Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 5: Study Habits

Unit 5: Study Habits I.Chọn đáp án đúng 1.The baby is sleeping _________. A. sound B. soundly 2.Lanka had _________ recovered from her car accident last week. A. full B. fully 3.The policeman fined him as he drove the car too _________. A. ...

Unit 5: Study Habits

I.Chọn đáp án đúng

1.The baby is sleeping _________.

A. sound

B. soundly

2.Lanka had _________ recovered from her car accident last week.

A. full

B. fully

3.The policeman fined him as he drove the car too _________.

A. fast

B. fastly

4.The new operation system went _________ wrong.

A. horriblely

B. horribly

5.He won a silver medal because he played very _________.

A. goodly

B. well

6.Residents are reacting _________ to the new government’s law.

A. angryly

B. angrily

7.Jerry is not a responsible manager. She often comes to work _________.

A. late

B. lately

8.Riko and Sami lived _________ ever after.

A. happyly

B. happily

9.They waited outside for 2 hours because they came to the meeting too _________.

A. early

B. earlily

10.Maria _________ succeeded in her own business.

A. fantasticly

B. fantastically

II.Sử dụng động từ tường thuật cho sẵn trong ngoặc để chuyển các câu trực tiếp sau sang câu gián tiếp.

0. "Can you paint the wall blue?" Julian said to Peter. (ask)

Julian asked Peter to paint the wall blue.

1."Do not smoke in no-smoking areas," the waiter said to me. (ask)

2."Can you help me close the door, please?" Susie asked Tim. (ask)

3."Please fasten your safety belts before take-off," the flight attendant said to passengers. (tell)

4."Be quiet," the teacher said to his students. (ask)

5."You should go to bed early," Mom told me. (advise)

6."Can you submit your homework on Monday?" the teacher asked his students. (ask)

7."Stop playing stupid computer games!" said his father. (ask)

8."You should stay inside because of the heavy storm," Mr. Hodge said to Harry. (tell)

9."Don’t walk on the grass," the park attendant told kids. (tell)

10."Go to class on time." the teacher asked the students. (ask)

III. Rewrite following sentences so that the meaning stay the same.

1."If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this car"

-> He advised..................................................................................................................

2."Shall I carry your suicase, Lan?"said Nam.

-> Nam offered..............................................................................................................

3."Yes, all right, I’ll share the food with you, Dave."

-> Ann agreed...................................................................................................................

4."Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?"

-> Paul reminded.....................................................................................................................

5."Don’t touch anything in this room", the man said to the children.

-> The man ordered..................................................................................................................

6."I must go home to make the dinner", said Mary.

-> Mary....................................................................................................................................

7."Are you going to Ho Chi Minh City next week?"Tom asked me.

-> Tom asked..............................................................................................................................

8."Have you finished your homework?"Mom asked.

-> Mom asked if........................................................................................................................

9.She said to me:"I can’t do it by myself"

-> She told me that....................................................................................................................

10."Does your brother live in London,Nam?"Lan asked.

-> Lan wanted to know if........................................................................................................

11."Don’t repeat this mistake again."his father warned him.

-> His father warned him.......................................................................................................

12."Give me a smile,"The photographer said to me.

-> The.....................................................................................................................................

13."Don’t leave these book on the table" ,the librarian said to the students

-> The librarian told the students.................................................................................................

14."Have you travelled abroad much?"he asked me.

-> He.......................................................................................................................................

15."Who has written this note?" the boss asked the secretary.

-> The boss asked.....................................................................................................................

16."I have just received a postcard from my sister,"my friend said to me.

-> My friend told me...............................................................................................................

17."This story happened long ago"he said.

->He said...................................................................................................................................

18. "Don't repeat this mistake again!" the instructor warned the sports¬man. .............................................................................................................................................

IV. Chuyển sang câu gián tiếp.

19. "Leave your address with the secretary," the assistant said to me. ............................................................................................................................................

