14/01/2018, 14:05

Bài tập trắc nghiệm phần so sánh trong Tiếng Anh

Bài tập trắc nghiệm phần so sánh trong Tiếng Anh Bài tập tiếng Anh gồm các dạng bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao sẽ giúp bạn có nhiều dạng bài tập để luyện tập, ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức về câu so ...

Bài tập trắc nghiệm phần so sánh trong Tiếng Anh

 gồm các dạng bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao sẽ giúp bạn có nhiều dạng bài tập để luyện tập, ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức về câu so sánh. Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm về thì trong Tiếng Anh

Bài tập viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh

Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps.

1. Today is a ................ day. The sun shines all the time.

a. windy             b. sunny             c. cloudy                d. rainy

2. Ba is a hard- working student and he works ...................... on all the subjects .

a. hard              b. slowly             c. carelessly           d. carefully

3. In the South of Viet Nam, there are only two ............. a year.

a. times             b. days             c. seasons              d. periods

4. It is very .............. because the wind blows quite hard.

a. sunny             b. rainy             c. snowy                 d. windy

5. In class you must listen .................. to the teacher.

a. hardly            b. boringly          c. carelessly             d. carefully

6. The children are playing ................. . They should be quite.

a. quietly             b. eagerly             c. happily             d. noisily

7. In the sunny season, the .............. shine(s) almost all the days.

a. snow             b. clouds             c. floods             d. sun

8. The ................ today is higher than yesterday. It must be over 37 C .

a. degree             b. level             c. humidity             d. temperature

9. Viet Nam has a tropical...................

a. climate             b. weather             c. temperature             d. season

10. My mother can dance very .............. She is a professional dancer.

a. sweetly             b . softly             c. loudly             d. beautifully

11. In Viet Nam , it is normally................ in the South than in the North.

a. hot             b. hotter             c. hottest             d. hoter

12. The food is ............... than the last time I ate it.

a. badder             b. bad             c. worse             d. worst

13. Ho Chi Minh city is .............. than Hanoi.

a. big             . bigger             c. biggest             d. biger

14. Children often learn very .................... things around them.

a. quickly             b. quicker             c. quickest             d. quick

15. She can not sing ............... but she can play the piano beautifully.

a. good             b. best             c. goodly             d. well

16. Helen always ............. with John in every school dancing competition.

a. dances             b. dance             c. dancing             d, danced

17. It ............... dangerous to swim in deep rivers.

a. are             b. is             c. being             d. be

18. The boy ................. at home yesterday evening.

a. stay             b. staying             c. stayed             d. stays

19. Last time, he .................. very slowly.

a. driving             b. drove             c. driven             d. drived

20. I now .............. speak English perfectly.

a. can             b. was             c. could             d. did

21. Jack is now ................. than he used to be.

a. happy             b. happier             c. happiest             d. happyer

22. The tourist company was .............. down the street than I had thought.

a. farther             b. far             c. farer             d. farest

23. There is nothing ............ than going swimming in hot weather.

a. gooder             b. good             c. better             d. best

24. He tried very ........... but still failled the exame.

a. hardly             b. hard             c. harder             d. hardest

25. She came to school ........... and had to stand outside for 15 minutes.

a. late             b. lately             c. latest             d. latter

26. He was ................ successful with the business.

a. complete             b. completion             c. completeness             d. completely

27. I ........... everything will be all right soon.

a. hope             b. hopes             c. hoping             d. hoped

28. I often ................. up early in the morning.

a. gets             b. getting             c. got             d. get

29. Lan ................ you some minutes ago.

a. phones             b. phoning             c. phoned             d. phone

30. Don’t ........... the door open when you go out.

a. leave             b. leaves             c. leaving             d. left

31. David’s school ........... is very bad this term.

a. report             b. period             c. day             d. semester

32. The ............. this year are longer and more difficult than those last year.

a. schools             b. notebooks             c. time             d. lessons

33. Our friends are more .................. than us .

a. difficult             b. intelligent             c. easy             d. tall

34. Lan, how are you doing this ............?

a. school             b. day             c. class             d. term

35. He can do better than the ........... in his group.

a. everyone             b. another             c. all             d. others

36. Tuan writes more .............. with fewer mistakes than the previous term.

a. careless             b. careful             c. carefully             d. carelessly

37. My father is happy because I get ............... results at school.

a. bad             b. good             c. intelligent             d. well

38. Peter does better at school because he works ......................

a. harder             b. more carelessly             c. more lazily             d. worse

39. He can do sums more ................... and read faster.

a. badly             b. quickly             c. difficultly             d. fastly

40. I can dance more ...................... than my friends.

a. fluently             b. attentively             c. interestingly             d. gracefully

41. Mary is in ................ 8 in St Mary secondary school.
a. age             b. level             c. grade             d, step

42. She is very ............. pupil. She spends most of her time studying.

a. hard- working             b. difficult             c. hard             d. easy

43. They always complete all their .................. before going to bed.

a. things             b. homework             c. book             d. activities

44. He is very good at ................ He can do sums more quickly than the other pupils in his class.

a. literature            b. maths             c. geography             d. English

45. Mary rarely makes ................ when she writes.

a. mistakes             b. fault             c. things             d. sums

46. I often go to the school .................. to borrow books in my free time.

a. library             b. yard             c. room             d. class

47. He always helps his friends with .............. exercises.

a. easy            b. bad             c. difficult             d. short

48. Her parents are .............. because she often gets bad marks in the exams.

a, happy             b. disapponinted             c. tired             d. boring

49. I am interested in natural science subjects like mathematics, physics and .................

a. England             b. literature             c. chemistry             d. language

50. In her free time, Jane often plays the ..............

a. piano             b. football             c. game             d. basket ball

51. My English this term is ............. than that of last year.

a. good               b. gooder               c. better                 d. best

52. Her math result is .............. than her English result.

a. bad                b. badly                  c. worse                d. well

53. Detective books are..................... than science fiction ones.

a. more interesting            b. interestingly                c. interstinger              d. interesting

54. Lan is ................... than her sister.

a. lazy                       b. lazily                           c. lazier                         d. lazilier

55. He feels ........... than last year because his study results are .....................

a. happy/ good          b. happier/ gooder             c. more happy/more good           d. happier/better

56. He is ............. at maths than at any other subjects.

a. better                  b. more good               c. goodlier                  d. gooder

57. Phuong can speak English ........... than Minh.

a. more fluent          b. fluently                   c. fluent                    d. more fluently

58. Her voice is ................. than her sister's/.

a. beautiful              b. more beautiful         c. beautifully            d. more beautifully

59. Her literature result is much ................... than it was last year.

a. good                  b. well                        c. more well              d. better

60. Cinderrella danced ............... than any other girls at the ball.

a. more graceful     b. gracefuler               c. gracefully               d. more gracefully