14/01/2018, 19:36

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: Television

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: Television Soạn bài tiếng Anh 6 Thí điểm Unit 7 Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh (Chương trình thí điểm) lớp 6 Unit 7: Television Tham khảo bộ sưu tập Giáo án ...

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: Television

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh (Chương trình thí điểm) lớp 6 Unit 7: Television

Tham khảo bộ sưu tập Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh (Chương trình thí điểm) lớp 6 Unit 7: Television, quý thầy cô giáo sẽ có thêm nguồn tài liệu phong phú cho việc soạn giáo án của mình. Các giáo án sau đây được chúng tôi tổng hợp từ nguồn giáo án do các giáo viên khắp cả nước chia sẻ trên VnDoc.com.

Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: TELEVISION

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: TELEVISION

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới Unit 7: SKILL 1, SKILL 2, LOOKING BACK - PROJECT

Period: 55



The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can:

use some lexical items related to television

listen and read the conversation about television programme

ask and answer questions about TV

talk about likes and dislikes about TV

II. Procedures

1. Warm up: Elicit knowledge from students: Name TV prorammes you like

2. Vocabulary

channel (n) (translation)

TV schedule (n) (picture)

comedy (n) (picture)

educational (adj) (elicit from students)

entertaining (adj) (translation)

3. Practice

3. 1. Activity 1: Listen and read

Comprehension questions

- Let students listen to the recording

- Organize pair work and let Ss practice

- Call on some Ss to give answers

Key: 1. Laughing out Loud           2. VTV3                3. No, they aren't                 4. Because he is awful

5. Tom is stupid but funny

Exercise b (page 7)

- Call on some students to give answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: - Mr Bean: funny, awful

- Tom: stupid, funny

- Jerry: intelligent

Exercise c (page 7)

- Elicit some adjectives from Ss

- Let Ss discuss in groups of 4

- Give feedback and check



- popular, historical, serious, long, educational, boring, funny, good, entertaining, live

- beautiful, small

3. 2. Activity 2 & 3: Vocabulary

* Exercise d (page 7):

- Let Ss discuss in pairs

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. national television                   2. news programme                  3. local television

4. comedy                               5. game show                       6. animal programme

* Exercise e (page 7)

- Let them work in groups of 4

- Call on some students to give answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. national                2. comedy            3. channels          4. competition           5. Cartoons              6. educational

4. Free practice

- Give instruction: Talk about likes and dislikes about TV (page 7)

- Let Ss discuss in groups of 4

- Call on some students to report

- Give feedback

5. Homework - Learn the lesson & Prepare the next lesson: Unit 7 – A closer look 1

Period: 56


The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can:

use some lexical items related to television

pronounce correctly two sounds:/θ/,/ð/

II. Procedures

1. Warm up: Word Puzzle

2. Pre- teach vocabulary

- MC (n) (pictures)

- viewer (n) (picture)

- weatherman (n)(situation)

- newsreader (n) (situation)

- remote control (n) (picture)

3. Practice

3. 1. Vocabulary

* Exercise 2 (page 8)

- Let students do the task in pairs

- Call on some students to give answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. weatherman           2. newsreader          3. remote control         4. MC        5. volume button         6. TV viewer

* Exercise 3: Game: Who?/ What?

+ Each group reads 2 definitions and other group guess who he/ she is or what it is.

+ Example: A: A person who reads out the reports on a television.

B: He is newsreader.

3. 2. Pronunciation

* Exercise 4 (page 8)

- Pronounce two sounds/θ/,/ð/

- Call on some students practice

- Give feedback

* Exercise 5 (page 8)

- Let them listen to the recording and check

Key:/θ/: theatre, thanksgiving, earth, anything, both, through

/ð/: there, them, neither, weatherman, than, feather

* Exercise 6 (page 8): Tongue Twister

- Organize teams

- Let representative of each team practice

- Give feedback

4. Homework

- Learn the lesson

- Do exercises of part A and exercises 1, 2, 3 of part B on pages 4 & 5 in the workbook

Period: 57


The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can:

use wh-questions

use conjunctions to connect words and ideas

II. Procedures

1. Warm up: Chatting using wh-questions

2. Presentation

2. 1. Wh-questions

* Exercise 1 (page 9)

- Ask students to read the dialogue

- Elicit knowledge from students and introduce grammar box (page 9)

2. 2. Conjunctions: But, and, so, because, although

- But/ and: Connect words/ clauses

E. g: He is clever but lazy./ He is clever but he is lazy.

- So/ because/ although: Connect clauses

E. g: I am tired, so I am going to bed early.

He is late for school because he often gets up late.

