10/05/2018, 10:23
IELTS Speaking: Tổng hợp các câu hỏi về chủ đề Music
Music Your Tastes in Music Do you often listen to music? (Similar to above) Do you like listening to music? (Why?/Why not?) (Similar to above) Do you like music? (Why? What kind?/Why not?) (Similar to above) Would you say music is ...

Your Tastes in Music

- Do you often listen to music?
- (Similar to above) Do you like listening to music? (Why?/Why not?)
- (Similar to above) Do you like music? (Why? What kind?/Why not?)
- (Similar to above) Would you say music is important to you? (Why?/Why not?)
- (Similar to above) How important is music to you? (Why?)
- When do you listen to music?
- How does music affect you?
- How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
- What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
- (Similar to above) What kinds of music do you most often listen to?
- What's your favourite kind of music?
- How often do you listen to (that type of) music?
- Has your preference in music (ever) changed?
- When did you start listening to this type of music?
- Where do you listen to it?
- How do you feel when you listen to this music?
- Do you like listening to songs?
- Have you ever been to a musical performance?
- (Similar to above) Have you ever listened to live music?
- Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Do you or do any of your friends know how to play a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Do you play any musical instruments?
- (Similar to above) Is there any musical instrument that you would like to learn?
- If you had the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, what instrument would you learn? (Why?) [If the examiner asks " ...what instrument would you learn?" you should answer, "I would learn the violin." or some similar answer. If the examiner asks you, " ...what instrument would you like to learn?" then you should begin your answer with "I'd like to learn the violin".
- (Similar to above) What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?
- What musical instrument(s) is (are) most popular in Vietnam?
- Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or the violin?
- What musical instrument do you most enjoy listening to ( = enjoy listening to most)? (Why?)
- Have you ever listened to anyone play this instrument? (Who?)
- What benefits do children gain by studying music (learning a musical instrument) (in school)?
- Do you think it's important to learn to play a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Do you think parents should encourage their children to learn a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) What advantages (or, benefits) do you think there are for a child to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Why do some parents want their children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- What musical instrument do children in Vietnam most often learn?
- Do you think schools should teach children how to play a musical instrument?
- Should we teach music to our kids?
- Is music an important subject at school in Vietnam?
- When do children in Vietnam start to study music in school?
- What benefits do children gain by studying music (learning a musical instrument) (in school)?
- Did you like to listen to music when you were a child?
- (Similar to above) Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes, give details.)
- What kinds of music did you like when you were a child?
- Where can you hear children's songs?
- What are some differences between the music you listened to as a child and the music you listen to now?
- (Similar to above) Is the music you like now different to the music you like when you were a kid?
- Do you think it's important for children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Do you think parents should encourage their children to learn a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) What advantages (or, benefits) do you think there are for a child to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- (Similar to above) Why do some parents want their children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
- Is music very important to people in Vietnam?
- (Similar to above) What role does music play in the cultural life of people (or, of society)?
- (Similar to above) Would you say music is an important part of the culture in your country?
- (Similar to above) Does your country have a long musical history?
- Are musicians from your country important to you?
- Are songs in (or, from) your country different to foreign songs?
- What kinds of music are (most) popular in Vietnam?
- How does music affect (or influence) people?
- Compare the music that young people like and the music that old(er) people like.
- (Similar to above) Do retired people like to listen to the same type of music that young people listen to?
- Why do many old people dislike pop music?
- How do you think music will change in the future?