14/01/2018, 19:11

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Phan Ngọc Hiển, Cà Mau năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Phan Ngọc Hiển, Cà Mau năm học 2015 - 2016 Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án Mời các ...

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Phan Ngọc Hiển, Cà Mau năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án

Mời các em học sinh tham khảo  với nhiều dạng bài tập hay có kèm đáp án cụ thể. Sau đây mời các em cùng làm bài nhé!

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 tỉnh Bắc Ninh năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Quốc Oai, Hà Nội năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Liễn Sơn, Vĩnh Phúc năm học 2015 - 2016

I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (0.5 ms)

1. A. manufacture         B. future               C. nursery             D. secure

2. A. unwise                  B. develops          C. values              D. equals

II. Identify the word whose stress position is differently. (0.5 ms)

3. A. proficient              B. preference        C. requirement        D. prefer

4. A. compliment           B. absolute           C. fashionable        D. suppose

III. Identify the mistake from the underlined part. (0.5 ms)

5. The windmill, which (A) has been used (B) for hundreds of years (C) to pump water and grind grains, (D) it is now being redesigned to produce electricity.

6. It (A) would have been (B) better if you (C) wouldn't have argued (D) with him last night.

IV. Identify the best answer to fit the gap. (4,25 ms)

7. Yesterday, we visited the City Museum, ..........I'd never been before.

A. which                       B. that                  C. to where             D. to which

8. Parents are ..........by law to send their children to school.

A. obliged                     B. confided           C. demanded           D. conducted

9. Several years after they ..........up they met again by chance.

A. have split                 B. had split           C. were split            D. had been split

10. The effects of cigarette smoking ..........to be extremely harmful so far.

A. is proved                  B. will be proved   C. are proved           D. have been proved

11. We complained .........the landlord ..........the condition of the house.

A. with- on                    B. to- about          C. to- on                  D. for- about

12. We need some sunshine; so we .........our minds to go abroad this year.

A. turned out                 B. set in               C. made up             D. brought into

13. Tom said that he ..........nothing to upset Daisy the day before.

A. do                            B. did                  C. had done             D. was doing

14. If our work isn't to your .........., please notify us within 60 days.

A. satisfy                      B. satisfactory      C. satisfaction         D. satisfied

15. Is there any chance to have the machinery ..........?

A. repair                        B. be repaired       C. repairing             D. repaired

16. In 1959 the political philosopher Hannah Arendt became the first woman ....... a full professor at Princeton University.

A. to appoint                  B. was appointed   C. to be appointed    D. who be appointed

17. I wish you ..........interrupting me whenever I speak.

A. will stop                    B. would stop         C. stop                    D. had stopped

18. I'd have saved a lot of time and trouble over the years .........then what I know today.

A. if I knew                    B. only had I known

C. I had known               D. had I known

19. ..........accepting your offer, I'd like to know a bit more about the company.

A. In advance                B. In order              C. Until                   D. Before

20. He was offered the job despite his poor ..........

A. achievements            B. preparations       C. qualifications       D. expressions

21. She has been .........work with a bad back since July.

A. on                             B. out                    C. at                        D. off

22. There's not much chance of promotion .........a job like that.

A. in                              B. on                     C. for                       D. with

23. I shall do the job to the best of my ..........

A. capacity                    B. ability                C. knowledge            D. talent

V. Identify the sentence that has the same meaning as the given one above. (0.5 ms)

24. Tom's brother regretted having bought the second-hand laptop.

A. Tom's brother wished he had bought the second-hand laptop.

B. Tom's brother wished he didn't buy the second-hand laptop.

C. Tom's brother wished he hadn't bought the second-hand laptop.

D. If only Tom's brother had bought the second-hand laptop.

25. "Why can't you do your work carefully?" said Henry's boss.

A. Henry's boss asked him not to do his job with care.

B. Henry's boss criticized him for doing the job carelessly.

C. Henry's boss warned him to do the job carefully.

D. Henry's boss suggested him doing the job carelessly.

VI. Identify the phrase or clause to complete sentence. (0.75 ms)

26. ............, you aren't allowed to go sailing on this lake.

