14/01/2018, 21:56

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm Phòng GD-ĐT Thái Thụy, Thái Bình năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm Phòng GD-ĐT Thái Thụy, Thái Bình năm học 2015 - 2016 Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2016 Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm năm 2016 ...

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm Phòng GD-ĐT Thái Thụy, Thái Bình năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thí điểm năm 2016

là tài liệu ôn thi học kỳ 2 với nhiều dạng bài tập hay giúp các em học sinh ôn tập hiệu quả. Sau đây mời các em cùng thử sức. 

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Phòng GD-ĐT Châu Thành năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Phòng GD-ĐT Cam Lộ, Quảng Trị năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Cảnh Hóa, Quảng Bình năm học 2015 - 2016






NĂM HỌC  2015 - 2016

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8 - Chương trình Thí điểm

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

I. Find the word with the different underlined sound.

1. A. washed             B. crushed              C. stayed               D. watched

2. A. book                 B. good                   C. food                  D. foot

3. A. face                  B. plane                   C. station                D. travel

II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. imbalance        B. unable                 C. unhealthy           D. impolite

5. A. opportunity      B. competitive          C. communicate      D. unfortunate

III. Choose the correct option A,B,C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A person who . . . . . the bagpipes is called a piper.

A. plays                   B. performs               C. entertains             D. does

7. Don't drink that water. It's . . . . .

A. damaged            B. dumped                C. contaminated        D. pollution

8. The team's success was largely . . . . . to her efforts.

A. because              B. due                      C. since                      D. as

9. We don't have many carnivals in Vietnam; . . . . ., we have many traditional festivals.

A. nevertheless       B. while                     C. although                 D. because

10. When I came, the whole family . . . . . dinner around a big dining table.

A. is having             B. was having           C. had                         D. have

11. While she was dancing, the princess . . . . . a witch.

A. was seeing         B. saw                      C. see                          D. is seeing

12. The government is sending . . . . . to the flood victims.

A. touch                  B. aid                        C. accommodation      D. provision

13. I often drink coffee, but today I . . . . . tea.

A. am drinking        B. drink                     C. drank                       D. drinks

14. By the time we got to the cinema, the film . . . . .

A. started               B. had started           C. starting                    D. starts

15. All our English teachers are . . . . . speakers.

A. native                 B. original                 C. foreign                    D. orginally

16. If you were the president, what . . . . . you do to help the environment ?

A. will                      B. would                   C. do                           D. are

17. When she comes later today, he . . . . . the dinner.

A. cooks                  B. is cooking            C. will be working        D. has cooked

18. If the teacher were here now, we'd ask him the difference . . . . "science" and "technology".

A. among                B. of                         C. between                  D. for

19. Our teacher says that new technology . . . . . many worker jobless in the future.

A. makes                B. is making             C. will make                 D. has made

20. . . . . . ethnic minority people in the village are very friendly.

A. a                         B. the                      C. an                            D. θ

21. The song "The road to glory days" . . . . . by Tran Lap is a very popular song.

A. compose            B. composed            C. composing               D. to compose

22. Alexander Graham Bell was a great . . . . ., who invented the telephone.

A. developer          B. conservationist      C. scientist                   D. explorer

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere (23) . . . . . comprises the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and many smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Neighbouring countries (24) . . . . . Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea (25) . . . . . the north, the Solomon, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the northeast, and New Zealand to the Southeast. Australia (26) . . . . . six states, and two major mainland territories. The (27) . . . . . city of Australia is Canberra. With a population of over 380,000, it's Australia's largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall.

23. A. who               B. where                C. which                D. what

24. A. include          B. contain              C. has                    D. conclude

25. A. on                 B. to                       C. by                      D. at

26. A. has               B. takes                  C. gets                   D. begins

27. A. capital           B. urban                 C. rural                   D. suburb

V. Rewrite the sentences so that it stays the same meaning.

28. You should water these flowers regularly.

These flowers should ...................................................

29. "I have decided to become an astronomer", he said.

He said that ................................................................

30. Let's go abroad for our holiday this year.

Why ........................................................................

31. During dinner, the phone rang.

While I .....................................................................

VI. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

32. New York/ the/ but/ is/ city/ the USA/ the/ in/ not/ biggest/capital./

33. English/ an/language/ Malaysia/ India/ many/ is/ official/ in/ and/ other countries./

34. English speakers/ increasing/ the/ of/ number/ world/ is/ the/ in/ fast./

35. whereas/ capital/ of/ the/ London/ of/ Edinburgh/ capital/ England/ the/ is/ is/ Scotland./

V. Listen carefully and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete each sentence.

36. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?

A. business                       B. pleasure                    C. business and pleasure

37. Where will the woman stay during her trip?

A. at a friend's home        B. at a hotel                   C. at a university dormitory

38. About how long will the woman be in the country?

A. one or two days           B. three or four days      C. more than four days

39. What things are in the woman's luggage?

A. clothing, computer, and books

B. CD player, clothing, and books

C. books, gifts and computer

40. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?

A. Her parents are on the same trip.

B. She enjoys traveling to different countries.

C. She was born in that country