14/01/2018, 18:51

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION có đáp án

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION có đáp án Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 có đáp án Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN Để giúp các em có thêm nhiều dạng bài tập tiếng Anh ...

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION có đáp án

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN

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Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION

Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION

Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION có đáp án


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. a. limit

b. figure

c. iron

d. billion

a. great

b. available

c. raise

d. said

a. decreased 

b. used 

c. reached 

d. developed

a. program

b. earth

c. birth

d. produce

a. double

b. govern

c. punish

d. control


A. Choose the one word or phrase -a, b, c, or d-that best completes sentences.

1. Like many other baby birds, ducklings are blind _______ birth.

a. of                      b. at                       c. on                 d. from

2. Lack _______ food had stunted his growth.

a. of                        b. in                         c. for                d. on

3. Nigeria has a population _______ nearly 100 million.

a. about                   b. in                          c. of                   d. with

4. The rapid growth of population led to an acute _______ of housing.

a. shortfall              b. shortcut                 c. shortcoming          d. shortage

5. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous _______.

a. amount                    b. rate                  c. figure               d. way

6. One third of the world's population _______ two thirds of the world's resources.

a. drains                       b. absorbs               c. consumes             d. supports

7. Better health care and agriculture have led to rapid population _______.

a. grow                   b. growing                      c. grown             d. growth

8. Pressure on natural resourses will _______ as we face a population explosion.

a. increase                 b. decrease                   c. decline                  d. raise

9. Her first novel has been _______ acclaimed as a masterpiece.

a. nation                     b. national                     c. international              d. internationally

10. Our school has managed to collect a lot of books to _______ to the children in a village school.

a. publish                      b. distribute                  c. employ               d. depart

B. Choose the one word or phrase -a, b, c, or d- that best completes the sentences.

11. If the technology _______ available, we would be able to expand the business.

a. would become                 b. were become                 c. had become              d. Became

12. If the North Sea _______ in winter, you could walk from London to Oslo.

a. happened to freeze              b. froze

c. should freeze                        d. should happen to freeze

13. It would have been a much more serious accident _____ fast at the time.

a. was she driving                 b. had she been driving

c. she had driven                       d. if she drove

14. If you _______ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess now.

a. listen                b. will listen                   c. had listened                d. listened

15. I'll give you a lift if it _______.

a. is raining                  b. rained                    c. will rain              d. had rained

16. If I _______ a more reliable car, I ___________ to Spain rather than fly.

a. would have - would drive                 b. had - had driven

c. had - would drive                           d. would have had - would drive

17. I _______ you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital.

a. would have visited                   b. had visited                    c. visited                d. visit

18. They couldn't decide _______ it was worth re-sitting the exam.

a. if                            b. whether                      c. if or not                  d. whether not

19. _______ how difficult the job was, I mightn't have taken it.

a. If I know                   b. If I would know                      c. Did I know                   d. Had I known

20. ____ in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash.

a. Were I not                      b. Was I not                       c. Weren't I               d. If I am not


A. Fill in each blank space with one appropriate word from the box.

mortality               expanding              growth              increasing            reach             decline

population                   even                      slightly                  life              variations     available


Projections issued in 2000 showed the world population (31) ______ from 6. 1 billion in 2000, to 7. 9 billion in 2050. "High" and "low" projections for 2025 are 8. 4 billion and 7. 5 billion respectively. The average world birth rate is projected to (32) ______ from the 1990 level of 26 per 1,000 to 22 per 1,000 at the. end of the century and to 17. 6 per 1,000 in 2025 (corresponding to a fall in TFH from 3. 3 in 1990 to 2. 1 in 2025). Because of the (33) _______ share of the population at high-mortality ages, the average world death Tate is expected to decline only (34) _______; from 9 (per 1,000) in 1990 to 8. 4 in 2025. Average world (35) _______ expectancy, however, is projected to rise from 65 years in 1990 to 71. 3 years in 2025. Wide (36) ______ in population growth will undoubtedly persist. In the developed world, population growth will continue to be very low and in some nations will (37) _______ decline. Western Europe as a whole is projected to have a declining population after 2000. U. S. Census Bureau projections, assuming middle fertility and (38) _______ levels, show U. S. (39) _______ increasing from 250 million in' 1990 to 349 million in 2025 and 420 million in 2050. Thereafter, (40) _______ would be virtually zero.

B. Read the passage, then choose the correct answers.

No one knows the limits of population that the earth can support. Thomas Malthus, an English economist, developed a theory that became widely accepted in the nineteenth century. He suggested that because world population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply, a continual strain was exerted upon available resources. Malthus cited wars, famines, epidemics, and other diseases as the usual limitations of population growth.

With recent advances in science and technology, including improved agricultural methods and great strides in medicine, some of the limiting factors in population growth have been lessened, with obvious results.

International organizations have put forward several recommendations to alleviate the problem of overpopulation, including an increase in food production, general economic development in target areas, and a decrease in birth rate. Most experts agree that it will be necessary to combine all three recommendations in an effort to affect a lasting solution.

41. It was suggested by Thomas Malthus that _______.

a. food was in short supply because of population increase

b. The rapid growth of population led to an acute shortage of natural resources

c. Rapid population growth put a great strain on available resources

d. Pressures on natural resources will increase as we face a population explosion

42. Which of the following was not mentioned as the usual limitations of population growth?

a. wars                     b. epidemics

c. famines               d. agricultural methods

43. According to the passage, why has overpopulation been caused?

a. Improved technology                      b. Disasters                    c. Scarcity                   d. Precaution

44. What do most experts recommend in order to solve problems of overpopulation?

a. Famine and epidemic

b. Economic development and a decline in birth rate

c. Medical advance and improved agricultural methods

d. Conservation of available resources

45. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

a. The earth have enough resources to support all of its population.

b. The theory developed by Thomas Malthus was believed by most people in the 19th century.

c. Medical advance has lessened some of the limiting factors in population growth.

d. International organizations arc seeking a lasting solution to the overpopulation problem.


From the four phrases -a, b, c or d- choose the one that best completes the sentence.

46. _______ daily promotes physical as well as emotional well-being in people of all ages.

a. Having exercised               b. Those who exercise

c. For exercising                     d. Exercising

47. Not until the seventeenth century ______ to measure the speed of light.

a. anyone did even attempt                b. did anyone even attempt

c. did even attempt anyone                             d. even did anyone attempt

48. It is a fact that _______ form of energy.

a. electricity being the most useful                 b. electricity the most useful

c. the most useful in electricity                      d. electricity is the most useful

49. After seeing a movie based on a novel, _______.

a. many people want to read the book

b. the reading of the book interests many people.

c. the book was read by many people

d. the book made many people want to read it

50. When _______ is not known.

a. was the wheel invented                 b. the invention of the wheel

c. the wheel was invented                  d. it was invented the wheel