Although it is rainy, she stills goes to school.

3. Practice

* Exercise 2 (page 9)

- Give instruction

- Let students fill in blanks with wh-words

- Call on some students for answers

- Let them listen and check

Key: 1. How often/ What 2. Who 3. When/ Where

* Exercise 3 (page 10)

- Give instruction

- Ask students to work in pairs

- Call on some students for answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: What/ What/ How many/ Why/ What time/ When/

- Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue for speaking practice

* Exercise 4 (page 10)

- Let students discuss in groups of 4

- Call on some representatives to write answers on board

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. and 2. but 3. although 4. because 5. so

* Exercise 5 (page 10)

- Let students to work in pairs

- Call on some students to write answers on board

- Check: 1-c          2- a          3- e         4- b           5- d

* Exercise 6 (page 10)

- Let students work in group

- Call on some students to write answers on board

- Check: 1. What is the name of the national TV channel?

2. How many hours does it broadcast/ How long is it on?

3. It depends on each student.

4. How much does cable TV cost per month?

5. Who is your favourite TV person?

4. Homework

- Learn the lesson and do exercises 4,5,6,7 on pages 5 & 6 in the workbook

Period: 58


The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can:

know interesting facts about television

read to get information about favourite programme

talk about their favourite programme

II. Procedures

1. Warm up: Game: Guess the names of famous programmes in the world

2. Pre-teach vocabulary and structures

* Vocabulary

3. Practice

Exercise 1:

- Let students work in groups of 4

- Call on some representatives to give answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. Japan            2. Viet Nam             3. Iceland            4. The USA           5. Finland          6. Britain

Exercise 2:

- Let them discuss in groups of 4

- Call on some students to give their opinions

- Give feedback

Exercise 3 a:

- Let students read the passages

- Ask them some questions for comprehension

1. How many TV programmes are there?

2. What are they about?

3. Why are those programmes famous?

Exercise 3b:

- Let students reread the passages and tick the correct programme

- Ask them exchange answers with their partners

- Call on some students for answers

- Give feedback and check

Key: 1. both programmes

2. Let's learn

3. Hello Fatty!

4. Let's learn

5. Hello Fatty!

6. Let's learn

Exercise 4: Free-speaking - Talk about your favourite programme and give reasons

- Let students reread the model passages

- Give example: I like programme "Hello Fatty!" because it educates young audiences.

4. Homework

- Learn the lesson

- Do homework: Part C – Unit 7 in the workbook (pages 6 & 7)

Period: 59


The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can:

read TV schedule to get information about TV programmes and its contents

talk about favourite programme

II. Procedures

1. Warm up: Chatting about TV schedule

2. Pre-reading

* Vocabulary

1. documentary (n) (translation)

2. instructor (n) (translation)

3. skating rink (n) (picture)

5. race (n) (picture)

6. jungle (n) (example)

7. planet (n) (picture)

8. system (n) (translation)

9. discover (v) (translation)

3. While reading

Exercise 1: Read TV schedule

* comprehension questions

1. How many programmes are there in TV schedule?

2. In what programme can we know about planets?

3. When can wee watch animal programme?

Exercise 2:

- Give instruction

- Let students work individually

- Call on some students to give answers

Key: 1. Wheelbarrow Races

2. The Parrot Instructor

3. Yes, we can.

4. A documentary about the colourful living world in the Pacific

5. No, it isn't.

Exercise 3: Game: Lucky number

- Let students work in pairs

- Call on some students for answers

- Give feedback and check

1. Phong: Science: Journey to Jupiter

2. Bob: Comedy: The parrot Instructor

3. Nga: Game show: Children are Always Right

4. Minh: Sports: Wheelbarrow Races

5. Linh: Animals: Ocean Life

4. Post reading: Talk about favourite programmes

- Give instruction

- Give example

- Let students discuss in groups of 4

- Call on some students to practice speaking

- Give feedback

5. Homework

- Learn the lesson

- Do exercises in part D, Unit 7 in workbook