20. "Phone to me for an answer tomorrow" the manager said to the client. ...........................................................................................................................................

21."Don't be so silly," the father said to the kid. ...........................................................................................................................................

22. "Give a smile," the photographer said to me. ........................................................................................................................................

23."Please, help me to make a decision," Ann asked her friend


24."Don't leave these books on the table, put them back on the shelf," the librarian said to the student. ..........................................................................................................................................

25."Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes," the nurse said to the child. .............................................................................................................................................

26. "Leave your things here," my companion advised me. .............................................................................................................................................

27. "Don't discuss this question now," said the chairman to the participants.


28. "Will it be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather doesn't change for the better?" we asked the guide. ...........................................................................................................................................

29.The porter said to me, "I'll wake you up, when the train arrives in Leeds." .............................................................................................................................................

30. My wife said to me: "While you are away, I'll do the packing." ..........................................................................................................................................

31."Don't leave until I phone you," he asked me. ...........................................................................................................................................

32. "After he leaves hospital, they'll take him to the South," the doctor said. ..........................................................................................................................................

33. "They'll wait for the fisherman to return until it gets dark," the local man explained to me. ..........................................................................................................................................

34.As soon as I hear from him, I'll let you know," my neighbour said to me. ............................................................................................................................................

35. I’ll live in town till my husband returns from the expedition and when he returns, we'll go to the seaside together," she said. ..........................................................................................................................................

Đáp án


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 - B

9 - A


1. The waiter asked me not to smoke in no-smoling areas.

2. Susie asked Tim to help her close the door.

3. The flight-attendant told passengers to fasten their safety belts before take-off.

4. The teacher asked his students to be quiet.

5. Mom advised me to go to bed early.

6. The teacher asked his students to submit their homework on Monday.

7. His father asked him to stop playing stupid computer games.

8. Mr. Hodge told Harry to stay inside because of the heavy storm

9. The park attendant told kids not to walk on the grass.

10. The teacher asked the students to go to class on time.


1.He advised me not to buy that car.

2.Nam offered to carry Lan’s suitcase.

3.Ann agreed to share the food with Dave.

4.Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.

5.The man ordered the children not to touch anything in that room.

6.Mary said that she had to go home to make the dinner.

7.Tom asked me if/whether I was going to Ho Chi Minh City the next week/the following week.

8.Mom asked if I had finished my homework.

9.She told me that she couldn’t do it by herself.

10.Lan wanted to know if Nam’s brother lived in London.

11.His father warned him not to repeat that mistake again.

12.The photographer told me to give him a smile.

13. The librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table.

14.He asked me if I had travelled abroad much.

15.The boss asked the secretaty who had written that note.

16.My friend told me she had just received a postcast from his sister.

17.He said that story had happened long before

18.The insructor warned the sportsman not to repeat that mistake again.


19.The assistant told me to leave the address with the secretary.

20.The manager asked the client to phone to him for an answer the next day/the following day.

21.The father told the kid not to be so silly.

22.The photographer told me to give a smile.

23.Ann asked/begged her friend to help her make a decision.

24.The librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table,but to put them back on the shelf.

25.The nurse told the child to be a good girl and to sit quietly for five minutes.

26.My companion advised me to leave my things there.

27.The chairman asked the participants not to discuss that question at the moment.

28.We asked the guide if it would be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather didn’t changed for the better.

29.The porter told me he would wake me up when the train arrived in Leeds.

30.My wife told me that she would do the packing while I was away.

31.He told me not to leave until he phoned me.

32.The doctor said that after he left hospital they would take him to the South.

33.The local man explained to me that they would wait for the fisherman to return until it got dark.

34.My neighbour told me she would let me know as soon as she heard from him./ -My neighbour promised to let me know as soon as she heard from him.

35.She said that she would live in town untilher husband returned from the expedition and that when he returned,they would go to the seaside together.

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