               b. The beach definitely

c. I'd love to go                             d. Thanks for the mountains

37. George :" ............................" - Michelle: "Thank you for you compliment"

a. You've done your work             b. This a present for you

c. I'm glad you're well again          d. You look pretty in this dress


38: Sarah: " Oh my God, I've missed the bus!" - Christ: " ............ Another will come here in ten minutes".

a. I hope so          b. Don't mention it             c. Don't worry             d. Thank you

39. Jack : "What's wrong with you?" - Jill: " ....................."

a.Thank you very much                 b. I'm having a slight headache

c. No,I don't care                          d. Yes, I was tired yesterday

40. Mary: "Do you mind if I sit here?" - Laura: " ........................."

a. don't mention it                  b. My pleasure

c. No, not at all                    d. Yes, why not?

DH A1-2013

41. Mai: "Do you want another serving of chicken soup?" - Scott: " ......................"

a. No way       b. No comment                 c. No thanks                 d. No longer

42. Thanh: "Lan's the best singer in our school" - Nadia: "...................."

a. Yes, tell me about it                  b. I can't agree with you more

c. That's ok!                                d. Yes, please


43. Tom : ".............." Mike: " I won't say no".

a. How are things with you, Mike?"

b. What about playing badminton this afternoon

c. Mike, do you know where the scissors are?

d. What's your favorite, tea or coffee?

44. Stephane: "Oh, no! I left my boo at home, can I share your?"

     Scott: " ..................."

a. No thanks              b. No, not at all             c. Yes, I do too           d. Yes, sure!

DH A1 – 2014

45. Lucy: "You look really nice in that red sweater! - Sue: "......................"

a. How dare you!        b. Thank you               c. I'm afraid so            d. Don't mention it

46. Kay: "I don't do that if I were you" - John : " ..................."

a. Wouldn't you? Why?             b. It's out of question

c. I'd rather you didn't                  d. Would you, really?

D1- 2014

47. Phuong Thao: "You must have found reading my essay very tiring".

Ms Lan : " ............... I enjoyed it".

a. Not in the least       b. Just in case           c. at all costs         d. you are welcome

48. Mike : "Need a hand with your suitcase, Jane?" - Jane: " ....................."

a. That's very kind of you        b. Not a chance          c. I don't believe             d. Well done!

49. Dad: "Good luck with the exam, Minh!" - Minh: " .................,Dad"

a. By no means        b. I wish so         c. Thank you            d. Never mind


50. Mike: "So, you have your fifth high-school reunion coming up? - Lane : " ............."

a. Oh, the school reunion was wonderful          b. The food at the reunion was excellent

c. Yes, I'm really looking forward to it          d. No, you're in no mood for the event

51. Ken: " Where is your studying group going to meet next weekend?

     Tom: " .........................."

a. We are too busy on week days            b. The library could be best

c. Why don't you look at the atlas            d. Studying in a group is great fun!