12/01/2018, 16:01

Language Focus - Unit 5 trang 45 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Language Focus - Unit 5 trang 45 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 1.Complete the dialogues with the correct tag. a) JIM:You have read this article on the website, haven’t vow? Lina:Not yet. ...

Language Focus - Unit 5 trang 45 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

1.Complete the dialogues with the correct tag. a) JIM:You have read this article on the website, haven’t vow? Lina:Not yet.


1. Complete the dialogues with the correct tag. 

 (Hoàn thành các đoạn hội thoại với phần câu hỏi đuôi đúng.)

a) Jim: You have read this article on the website, haven’t you?

    Lina: Not yet.

b) Minh: Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926,...?

    Thao: Yes, he did.

c) Thu: A daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1550,...?

     Tri: No, it wasn’t. It was in 1650.

d) Ha: You don’t like playing computer games,...?

    Thanh: Yes, I do. But I don't have much time for it.

e) Mai: We are going to have cable TV soon,...?

    Thang: Yes, I think so.

Trả lời:

a) Jim: You have read this article on the website, haven't you?

Lina: Not yet.

b) Minh: Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926, didn't he?

Thao: Yes, he did

c) Thu: A daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1550, wasn't it?

Tri: No, it wasn’t. It was in 1650.

d) Ha: You don't like playing computer games, do you?

Thanh: Yes, I do. But I don't have much time for it.

e) Mai: We are going to have cable TV soon, aren't we?

Thang: Yes, I think so.

2.Work with a partner. Look at the table. Ask and answer questions about television programs these people like and dislike. Use tag questions.

(Thực hành với một bạn cùng lớp. Hãy nhìn vào bảng. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về chương trình TV mà những người này thích và không thích. Sử dụng câu hỏi đuôi.)

Key: v = like                 x= do not like


a)        A: Tuan likes news, doesn’t he?

           B: Yes, he does.

b)        A: Mai and Anh don't like news, do they?

           B: No, they don't.


Trả lời:

1. A : Tuan likes news, doesn’t he?

    B : Yes, he does.

2. A : Mai and Anh don’t like news, do they?

    B : No, they don’t.

3. A : But Mai and Anh like movies, don't they?

    B : Yes, they do.

4. A : Hanh and Tuan like news, don't they?

    B : Yes, they do.

5. A : Mai and Hanh don't like sports, do they?

    B : No, they don’t.

6. A : Tuan and Hanh don’t like games, do they?

    B : No, they don’t.

7. A : Mai and Anh don’t like English lessons, do they?

    B : No, they don’t.

8. A : Hanh and Mai like cartoons, don’t they?

    B : Yos, they do.

9. A : Anh doesn’t like games, does she?

    B : No. she does.

3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about each item in the box.

(Thực hành với một bạn cùng lớp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về mỗi mục trong khung.)

 soccer                  fishing                movies

detective              candy                 music

Trả lời:


Do you like playing soccer?

- No, I hate it. What about you?

- I like it.


Do you enjoy fishing?

- Yes, I love it. And you?

- I don't know. I've never tried it.


Do you like going to the movies?

- No, I hate it. I enjoy watching films on TV at home.

- Neither do I. i love watching cartoons.

detective stories

Do you like reading detective stories?

- No, I hate it. It's a waste of time. How about you?

- I don't like it, either.


Do you enjoy listening to music?

- Yes, I like it very much, especially classical music.

- Oh, I enjoy listening to it, too.

4 Use the words in the three boxes to write true sentences about your parents, siblings, relatives, friends and yourself.

(Sử dụng các từ trong 3 khung dưới đây để viết thành các câu đúng về bố mẹ, anh chị, người thân, bạn bè của bạn và về chính bạn.)

















Trả lời:

- My father likes watching sports, but my mother doesn’t. She loves listening to music.

- My younger brother enjoys playing computer games, but my sister doesn’t. She likes listening to music.

- My uncle likes reading artices about current subjects, but my aunt doesn’t. She loves reading advertisements.

- My friend Hung loves playing soccer, but my classmate Lan doesn’t. She loves writing letters.

- I myself dislike watching sports, but I loves listening to music.