A. Although be able to swim             B. Unless you can swim

C. If you weren't able to swim           D. Despite of your swimming

27. As a little boy, .................

A. I used to take my father to the circus.             B. my father used to take me to the circus.

C. I used to be taken to the circus.                      D. my father used to be taken to the circus.

28. Nobody wants to be impolite, but ...............

A. it easy to get wrong in international communicative situations.

B. they are easily to get wrong in international communicative situations.

C. they get wrong easy in international communicative situations.

D. it is getting wrong easily in international communicative situations.

VII. Identify the best words for the blanks of the text. (1.0 m)

The world's first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers. Although it only (29) .............of short, simple scenes, people loved it, and films have been popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to explain the story.
Soon the public had (30) ................favorite actors and actresses and, in this way, the first film stars appeared. In 1927, the first "talkie", a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public would only accept this kind of film.

Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (31) .....most of the world's films were produced. With the arrival of television in the 1950s, (32) ......... people went to see films, but in recent years cinema audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that influence film making and there are currently many national film industries.

29. A. considered          B. consisted                C. held                  D. belonged

30. A. your                    B. their                       C. his                    D. our

31. A. who                    B. which                      C. where               D. when

32. A. other                  B. each                        C. any                  D. fewer

VIII. Read the passage and identify the correct answer. (1.0 m)

The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they are saying. We use body movement, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice to communicate with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are culturally specific and may mean different things in different countries.

If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say NO and shake it to say YES- the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.

In France, you shouldn't rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands in your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles of your feet or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right hand because they use their left hands when going to the bathroom.

In Bangladesh, the "thumbs-up" is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping, and in India, whistling in public is considered rude.

In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you have enjoyed it. The "OK" sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means "everything is good" in the West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a rude gesture.

33. People nod their head to say no in ............

A. Belgium                   B. France                    C. Bulgaria                 D. Japan

34. In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left hands .............

A. when preparing the meal                              B. to put in their pockets

C. to clean their tables and chairs                     D. when going to the bathroom

35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.

B. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping.

C. In China, the "OK" sign means money.

D. In France, people shouldn't rest their feet on tables.

36. The word "others" in paragraph 3 refers to .............

A. other feet                B. other people                C. other soles              D. other shoes

IX. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning as the first one. (2.0 ms)

37. Rose started working for that firm six years ago.

Rose has ................................................................................................

38. "I would say nothing about it if I were you."

My brother advised ....................................................................................

39. "I'm really sorry I got the message wrong."

She apologized ..........................................................................................

40. But for the view, this would be a lovely room.

If it .........................................................................................................

----The end---


I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (0.5 ms)

1. C. nursery                 2. B. develops

II. Identify the word whose stress position is differently. (0.5 ms)

3. B. preference            4. D. suppose

III. Identify the mistake from the underlined part. (0.5 ms)

5. (D) it is now being      6. (C) wouldn't have

IV. Identify the best answer to fit the gap. (4,25 ms)

7. D. to which         8. A. obliged                    9. B. had split             10. D. have been proved

11. B. to- about      12. C. made up                13. C. had done           14. C. satisfaction

15. D. repaired       16. C. to be appointed       17. B. would stop

18. D. had I known 19. D. Before                    20. C. qualifications

21. D. off               22. A. in                           23. B. ability

V. Identify the sentence that has the same meaning as the .... (0.5 ms)

24. C. Tom's brother wished he hadn't bought the second-hand laptop.

25. B. Henry's boss criticized him for doing the job carelessly.

VI. Identify the phrase or clause to complete sentence. (0.75 ms)

26. B. Unless you can swim 27. C. I used to be taken to the circus.

28. B. they are easily to get wrong in international communicative situations.

VII. Identify the best words for the blanks of the text. (1.0 m)

29. B. consisted          30. B. their

31. C. where                32. D. fewer

VIII. Read the passage and identify the correct answer. (1.0 m)

33. C. Bulgaria             34. D. when going to the bathroom

35. C. In China, the "OK" sign means money.

36. B. other people

IX. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning as the first one. (2.0 ms)

37. Rose has been working for that firm for six years.

(Rose has worked for that firm for six years.)

38. My brother advised me not to say anything about it.

39. She apologized for getting the message wrong.

(......................having got ....................)

40. If it were not for the view, this would be a lovely room.