24/05/2018, 15:52

Emergence of quasimetallic state in a disordered two-dimensional electron gas

due to strong interactions The question of mutual influence of long-range Coulombinteractions and disorder in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) attracted a great attention after an unexpected discovery of ...

due to strong interactions

The question of mutual influence of long-range Coulombinteractions and disorder in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) attracted a great attention after an unexpected discovery of metallic state and clear metal-insulator transition by Kravchenko and co-workers.1,2 The very existence of a metallic state with finite conductivity at zero temperature is in conflict with the weak-localization theory,3 which predicts that in 2D even negligible amount of disorder localizes elec-trons at sufficiently low temperature. The theory however was firmly established at weak coupling or for short-range interactions only, while the metallic state exists and the transition was found for rather strong coupling rs 5 Eee /EF ; 10, where Eee is the average interaction energy per elec-tron and EF is the Fermi energy. Therefore Coulomb inter-actions dominate the kinetic energy and cannot be considered ‘‘small.’’ In addition to an obvious difficulty to treat quanti-tatively or even qualitatively the strong coupling, it is not clear which one, disorder or Coulomb interactions, should be considered as a most important cause of the transition to an insulating state (the corresponding insulating state in these cases is of ‘‘Anderson’’ or ‘‘Mott’’ type4). Most probably it results from a nontrivial combination of these interactions.

The standard approach starts with a commonly accepted argument that a long-range Coulomb interaction after ‘‘bubble resummation’’ of the random-phase-approximation (RPA) type5 becomes effectively short range. Therefore one can start the treatment of disorder after this resummation was performed. Disorder is treated within a similar approach in which ‘‘rainbow’’ diagrams6 ‘‘ladders and crossed ladders resummation’’7 (or, more systematically, the ‘‘steepest de-scent’’ approximations8 in the path-integral language9) with interaction being already short ranged. In this way two kinds of massless modes determining the properties of the disordered electron gas are identified: diffusons (describing diffusive nature of the electron motion due to impurities) And Cooperons in the particle-particle channel.

see here for details