Writting: Cooperation And Competition

Writting: Cooperation and competition Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Hợp tác và Cạnh tranh nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó Two basic ways of learning are ...

Writting: Cooperation and competition

Tham khảo bài viết ngắn dưới đây về chủ đề Hợp tác và Cạnh tranh nha các bạn. Luyện kỹ năng Writting  bằng những bài viết ngắn theo chủ đề sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tốt hơn đó 

Two basic ways of learning are cooperation - meaning to study with other students, and competition - meaning to study alone. Each way has both its advantages and disadvantages. First, for studying with others.  We can exchange our ideas on the subjects so we may understand the matters deeply. We can also learn experiences from the others to improve ourselves. But studying in a group where academic standard is not the same can widen the gap between good students and bad ones.

Good students are usually more active so they work more while slow-witted students tend to be shy and even not to work, which makes group discussion not very effective. Second, for studying alone. We can concentrate much more on our lessons so we remember them longer, and sometimes we even come up with something new, such as a way of appreciation a poem or a solution to problem. However, studying alone is a littte boring and can cause stress if we have to face too difficult problems. Studying alone is appropriate for some certain subjects like literature with writings; and group studying is appropriate for some others like learning fogrein languages. Therefore we had better balance these two ways to get a good result.