Coulomb blockade and negative differential conductance in metallic
double-dot devices Single-electron tunneling devices based on the Coulomb blockade enable the manipulation of per-electron currents. Because of high charge sensitivity, low-power dissipation, and high packing ...
double-dot devices
Single-electron tunneling devices based on the Coulomb blockade enable the manipulation of per-electron currents. Because of high charge sensitivity, low-power dissipation, and high packing density, these structures are proposed for future generations of computational technology and are therefore being extensively investigated both experimentally and theoretically.
Recently, Junno et al.1 have reported interesting data of differential-conductance measurements for a gold double-dot device. The gold dot is so small that the charging energy is as high as 80 me V, and the Coulomb blockade can be well recognized even at a liquid-nitrogen temperature. The honeycomb stability diagram, typical for the pump devices as designed by Pothier et al.,2 has been clearly observed at a liquid-helium temperature. The specificity of the device mea-sured is that there exists an essential cross coupling between a dot and the gate belonging to the other dot [cf., the capacitances C12 and C21 in Fig. 1], which results in a diagonal stretching of the honeycomb cell. An asymmetry of the two junctions, coupling dots to leads, i.e., a difference betweencapacitances Cs and Cd in Fig. 1, is also believed to make the cells skewed and to yield a distinct Coulomb staircase in the current-voltage sI -Vd curves. The charging diagrams have been also measured for silicon germanium double-quantum dots3 but with a focus on the role of electrostatic gates.
The aim of this work is (i) to describe systematically the zero-temperature stability diagrams for the device measured in Ref. 1 and (ii) to simulate the I -V characteristics in the same device, taking into account the finite temperature and the offset charge effects. The results obtained, while describ-ing the experimental data quite well, show a rich variety of features on both the stability diagrams and the I -V curves in dependence on the device parameters. In particular, we find that a negative differential conductance (NDC) of different phases, including a second or a multiple Coulomb gap, canbe manipulated at low temperatures when the coupling capacitances are set with the appropriate values.
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